Thursday, October 27, 2005

Halloween - Saturday 29/05

Hey Everyone,

I was wondering what is going on for Halloween Saturday the 29th of October? Earlier in the blog, Keira mentioned having a halloween party, night of games, at her and Matt's place. I would be up for a night of fun games at Matt and Keira's. I wish someone had Cranium. Is that plan still going on? I know Keira bought costumes for her and Matt, so I would think everyone should dress up. We can use the costumes from Bowl-a-rama on Friday night. Get back to me.

- Sammi

bowl-a-rama update

There are 57 people coming to bowl-a-rama as of Thursday at 3:00 pm. As usual the students wait until the end to purchase tickets. I haven't heard from Ang or Bryce yet? I have a meeting right now, so I have to go. Keep Blogging.

- Sammi

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Yes Stoker,

I will spot you and Melissa the $ 10. There is 37 students that have signed and paid for the bowl-a-rama, and the KCSA is really pushing the event in the next couple of days. We will have members in the cafeteria, during lunch, approaching students about the bowl-a-rama and a few other topics.

- Sammi

Me again!


If I have you 10 bucks on friday night, will you get two tickets for me for the bowling? Let me know.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bowlling Update...

No, you don't have to be a student at Kal Campus; you would be considered guest of a student.
If anyone is interested in the Bowl-a-rama, post on the blog. I will check back tommorrow to see who is interested, and I will put the players names down on the bowlling list. The $ 5.00 has to be paid by Friday before 3:30 pm at the Kal Campus Student Association Office above the cafeteria. If you can't get to the office before Friday, I will pay. I don't get paid until Friday, so I would only like to extend the offer to people who couldn't get to the office between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. If you come to the student office and the office is closed, leave the money and your name (so I know who's paying) at the front office. Ask for an envolope and write "Sammi - KCSA" on it.
I'll get everyone beside each other on the lanes.

- Sammi


Hey guys!

Melissa and I are interested as well. Do you have to be a student of Kal Campus to go?


Is anyone else interested in the bowl-o-rama? Becuase we are.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Costume bowl-a-rama Friday, Oct 28

Hey Everyone,

KCSA (Kal Campus Students' Assoc) is putting on the yearly costume Bowl-a-rama on Friday, Oct 28\05 at Polson Lanes in Vernon around 9:30 pm. $ 5.00 includes bowling, shoes, pizza, and pop. There will be prizes. I will be there around 10:00 pm because I have to work, and I will probably pick up the pizza.

Hope to see you there,

Thursday, October 20, 2005


For all you Girls and if you want, bring your man....(couples will have a lot of fun and get lots of info...)
Cum One, Cum all!!! Here is the opportunity to add to your sex life!!!
Recently went to a party held in Armstrong and Wow!! Lots of fun!!

Demo's of different toy's, lots of free testing of massage oils, body powders and of course lubes... good laughs and dirty questions... no question is stupid, she'll answer anything! Sammi and I had a blast at the last party!!!

There is also a confidential ordering room for when you place an order because she likes to make it as comfortable and relaxing of a setting as possible.

Date: November 11th.
Time: She will start presenting at 7:30... you are invited to show up at 6pm for snacks and drinks. PLEASE be there NO LATER than 7:30 as the party takes some time due to a lot of product.
Where: Angela's house... but location may change depending on how many people are coming... my house can get cramped and she has a lot of stuff to set up.
SNACKS: It will be an Appies Potluck, Bring some kind of snack dish or appie for the gathering before she starts. BYOB is also welcome, we may see if we can make martini's.

Please let me know if you are coming, ASAP...
And bring who ever you want... the more the better... But I will need #'s so that I know if we need to find a bigger place.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Our place is an option for Halloween weekend.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

All hollow's eve!

Hey all!

I was wondering if there was a holloween party this year. What's the plan?

Also, just to let everyone know, my cell will be out of commition until I pay it off a bit. You can reach me at home if you like. All you do is change the 4 in my cell number to a 9 and you have my home number.

Cheers all!


Thursday, October 13, 2005


Either Friday or Saturday night I would like to get some people over to play Munchkin... We have our new dice now and they came with a whole new set of cards, some of which are pretty cool and the dice have some pretty cool add on rules that came with them as well. So let me kno when you're available... I am thinking probably Sat night at 7pm unless more people want Friday.

see ya soon!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Belly Pictures, Anyone?

In case anyone is interested, there is lots of activity at the mattkeira blog, which is now the pregnancy blog.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

what's going on tonight?

Hey Everyone,

Sammi here. I was just wondering what is going on tonight? I am working 1:00 pm until 9:00 pm at Reitmans. If there are plans for tonight, could someone phone my work?


Wednesday, October 05, 2005


We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
- Robert Wilensky

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I'm up for a games night.

I'm up for games night. I love Johnny Depp, but I don't really want to spend $12.00ish see a movie tonight. I'm not getting as many hours at work and have to choose my purchases wisely.
I have the day off work today. I either work Friday night or Saturday during the day (4 hours and 45 mins), and I work Sunday during the day for 4 hours and 45 mins. 4 hours and 45 mins is the max I work before Reitmans has to give me a 30 min break.
Anywho, I'm in for games night!
- Sammi

Tonight (Sat)

Is anyone interested in going to see Corpse Bride at the Grand 10, or coming over here for games, or anything?