Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Another PSA...

Hey everyone!

First off, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive and well. I've been busy tackling the mountain of school work and work work. :p I feel bad that I haven't talked to anyone in a while. The semester's all most over and I'll be around for thouse who want to hang out.

Melissa and I are engaged!! OMG!! YAY! :D Thanks for the warm wishes Ang! You're the best. I finally have my future plans all sorted out too. May 25th is my last day in Kelowna. Finals are done on 23rd April and I maybe working between that and when classes start again on 8 May. Then I'm in classes again until the 20th.

Well that's it from me!

Talk to you all soon


-Shaun (a.k.a Stoker)

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