Sunday, July 30, 2006

Camping Directions

Oh, and by the way, Bryce says he is not whipped!!!

Follow the trans canada highway all the way to Revelstoke. Just before you get to the bridge to go into town (right on the highway), there is a traffic light and a road turning off on your right. There will be signs for the ferry... I forget the name of it. Turn Right on that road and follow it all the way to the ferries. (about 25min?)

Just before you come around the bend to the ferries
, there is a forestry road going up on your Right hand side.... it is the last road on your right
, before the ferry. You may have to go down to the ferry and then backtrack...unless you are watching for the ferry distance signs. We will try to put up a sign at the road.

Just a little up the road, it branches into 3 roads.... we will try to put a sign here too.... take the center road. the one to the left go's to a log yard and the ont on the right goes up in the hills. follow the center road for about 10-15 ?? min. and watch for our sign on the left. There is no cell coverage after about half way to the Ferry on the main road... It's really not that hard.... 2 rights, a center and a left... watch for the signs.

We will be going up there monday morning... the 31st... an coming home on sunday the 6th. Hope you can make it, if even for overnight or a day. We have extra tent room if anyone needs somewhere to stay for a night...bring blankets though.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Friday, July 14, 2006


we decided amonst a bunch of us that we are going to go to the town theatre instead... The Divinci Code is playing at 7:15 and then we are going to stay and watch the Lakehouse as well @ 9:45... something tells me they don'e have debit either, so bring cash... I think that has happened to me a couple times now....

Us girls have seen the lake house and it is really really good, totally recommended... but confusing. We will be leaving here at about 6:45 ish.

let us know if you want to come..



Anyone interested?? Was hoping to have people over to play a little chips.... but if not enought people can come, then what about Munchkin? we havn't done that in over a year... if not... then.... LETS DO SOMETHING!!!!! Give me a call... will be gone between 1-2:30 but then home again...leave a message on the answering machine...

Hopefully see some people tonight...

Monday, July 03, 2006

Joel Guy's Picture link...

Hey all, Camping was great... Pictures will be available soon...

Anyways, Have got a link from Joel down under and have now added it to the links section on the blog....check out his pics... they are sooo cool!!!

He thinks he will be home around the end of October.. PARTY TIME!!!!

~ Thanks so much for the pictures Joel.... they are really cool!