Tuesday, May 31, 2005

More on camping....

Here are some more links so that you can check out Sugar lake. http://www.monasheetourism.com/hiking.htm
Scroll down to Monashee Provincial Park and check out Rainbow Falls.... Wouldn't mind going to see them on Saturday when most people are there...unless we are all too hung over :) Then if you go down further, there is another write up for Sugar lake.


Here is a link to the CherryVille home page (hee hee) and it has a map on it to show the general direction to get to Sugar Lake. http://www.cherryville.net/ go to the "map and directions" link on the left hand side. There is a gas staion/store where you turn left to go to sugar lake....(good place to pick up ice!!!! if any of you are just coming to visit)

After you turn onto Sugar lake road, the sign says it is about 16 km. You will pass the Sugar lake Dam on the left of the road and then you come to a 'Y' in the road. Turn to the Left and go over the bridge. Keep following the main road along the lake. You will pass a forest fire or forest station camp with little buildings ect... keep driving. There is a little campground (individual site) and then eventually you will come to the larger forestry site (all of these will be on your right hand side). If we are in there, we will put a sign at the entrance on the main road. If not, keep going down the main road and we will be at one of the next 3-4 private sites along the lake. These would be the best ones to get into, as we will be all to ourselves and they are really nice. The roads are stagered along the lake and go down into the trees. You usually can't see much of the sites from the road. I will put a sign on the main road, so you know where to turn down. They are really pretty easy to fiind... just don't turn off of the main road along the lake... there are many other logging roads and.... WATCH OUT FOR LOGGING TRUCKS. Don't worry you will find us, and if you don't, just keep following the road....you will end up in GRIZZLY country and eventually come out somewhere near 3 valley gap in revelstoke. :)

Monday, May 30, 2005

A movie or card game sounds fun

I'm here!! I have been stupid busy with work, so I just caught up on the blog news. I agree with doing something tonight. I usually work on the weekends, so I doubt I can go camping. I miss camping...drinking in the bush, peeing in the bush, singing in the bush, etc. Depending where you go camping, I may make an appearance.

I'm in for the BBq and the movie

I will call Lindsay shortly after 6(she's working) and see what the boss says.

On another note congrats to Kiera and Matt.


Better yet.... tonight or tomorrow night....

how bout we have a BBQ and then go see "The longest Yard" with Adam sandler anyone up for it?? I am really hoping to do something tonight cause I think I will be bored. :( The shows are at 7:15 and 9:35.... might have to do the late one if we are having a bbq.

Tonight Even!!!????

Sounds good Stokie! I was actually thinking we could do something tonight and then I read your blog. Is anyone up for something tonight?? Or we could do it tomorrow night.... Could do a BBQ at our house around 6pm and then maybe go catch some lightning bugs!!!!... how does playing cards sound?? We also have the movie "Hitch" and "Weekend at Bernies", "Enemy at the gates", "The thin Red Line" etc. if you decide you want to watch movies later... JUST HANGING AT THE CRIB OR SOMETHANG?? can hang out outside at the picnic table and play cards.. it's supposed to be nice tonight I think.

Well let me know if you are interested and we'll invite Cory and monica too...
Will you bring Melissa, Stoker???

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Mid week stuff...

Anyone up to doing something this week? Tuesday/Thursday maybe? Pool? Bowling? Games night? Cow tipping? How about basket wieving? I'm free all week but wednesday.




I also thought of that Stoker... um... I will do some phoning tonight and try to switch my shift that I have on the thursday night... and then I will be able to go out early thursday morning or Wendsday night even and see if I can get a spot.... it shouldn't be a problem, but then if I can't, it is still early enough to come back to town and try to find a spot at the Okanagan forestry site where we went last year. Then I can let you all know that I moved. If I can get one of the private sites along the lake at Sugar... then grad people wont be an issue..and even the big campground wont be too bad if there are spots... it will just mean that the drunk Dave, Isaac, and other single guy's can go mingle with the girls around.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

OH! OH!!

Hey guys n' gals,

Something just crossed my mind, the camping weekend runs exactly with Lumby Days and all the grad parties, so I was thinking the camp site might be a little crouded. Maybe should we change sites or just stay there. I'm thinking it may be too crouded to go that weekend. What do you all think?

Anyways let me know.. I'll be in touch!



Friday, May 20, 2005

Tomorrow is the big day!!!

I just want to say congratulations to Keira and Matt!! Tomorrow is their big day, and they will finally be tying the knot! We wish you all the best and hope that tomorrow brings lots of smiles of happiness. You are starting your lives off together as best friends and lead each other into your future hand in hand, side by side. I know that over the last couple years you both have been able to grow induvidually, but also just as important, as a couple. We all look at you with admiration and know that it takes great strength for you to not only have such a close loving and healthy relationship but to also be able to work hard at starting your careers and hopefully in the not so distant future, a family. Bryce and I just had our 5 year anniversary 2 days ago, and if there is anything that we have learned as a couple, one thing would be to always be there for each other, laugh, listen and to take that much needed break from the world just to say 'I Love You' each and every day. There is nothing stronger than the love you can create together and then look back upon when things begin to look dim. Together you will pick each other up and move on ahead, that is what love is... creating memories that you can cherish as a couple and when you look back, know that it was so worth it.

A Woop woop for the Bride and Groom and may your wedding day run smoothly but "quickly" so you can get on your plane and start your real life together. Happy Honeymooning!!!

What The Hell???

Cam............................... I really can talk to one of the good doctors and get him to change your medication... just let me know, I'm there for you man!!!

Oh, and ya, i don't think that we need to know about your kinky sex parties... It's bad enough now that we know that your cover charge to get in is a tin foil hat!!!


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Lyndse...you read my mind!!!

yup, Thursday night sounds great to me.... even during the day if I don't work that day... I will let you know. I wouldn't mind Sugar lake either.

SAMMI.... you out there??? Are you coming!!!!!????

Chris.... Haven't heard from you in a while!!! Are you going to come???!!!

Stoker... Finally... I am so excited, havn't seen you in forever...and still havn't met your girl...here...give me her email if you want and I can invite her to the blog..

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Yeeeaaaaah Camping!!!

Joel and I are up for camping that weekend. I vote for Sugar lake because it is somewhere I have never been to. Ange what do you say we go up Thursday, if not then Friday morning so we can get a good site. Can't wait, I already booked off my sunday shift so I can party all night long on Sat. Whoo hoo. Talk to you about all the details later

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

OH! OH! Sounds like fun!

Melissa and I are in. We vote sugar lake. Should be fun! We can be there the night of the 10th. (friday) as both of us are working till about 1700. Watch out mothing nature. Stoker's comming for supper! waaa ha ha ha ha!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

First CAMPING TRIP of the year planned....

Hey all... Its that time again!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHOOHOOO!!!!

So we have designated the weekend of the 10th,11th and 12th of June as the first oficial 'Go out and mingle with the forest' weekend. You poor trees.... here come Lyndse to smell you, Isaac to squirt on you and Bryce to pee all over you!!!! Anyways... all are welcome to come, and bring a friend! We have two sites in mind.... -the forestry site on okanagan lake by fintry where we went last year....it is nice and close. -and Sugar Lake on the other side of Lumby, towards Cherryville. It is nice, and is not as far as some of the other places we have been. So we need your vote if you are coming... let us know which one you want.
Just a reminder, this will be the only time to go camping with Stoker and Lyndse before they leave for the summer. :(
We wanted to go the 3rd weekend in June, but then realized that it is fathers day that weekend.

So far these are the people who can go:
Dave, Isaac, Bryce, Ang, Possibly Kyle??? depending on exams??

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Wedding Nightmares you mean..

.. and they're not in my sleep, they're every minute of the day.

Haha just kidding... sort of


Well unfortunately I have to work all day today and tonight....I havn't been home since Wendsday and I am not off until tomorrow morning for a couple hous and then back to work for another night shift. Soooo I am out. But you guy's can maybe do something.... its not really BBQ weather today Im afraid!!! So ya..... "what do you call it when a drunk native gets stabbed in the neck, abdomen, neck again and leg......and then.... only knows that he was stabbed once in the neck and it just missed his artery?????" Anyone care to guess???? - "Angela's Reserve call last night!!! The excitement of a Friday night in Ender-bush!!!" :) Oh and then he was laughing and sid he knew who did it but wasn't going to tell..... It reminds me of that line in that movie.... "I'lllllll NNEVVVVER TELLLLL"...... Anyways!!!!

wow!!!! the wedding is next weekend..... still having wedding dreams Keira???? :)

That pesky STV

Check out the mock BC STV election at http://bc.demochoice.org, and pass it on to everyone else you know who will be voting on the 17th.

Obviously this isn't scientific, since it's subject to ballot stuffing, best-guess combining of ridings, and none of the niche campaigning or candidate-shuffling that would probably happen before a real STV election. But it should at least give you a general idea of what the decision is about if you're one of those people looking to check the box next to "WTF, mate?" on the STV referendum ballot.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Is it Party Time Yet?

Congrats Stoker! Crazy, that's how our week was.

What's up for this Saturday? Party at the Sugarpad? BBQ at A&B's? Nothing?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

gah! I'm awake!

Stoker's here!

I just got back from Victoria. Passed my course. YAY! I'm definitly into doing stuff. Just say the word.

So how was everyone's week?


Monday, May 09, 2005

Let Me Check the Schedule

Team Sugar is in on the next games night if it's this Saturday, next wednesday, or Saturday June 11th, when we're back from our honeymoon. Wow, getting married sure gets in the way of doing fun stuff. Anyway if those days don't pan out then go ahead and do one without us, though it won't be as fun (we hope).

We don't have a barbeque yet. Your place is cool with us if you're cool with that. Either way we have some kickass new serving dishes that I can fill with good stuff, and an awesome new game.

One more party op: thursday May 19th the guys are at the bachelor party so all the girls should come rip it up with me. That is, unless my sneaky bridesmaids have something planned already.

ARRG!!! I wanna go!!!!

Ya, unfortunately I have to work every night starting wendsday. So I will not be free in the evening until like monday :( We will definitly have to go again though Lynds. cause I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. :(


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Who is up for bull riding????

Going to the OK Corale for some bull riding and two stepping on thursday may 12th. I am taking the van so let me know if you are coming and need a ride. Not sure what time we are leaving. Hope you can all make it. It will be a blast!!!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Games night/ BBQ

Hey Keira,

When are we doing another games night?? I think we should do an earlier one (like around 3-4 ish) and then do a BBQ. Do you have a BBQ at you house?? if not, we could always do it at our house and play games at the picnic tables outside..... that way it wont be so crowded.

well let us know.... :)

Monday, May 02, 2005

I like the party like it's 1989

I like the idea of a 1980's movie night. We can start with Dirty Dancing!!