Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Heavenly Nights Party is a go.... Thursday night!!!

Hey all,

Geri just phoned me and said that she just isn't going to answer her phone tomorrow night and as a result, the party will not be cancelled at short notice. YES!!!!

So she is going to be here to set up at 6pm and we will start at 6:30.
CAN YOU PLEASE BE HERE BY 6PM as well..... It is important that we start on time.

Most people will be showing up shortly after 5.

I will pick up some buns and sandwich meat.... and Lindsay will be coming over a bit early, so her and I can handle that.... Sammi- can you bring your peperoni/cheese platter , Ariel- can you bring chocolates again.... just some different types that we can mix in a big bowl? I will see if Mandy can bring a veggie platter.... And any guy's that are coming can bring chips and dip or salsa. It will work out really well again if we can do it this way and then there will be a variety of munchies.

I also need a final count on who is coming.... so far I have Sammi, Mandy, Lindsay, Ariel, Monica, Cory, Dave, Bryce, and maybe Chris/Danielle, Shelley/Cam, Joanne

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