Monday, March 26, 2007


First of all, a great big Hello to all of u, its been a while. Secondly, Melissa if I was home for your party I would come, sorry I wont be there. Third, what beautiful wedding invitations Ang, u did an excellent job, well done. They look amazing. Too bad you had to explain it to the not so smart/creatively challenged ones in the group (the guys) hahhahaha kidding. Anyways, just wanted to say hi to everyone, take care and miss you all


No scrapbooking for me

Hey Melissa,
I have done a scrap booking party myself; so I am going to pass on the scrap booking party.


Scrappin anybody?

Hello all!

Is anybody interested in coming to a scrapbooking party? I may be hosting a Creative Memories scrapbooking party and need some friends to come and have fun with me! I believe there'll be a presentation on Creative Memories products and techniques and also showing on products you can buy. I think you can also use their stuff and try it all out. So if you're interested, please let me know when you know, then I can plan one :)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Saturday night.

Anyone up do doing something Saturday night? That's on the 24th of March. Let me know!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Another PSA...

Hey everyone!

First off, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive and well. I've been busy tackling the mountain of school work and work work. :p I feel bad that I haven't talked to anyone in a while. The semester's all most over and I'll be around for thouse who want to hang out.

Melissa and I are engaged!! OMG!! YAY! :D Thanks for the warm wishes Ang! You're the best. I finally have my future plans all sorted out too. May 25th is my last day in Kelowna. Finals are done on 23rd April and I maybe working between that and when classes start again on 8 May. Then I'm in classes again until the 20th.

Well that's it from me!

Talk to you all soon


-Shaun (a.k.a Stoker)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Premonition Tonight?

Hey all,
just wondering if anyone wants to go with me to see Premonition tonight at the theatre? It is the new Sandra Bullock Mystery/suspense movie out....Looks really freaking awesome! Anyways... I think Bryce was going to try to go see 300 tonight and so I wanted to see this one... Probably be going to the early show at 720. Give me a call if you are interested.... Station # 546-3637 or my cell which is slowly dyeing.... leave a message if I dont answer cause it may be charging in my car.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Shaun & Melissa on your recent Engagement!!!!
All the best of luck to you both in the future... Knowing that you will always have your best friend by your side even when times get hard, you know that they will always stand by you and it is the best feeling in the world!

Hey all,

Where has everyone been???

Well whats new lately? Been quite busy planning the wedding.... mostly trying to get those dang invites out to everyone... just enveloping the last ones today...
I went down to Powell River from Wends-Sunday...had a great to see my Grandma and my Aunts and Uncles... they are all so excited to be coming up in a couple of months to the big day. The trip definitly was not un eventfull that is for sure... had some pretty interesting times...we wont metion getting pulled over twice by the cops and also the sightings of 2 white 'Wabbits'...
Anyways... it sounds like we have found some people that are trying to get together to play paintball every Sunday... I cant wait!! I want to play!! so those of you like Shaun and Melissa and Mandy whoare interested in playing should let us know and maybe you can come out with us will be lots of fun!!!!

Has anyone seen Hannibal Rising yet??? is it good??? I want to see that, the new Sandra Bullock movie: Premonition- March 16th, The Painted Veil- Edward Nortons movie that he directed, Music & Lyrics, Bridge to Terabithia and that is just to name a few :) So if anyone is going to go see any of these, give me a call.

Anyways... keep in touch.... we should start playing poker again guy's!!!
Oh, and keep checking the wedding blog... Only 109Days to go!!!