Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sea Food Night!!!! FRIDAY

Reminding people that we are doing seafood night on Friday... you can come over anytime in the afternoon, we will probably head to the super store about4:00 -4:30 to get the crabs and Lobster.

I need to collect $ from those people who are coming...I am thinking $8 each to pitch in for the prawns and scallops ect. and then everyone buy's there own crab or lobster . I will probably go shopping for the prawns ect on thursday or Fri morning. I need to know how many people are coming for sure... so even if I have talked to you and you expressed interest... can you please confirm with an email or phone me.

So far coming: Dave, Sammi, Bryce, Me, Isaac, Ariel?,Lindsay....

If you can't get the money to me by thursday, let me know if you are coming and I will get it from you on Friday..

Another thing... We may be having it at Sammi's house, because she has cover for rain and lots of room. I will post it on the blog by Friday morning where we will be.

Please bring any nut or crab crackers you may have for breaking the shells.

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