Friday, May 20, 2005

Tomorrow is the big day!!!

I just want to say congratulations to Keira and Matt!! Tomorrow is their big day, and they will finally be tying the knot! We wish you all the best and hope that tomorrow brings lots of smiles of happiness. You are starting your lives off together as best friends and lead each other into your future hand in hand, side by side. I know that over the last couple years you both have been able to grow induvidually, but also just as important, as a couple. We all look at you with admiration and know that it takes great strength for you to not only have such a close loving and healthy relationship but to also be able to work hard at starting your careers and hopefully in the not so distant future, a family. Bryce and I just had our 5 year anniversary 2 days ago, and if there is anything that we have learned as a couple, one thing would be to always be there for each other, laugh, listen and to take that much needed break from the world just to say 'I Love You' each and every day. There is nothing stronger than the love you can create together and then look back upon when things begin to look dim. Together you will pick each other up and move on ahead, that is what love is... creating memories that you can cherish as a couple and when you look back, know that it was so worth it.

A Woop woop for the Bride and Groom and may your wedding day run smoothly but "quickly" so you can get on your plane and start your real life together. Happy Honeymooning!!!

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