Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bowlling Update...

No, you don't have to be a student at Kal Campus; you would be considered guest of a student.
If anyone is interested in the Bowl-a-rama, post on the blog. I will check back tommorrow to see who is interested, and I will put the players names down on the bowlling list. The $ 5.00 has to be paid by Friday before 3:30 pm at the Kal Campus Student Association Office above the cafeteria. If you can't get to the office before Friday, I will pay. I don't get paid until Friday, so I would only like to extend the offer to people who couldn't get to the office between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. If you come to the student office and the office is closed, leave the money and your name (so I know who's paying) at the front office. Ask for an envolope and write "Sammi - KCSA" on it.
I'll get everyone beside each other on the lanes.

- Sammi

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