Friday, September 16, 2005

He's bbbbaaaacccckkkkk!

Hi guys!

It's me again! YAY! :D My appologies for got posting sooner but life's been rather interesting since my return to the sunny Okanagan. I bought a car! YAY! :D It's a 91 Plymoth Acclaim. It's pretty cool. It reminds me of a Second I found a job working at the call Center in Kelowna. Yup! You're looking at the newest Capital One Call Rep. :D:D:D I'm currently under their 6 week training program that runs between 3pm and 11pm monday to friday. After I complete the training, my work schedual really sucks. It goes from 430am to 1pm tuesday to saturday. Yeah, it sucks. The things I do for the allmighty buck. lol...

I miss you guys, Lindsay, if you can hear me. I hope you're having the time of your life over there. Go kick some ass for me okay?

Also, my phone resently died and I got a new one, so that means I need new phone numbers from you all, if you can e-mail it to me that'd be cool! :D

Again, my appologies for not getting ahold of you guys sooner, I was sorting out my life for this new year. This weekend I'll be helping out at the dragon boat races, so if you're in Kelowna, head on down to City park and say hi! I'll be the guy wearing a black and white Navy uniform. :D

Take care all, I'll see you all later.



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