Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm so behind...

Hello Everyone,

I'm not going to lie to you, but I have been so behind on everything. Keeping up with the blogs, distance ed, and lets not talking about the garage sale I was suppose to have two or three weeks ago. I have been busy with work, but this week could be different. I only have three shifts this week instead of six shifts a week; I'm sure there will be more shifts added as the week progresses...there always is.
I want to apologize to Shaun for not being able to make 'madness' Sunday with bowling, food, and a movie, but I had to work all day and then attend Ang's shower in the evening. Have a great summer, and we will miss you at the wedding. Melissa is still coming to the wedding right? Melissa adds life to any party!
Lindsay, life sounds very exciting for you. I would love to be in Ottawa during the Stanley Cup Finals. I remember in 94 when Vancouver was in the finals...oh the excitement and chaos. Loved it. See you when you get into Vernon.

Anyway, I have to get some work done,
- Sammi

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