Sunday, November 27, 2005

Christmas Party/ Stoker/ Matt's Birthday Party


Hopefully Stoker can make it... We were wanting to plan a Christmas party this year so that we can all get together over the holidays... We thought that the sat. before christmas would be ideal and not only that but it is Matt and Stokers birthdays are in the days afterwards.

The Plan: Go up Silver Star and go Tubing/ Skating for the day...(the guy's are bringing there flasks again,of course) and then head back down to our house.
Appies and snacks for dinner.... Drinks, Red and Green Jello Shooters and just hanging out.

We will be doing a Secret Santa gift bring a $10 gift each (don't tell anyone what you bought though...and try to make it interesting...not just chocolates or alcohol... DAVE! :) BYOLOB (bring your own lots of booze!!)

If anyone needs to or wishes to spend the night, please do so... we now have an empty couch and lots of floor space....(Dave and Isaac are moving into Apartment C and will probably also have lots of room) There will be no Drinking and Driving tolerated!!! The people who have before from our parties, will have there key's taken away... We don't need to be stupid when the holidays are so close...I deal with enough of that at work.

Let us know if you can make it and keep posted on the blog for departure times to Silver star or any change in plans.

1 comment:

delta__vee said...

My morning is busy writing the same final Bryce has that day, and I need to be ready for a bigger one on Monday, but I can at least hang out for a while and do the gift exchange thing.