Thursday, April 27, 2006


Hey stoker, we should do somthing Sat night then....

Seafood night....: Is everyine still able to make it if we change it to Friday afternoon/dinner instead of Sat?? DAVID THE CRAB KILLER... appairently can't change his other prior engagement with his 'hot' sister on Sat.... Well let me know ASAP. - Ariel was planning on taking sat off... and I would think that Melissa has to work friday...if so... till what time Mel? And would it work for you to show up after work if we wait for you and we'll go get you some CRABS earlier>> or what ever you are wanting.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Stoker's comming back for the weekend!

Hey guys!

Well the boss in victoria is sending me for a army expo on sunday where I get to sit behind a booth, look pretty and answer questions about DND computers.

So I'll be in Kelowna friday night and Melissa and I were going to play golf saturday at hillview in Vernon. Who's interested? I'll be in Kelowna till monday and I go back to Victoria on the tuesday.



Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sea Food Night!!!! & Sex Party!!!!!

K guy's, first of all, Lindsay is back on May 10th!!!!!

Next, few of us have been craving and waiting until the weather is nice so that we can plan a seafood bbq. MMMMMmmmm!!!!!! I was thinking that we could combine this with a welcome back party for Lindsay on Sat. May 13th. We would have people over in the afternoon and then start cooking prob around 5pm. The idea was to get everyone to pitch in $5-8 ahead of time and a couple of us could go pick up some prawns, scallops and what ever else...mushrooms and we could make up some seafood shishcabobs. Then when everyone gets here, we could all go over to the superstore and pick up a crab($5ea) & Lobster($8ea) or either or... each then come back and throw them into a big pot.... Don't worry ladies, Dave has volunteered to be the wicked, wicked crab killer!! It will be an awesome feast.... we will cook everything outside on the BBQ... we have a burner for a pot... and hopefully the weather is awesome so that we can eat the messy seafood out at the picnic tables....

So bring some games, some drinks, your camera's and also any nut crackers or crab crackers if you have them (for cracking open the shells).

Can't wait!!! Let us know if you can come though, so that we know how many people are coming.

May 18th as you may know is Bryce's and My 6 year anniversary and because Lindsay is also back and we have been waiting for her return to do another party, we were thinking that on May 18th (thurs) we could do another Sex party with Heavenly Nights. I have to phone Geri and confirm that she has the night free... but I will let you know. Everyone is invited and we would probably do something like we did before, where everyone brings a snack/appie for dinner. Yes, I will be sure to invite Mandy for entertainment again!!! :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


That is so much fun! Gobbles is a good name for it... I have to say I was highly entertained for about 5 minutes with that thing lol... so CUTE! Great addition!


Love the new pet, it's adorable. Great idea Bryce.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New Pet

We have adopted a new fish. You can see him floating on the right side of your screen if you have Flash installed. I named him gobbles because that is about all he does.

Tap on the glass and feed him a little....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter!!


Thank you to everyone for dinner and great company last night! A huge thanks to Ang and Bryce for hosting. It was great fun! (and entertaining games, even the crazy wookies)

I really hope that everyone has a fantastic Easter weekend!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Hop Hop!!!

posting this now in case I don't get a chance to over the weekend.... hope you all have a wonderfull Easter weekend and stay safe.... not that there are any serial killer 'Wabbits' running around or anything but... just the same :)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Smooth Sailing

Well kids,

I'm about to head off into the wild blue sea and start my Navy Job in Victoria. I just wanted to say good-bye and I'll miss you guys LOTS!!! Like TONS even! I'll still be by checking on the blog and I'll post some of my (miss)adventures in Victoria. Beating up a mime, racing submarines along the harbour, etc, etc. You guys can still e-mail me with my gmail account as well.

That's all from me. Take care all and I'll see you all soon.
