Friday, January 19, 2007


Should be fun! I just hope the weather will like me this weekend. My car also died yesterday so I won't be able to get anywhere without my sweetie! lol..

See you all tomorrow!


I think we are... if the roads allow


I can't get to my hotmail right now as I'm at work, but I believe Shaun(Stoker) and I are coming tomorrow.... That is if the roads are alright as we are coming from Kelowna. We can't wait to bowl! Woop woop woop woop woooooop lol

I need to know who is coming tomorrow...

hey guy's... I need some numbers for tomorrow so that i can book a third bowling lane if need be and for ordering pizza as well.... please email me and let me know if you are coming....

Also see the email about the hockey game and meeting Mandy's guy on the 26th... Sammi needs to know in the next day or so if you need her to pick you up a ticket... or else we won't all be sitting together... or they may sell out.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

But the girls are easy targets!

ahhh.. yes... but remember boys... scantily clad drunk girls dancing on speakers is usually a draw to go to the club ;) haha

We definitely need to do the dancing thing soon... :)

But I'm excited to go bowling and kick some butt again ;) mwuahahah.. ahem

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The 20th...

We should definitly do that sometime, but I don't think it will work for the 20th because Cory and Monica will have Xavier and they were just going to bring him bowling with them...and he is usually with a babysitter most of the week when they are at work so I think that they want to spend time with him. A bunch of the guy's I know are poor sports and don't like to go dancing anyways!!!!! :(

Saturday, January 13, 2007


What does everyone think about going out on the 20th to maybe the Mix or something to go dancing? It could be lotsa fun! Bowling is fun too, but just another idea :)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Party on the 20th..... Multiple birthdays!!!

Melissa.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!! Lindsay.....HAPPY BELATED (on the blog) !!!!

Monica's is on the 16th and Ariels is on the 19th.....

SOOOO... people have asked me to host a party for everyone on the 20th (Sat)...

People can come over for 6pm and we will be ordering pizza.... If everyone could bring about $5.00 each($5 should be enough) then we can all pitch in... Also if some people want to bring some bottles of pop.. that would be great. We'll hang out and eat and then go Lazer bowling at about 8pm... Girls...don't wear white shirts!!! :)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year 2007!

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and hope everyone had a great time at the DIC party! I wished I could have been there, but I was pretty sick and I totally missed everyone! The phone call was awesome!Thanks guys!

Hope to see you all soon!