Tuesday, April 24, 2007


WHAT!? I totally didn't realize you were leaving that soon.... time has flown....
You should have phoned us..... we want to get together to say good bye to both of you Shauwns!

well, for sure in May when you get back....

Monday, April 23, 2007

Good-Bye one and all!

Hey kids!

I just wanted to say good-bye and see you all soon! I leave for Victoria tomorrow to fight the good fight. I'll be back on the 8th of May for a class but I'll be gone again on the 25th. SO! You guys can get a hold of my though the usual channels. I'll be online for those who are online...

Fair well and god speed.



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Movies this saturday anyone??

I want to see the Reaping, the two at the town theatre in Vernon still, although they prob change on friday...
Oh!, I work today...Duh!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Small request...

OH! Okay! Since this week is the last week of school, it's been crunch time all week. Soonest Melissa and I are free is Saturday night. Any objections to having it then?

you didn't miss it Stoker!!!

I got called in to work.... so if anyone is interested... we will probably be going to see them this coming wends. night...


Bah! Missed it!

Well that sucks! I didn't check the blog and I missed it! I would have loved to come. Oh well...

Let me know when the next one is and I'll be there!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

movies on Friday...

If anyone is interested, we may be going to the town theatre in Vernon tomorrow night to see Fido... It is the zombie movie that was made here in Vernon and at the brick school in armstrong..... and then Shooter is on afterwards.....

anyone interested?? it is like $6 an you see two movies..

I still want to see Premonition too!!! anyone interested???


Hey Mel,
So sorry, I am too busy to even beging to dream about scrapbooking again yet.... not till after the wedding... then I have to get our wedding album done.... I guess you weren't around yet when I was selling creative memories hey?? yup, I think it wat the winter right before you and Shaun got together. I had to stop becuase I couldn't put enough time into it... I still have my starter kit and all the good cropping stuff though!!! I also worked at Doodles Scrapbooks just before that too.