Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm so behind...

Hello Everyone,

I'm not going to lie to you, but I have been so behind on everything. Keeping up with the blogs, distance ed, and lets not talking about the garage sale I was suppose to have two or three weeks ago. I have been busy with work, but this week could be different. I only have three shifts this week instead of six shifts a week; I'm sure there will be more shifts added as the week progresses...there always is.
I want to apologize to Shaun for not being able to make 'madness' Sunday with bowling, food, and a movie, but I had to work all day and then attend Ang's shower in the evening. Have a great summer, and we will miss you at the wedding. Melissa is still coming to the wedding right? Melissa adds life to any party!
Lindsay, life sounds very exciting for you. I would love to be in Ottawa during the Stanley Cup Finals. I remember in 94 when Vancouver was in the finals...oh the excitement and chaos. Loved it. See you when you get into Vernon.

Anyway, I have to get some work done,
- Sammi

Off to play "Navy!"

Hey guys!

I just wanted to say thanks to the people who made it to Kelowna to hang with me last Sunday! We had a blast! I REALLY need to learn how to bowl 10 pin next time. haha!

I'll miss you all, if you want to get ahold of me, I can be reached though the usual channels (e-mail, sms, etc) I'll be back for school. So end of August I can imagin.

CONGRATS TO BRYCE AND ANG FOR THEIR WEDDING! I'm sorry I can't make it, but my heart is with you both on your special day. :D

Take care one and all! I'll see you all soon!



Sunday, May 27, 2007

Shawn's Blog

Hey Everybody...

For anyone who wants to keep tabs on Shawn on his trip to India here's a link to his blog:
The Adventures of Shawn

Friday, May 25, 2007


Well by the looks of Joel's pictures looks like everyone had a great camping trip over May long weekend. I unfortunately had to work all weekend but did get monday off so a friend and I went and to the tulip festival in Ottawa.

So for the past few weeks I have been keeping pretty busy with work, volunteering and just hanging out and having fun. I went kayaking on the lake the other day, and just got back from seeing Pirates 3. My graduation date is fast approaching June 15, then I'm heading off to the lake for the weekend as a grad celebration then I fly back to BC on the 19. These past few weeks have gone by so quickly I can't believe that my time here is almost over. Its such a bittersweet time.

On a different note, there is nothing like hockey to bring a city together. The parties the rallys and just the celebrations of our Senators is amazing. There is nothing like it! I might be going to the Governor Generals place to watch the first game on Monday. Pretty amazing, and I dont even like watching hockey all that much!. lol

Well I guess thats about if for the update, see u all in a few weeks! Take care

Thursday, May 24, 2007

He's going!

Hey everyone!

This is my sweetheart's last weekend here.. sniff sniff... :( I wanted to know what everyone was up to... I see a suggestion for the Pirate's movie. Perhaps maybe bowling? If we could get a car pool out to Kelowna that would just rock becuase we'd like to see everyone out in Ktown :)

anyhow... let us know!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pirates!!!!! ARRRHHHHH!!!

I am really trying to switch my shift for Saturday.... I have to help my aunt move and then I want to go see pirates that night.... (May.26th)....

Anyone interested??? If I cant get it switched, then you'll have to go with out me... but hopefully I will be there... Early or late show????

Friday, May 18, 2007


Anyone want to see pirates next weekend? If so, when?



Thursday, May 10, 2007

Congrats Sweetie!!!

Congrats on your BIG Scholarship today!!! Love you sooo much!!! My Grad student :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

All moved out

Hey Everyone, just wanted to let you all know that I have moved out of my appartment on Campus and am now living in a house in Ottawa. I am subletting it until I go back to B.C in June. The house is in China Town and I absoluty love the area. Its so ethnic and cultural, and lots going on. Little Italy is just down the street from me as well. Its an amazing location in the city. Here is my new phone # (613) 233-1324.

Take care, hope all is well with everyone