Friday, May 25, 2007


Well by the looks of Joel's pictures looks like everyone had a great camping trip over May long weekend. I unfortunately had to work all weekend but did get monday off so a friend and I went and to the tulip festival in Ottawa.

So for the past few weeks I have been keeping pretty busy with work, volunteering and just hanging out and having fun. I went kayaking on the lake the other day, and just got back from seeing Pirates 3. My graduation date is fast approaching June 15, then I'm heading off to the lake for the weekend as a grad celebration then I fly back to BC on the 19. These past few weeks have gone by so quickly I can't believe that my time here is almost over. Its such a bittersweet time.

On a different note, there is nothing like hockey to bring a city together. The parties the rallys and just the celebrations of our Senators is amazing. There is nothing like it! I might be going to the Governor Generals place to watch the first game on Monday. Pretty amazing, and I dont even like watching hockey all that much!. lol

Well I guess thats about if for the update, see u all in a few weeks! Take care

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