Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm back!

Hey guys!

How's your summer going? I'm back in town. YAY! I got in last weekend all safe and sound. Dose anyone want to get together this weekend and do something? Let me know!



Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Shawn Fly's home soon!!!

Hey all,

Good news!!! We get to see our buddy Shawn again soon, He is scheduled to fly in from India to Paris to Kelowna on the 9th of Sept. He is taking that week off from work from the sounds of it so we will hopefully be able to see him sometime that week...after the jet lag sets in.! He has not been able to access gmail or the blog very easily so I thought I would give you the heads up on the homecoming...

Friday, August 17, 2007



What's everyone up to this weekend? It's Aug 18th weekend???

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Greys Nights!!!

Hey all you Greys Fans....!! (if you don't know what 'Greys' is, then you are un cool and not invited!! :)

Thursday nights are Greys nights at our house..... I have thurs nights booked off again and can't wait!!! SERIOUSLY!! so ya, the Premiere is on Sept. 27th... hope to see you then!!! ... but hopefully before then as well!!!