Sunday, November 13, 2005

I'm Back...

Sorry guy's... been away for a bit, had to go to Calgary for a course, got back and had to get the house ready for the sex party and in the midst of everything it was birthday week.... Thank you all for showing up for dinner on Thursday... it was so nice to see everyone together again...The games after were fun!!
Sorry if the invite was not extended to any of you.... I havn't been on the blog for a while and I did my best to try and contact everyone..

The sex party!!! well..... That was an experience!!! Sure glad Mandy came to entertain us all... (too bad she doesn't use email and isn't on here!!)
All went well... it turned out to be a $500 party...which was awesome.... I got 10% of that towards my purchase, for hosting it and Brandi won the toonie draw getting $40 in credit as well. SOOO YA!! My friends and I have a combined amount of about $500 worth of sex toys and other fun stuff!!!!! WHooo Hoo.... bring on the batteries!!!! HA hA !!!! We plan to have another one when Lindsay gets back this summer.... CAN'T WAIT!!!! And then Keira and Matt can come cause they'll be able to have sex again by then!!!! Okay.... I am really in a funny, weird mood right now. sorry! :)

Joel leaves for Ausie Land this coming up Friday :( THAT SUCKS!!!!!

Bryce..... is the blood on the blog really nesesary (can't spell right now)???

Lindsay.... thanks for you pictures you sent.... really miss you right now!!!!

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