Monday, March 12, 2007

Hey all,

Where has everyone been???

Well whats new lately? Been quite busy planning the wedding.... mostly trying to get those dang invites out to everyone... just enveloping the last ones today...
I went down to Powell River from Wends-Sunday...had a great to see my Grandma and my Aunts and Uncles... they are all so excited to be coming up in a couple of months to the big day. The trip definitly was not un eventfull that is for sure... had some pretty interesting times...we wont metion getting pulled over twice by the cops and also the sightings of 2 white 'Wabbits'...
Anyways... it sounds like we have found some people that are trying to get together to play paintball every Sunday... I cant wait!! I want to play!! so those of you like Shaun and Melissa and Mandy whoare interested in playing should let us know and maybe you can come out with us will be lots of fun!!!!

Has anyone seen Hannibal Rising yet??? is it good??? I want to see that, the new Sandra Bullock movie: Premonition- March 16th, The Painted Veil- Edward Nortons movie that he directed, Music & Lyrics, Bridge to Terabithia and that is just to name a few :) So if anyone is going to go see any of these, give me a call.

Anyways... keep in touch.... we should start playing poker again guy's!!!
Oh, and keep checking the wedding blog... Only 109Days to go!!!

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