Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hey All!!

WOW, What a busy weekend!! So glad the wedding turned out perfect! so much work on everyones part... we really couldn't have done it with out all of you!!!! Thank you soooo much! Again!

So I just talked with Shawn in India... he is doing great! Finds out tonight when he will be coming home... they have had no internet access for a while, so his blog has been stagnant... he will update us when ever he can. I guess they lost one of the guys that went down there with them... he was unprepared and used a medical excuse to come home..then quit. I can see how it would be a really big adjustment... it would be hard, especially if you are a real family person. So ya, just wanted to let you know he is doing well... not getting much sleep but... sounds like he is having a good time/ experience. I cant wait to hear his stories!

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