Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I have added a new feature to our blog.

Under the links section on the right is a section titled "recent bookmarks".

From now on when I am browsing the net and I find a site or page that I think people will be interested in I will add it to my bookmarks and tag it as being for the blog.

I have a system set up so that those bookmarks I tag will automatically be added to the new bookmarks section. As new ones are added old ones will be removed.

I highly recommend watching "The Sad Song" video from the Fredo Viola site.

Google Announces Plan To Destroy All Information It Can't Index

wink wink

Design your own LEGO kit

When I was a kid we had to use legos someone else designed....

Monday, August 29, 2005

Do what you will but... know you are vain if you get a sex change and go back in time so
you can have sex with yourself.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Herald Park Tomorrow

Those of you who are comming to Herald Park tomorrow, meet at Ang, Bryce and Dave's house around 9:45, we will be leaving by 10:00. Bring your beach stuff and i will be bringing lunch, I will divde the cost by the number of people coming. So far its Ang, Bryce, Dave, Issac, Joel, me, I think Cam and Shawn, I not sure who else, but if you are coming see you tomorrow

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Remember Us?

We're back and looking for something to do on the September long weekend. Are there any plans in the making? Our house is always open. Or, we could all go way out of town and sadly have to miss our invitation to Matt's mom's house.

Matt got fourth place in the Magic tournament in Vancouver on the weekend!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Tuesday Beach day?

Are we having Tuesday Beach day tomorrow (Aug 23)? Bryce, I enjoyed your post from Dave Barry. Funny...true, but funny.


This coming Thursday night!!!! BRING YOUR PJ'S

At Grand central station (Ang's house), I am off work all day so when ever you want to show up in the afternoon, early evening.

Bring: Movies (chick flicks), games, snacks

probably just do BYOB... because I am too busy to coordinate any alcoholic beverages this week..

We can do what we did for the beach day and get some raspberry vodka and mix it with slushes again... those were GOOD!!!!

You can all crash here.. if you need to... NO Drinking and driving!! We can see if some of the guy's will drive you home too!! Isaac will be home from work at 6am and will need his couch though.

From here on, let women kill their own spiders

According to Dave Barry:

From time to time, I receive letters from a certain group of individuals that I will describe, for want of a better term, as ''women.'' I have such a letter here, from a Susie Walker, of North Augusta, S.C., who asks the following question:

'Why do men open a drawer and say, `Where is the spatula?' Instead of, you know, looking for it?''

This question expresses a commonly held (by women) negative stereotype about guys of the male gender, which is that they cannot find things around the house, especially things in the kitchen. Many women believe that if you want to hide something from a man, all you have to do is put it in plain sight in the refrigerator, and he will never, ever find it, as evidenced by the fact that a man can open a refrigerator containing 463 pounds of assorted meats, poultry, cold cuts, condiments, vegetables, frozen dinners, snack foods, desserts, etc., and ask, with no irony whatsoever, ``Do we have anything to eat?''

Now, I COULD respond to this stereotype in a snide manner by making generalizations about women. I could ask, for example, how come your average woman prepares for virtually every upcoming event in her life, including dental appointments, by buying new shoes, even if she already owns as many pairs as the entire Riverdance troupe. I could point out that, if there were no women, there would be no such thing as Leonardo DiCaprio. I could ask why a woman would walk up to a perfectly innocent man who is minding his own business watching basketball and demand to know if a certain pair of pants makes her butt look too big, and then, no matter what he answers, get mad at him. I could ask why, according to the best scientific estimates, 93 percent of the nation's severely limited bathroom-storage space is taken up by decades-old, mostly empty tubes labeled ''moisturizer.'' I could point out that, to judge from the covers of countless women's magazines, the two topics most interesting to women are (1) Why men are all disgusting pigs, and (2) How to attract men.

Yes, I could raise these issues in response to the question asked by Susie Walker, of North Augusta, S.C., regarding the man who was asking where the spatula was. I could even ask WHY this particular man might be looking for the spatula. Could it be that he needs a spatula to kill a spider, because, while he was innocently watching basketball and minding his own business, a member of another major gender -- a gender that refuses to personally kill spiders but wants them all dead -- DEMANDED that he kill the spider, which nine times out of 10 turns out to be a male spider that was minding its own business? Do you realize how many men arrive in hospital emergency rooms every year, sometimes still gripping their spatulas, suffering from painful spider-inflicted injuries? I don't have the exact statistics right here, but I bet they are chilling.

As I say, I could raise these issues and resort to the kind of negativity indulged in by Susie Walker, of North Augusta, S.C. But I choose not to. I choose, instead, to address her question seriously, in hopes that, by improving the communication between the genders, all human beings -- both men and women, together -- will come to a better understanding of how dense women can be sometimes.

I say this because there is an excellent reason why a man would open the spatula drawer and, without looking for the spatula, ask where the spatula is: The man does not have TIME to look for the spatula. Why? Because HE IS BUSY THINKING. Men are ALMOST ALWAYS thinking. When you look at a man who appears to be merely scratching himself, rest assured that inside his head, his brain is humming like a high-powered computer, processing millions of pieces of information and producing important insights such as, ``This feels good!''

We should be grateful that men think so much, because over the years they have thought up countless inventions that have made life better for all people, everywhere. The shot clock in basketball is one example. Another one is underwear-eating bacteria. I found out about this thanks to the many alert readers who sent me an article from ''New Scientist'' magazine stating that Russian scientists -- and you KNOW these are guy scientists -- are trying to solve the problem of waste disposal aboard spacecraft, by 'designing a cocktail of bacteria to digest astronauts' cotton and paper underpants.'' Is that great, or what? I am picturing a utopian future wherein, when a man's briefs get dirty, they will simply dissolve from his body, thereby freeing him from the chore of dealing with his soiled underwear via the labor-intensive, time-consuming method he now uses, namely, dropping them on the floor.

I'm not saying that guys have solved all the world's problems. I'm just saying that there ARE solutions out there, and if, instead of harping endlessly about spatulas, we allow guys to use their mental talents to look for these solutions, in time, they will find them. Unless they are in the refrigerator.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Pirates Vs Global Warming

JOHNNY& the OooMpa LooMpA's Night

DRIVE-IN is planned for tonight....hope you can come!!!!! Charlie and the Chocolate factory and then Dukes of Hazard are playing...!!!!!!!! Show starts at 8:30pm.
We will be leaving Vernon at 7:15 and be there at 7:45 to get a good spot. Isaac is taking his truck...if you need a ride phone him to see if there is room, we will also be pitching in for gas money. We will be sitting in the box of his truck and on lawn chairs on the ground. Bring the breeze has been getting cool at night. There is a concession there as well, but you can bring popcorn if you want.

Cya tonight... I am off Work at 6pm in Enderby so I will meet everyone there.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Please let us know if you are coming..... and if you need a ride, because we are trying to figure out a carpool. I no longer have to work, so I will be going for the whole show now!!!!!! so excited!!!

Dean....hope you can come...we need 'someone' from our group to represent us on stage!!

Melissa... it would be so awesome to see you again!!! give us a call if you want to come.

We will probably be leaving vernon at around 6pm.... 6:30 at the maybe try to be at our house at 6 and if you will be late, let us know so that we don't leave town without you.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Beach Tuesday!!

Anyone interested in going to the beach with Ang, Lindsay, Mandy, Sammi and Dave, meet at Ang's house at 12:00 noon. Hopefully the weather will be as nice as it was last Tuesday.

- Sammi

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sammi will not be getting sleepy at the pub...

I have to work on Thursday night until 9:30 pm, so I will not be joining you at the pub. Who is in for the beach day on Tuesday(16th)? See you then.


Just a reminder you all...... This coming Thursday night!!! we need to be at Fortunes landing restaurant/ bar at 7pm or earlier to get seats... it is free....and it starts at 9pm. So we could do dinner and drinks while we are waiting. I will be showing up sometime with my Partner (in uniform) because I am working that night... but will hopefully get to see all of the show.

I can drive some people out, but I have to be in Enderby at 6pm so.. you would be going a little early. And I won't be able to bring you back because I am not off until 8am fri.

Hope to see ya all...!!!!!! it will be sooooo funny!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I am a thesaurus




I am a crashing computer program
write out my error code
and ask the maker what it means.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Monday, August 08, 2005


Did you eat paint chips as a kid?

I have a thousand years of power

The Secret Life Of Dogs...

...according to Dave Barry:
click here

You have to log in to view it.

Of course you could always use if you dont want to create you own account.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Nothin' Doin'

We can't do poker night next Saturday like I said :( becuase we have a date with another couple and their baby, Fox.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Even computer geeks think this is too far

Check out the shining advertisement for Microsoft stability in the text.

I'm Coming Home!!!!!

For those of you who have had a hard time living without me, fret no more, I'm coming home. Yes thats right, the program is over, I can speak english, and I am flying out tomorrow. I will be back in Good O'le Vernon on Monday. Can't wait to see all of you. I have missed you all. Except the rat cat. hahahahaah. Well take care and see you soon.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Monday, August 01, 2005

hi Ho hi Ho, off to the HYPNOTIST we go....

Yup that's right, August 18 at 9pm there is a hypnotist at the Fortunes landing in Enderby.
I will be going (have to try and trade my shift, and if I can't then I will be down there with my partner in uniform). Soooo who else wants to come??? The lady at fortunes says it is free and you should be there at 7pm in order to get seats. Gonna be lots of fun!!!!! ESP. if Sammy comes again.... (I mean "comes to the bar!!") :) :) Well let me know and we'll plan the car pooling.