Tuesday, January 31, 2006

CONGRATS Cory and Monica!!!!

Yes, the little bundle of hair, I mean joy, has arrived!!! :) Xavier ( I think that's how you spell his name..) he was named after his great grandfather... He is so cute!! Monica was enduced and ended up having a c-section on the 27th. The baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces, healthy and yes, has lots and lots of hair!!! oh, and very long...he is almost pretty much 2 ft long when he stretches out... Holy Crap!!! no wonder she was getting kicked here there and everywhere. He has very long fingers and big feet.... He sure is cute!

I am going to be planning a coed baby shower for them when I get back from Mexico .... It will probably be the first weekend in March and will be just for us friends and maybe a couple people she wants to invite... she has already had a shower with her family. I will keep everyone posted with the date.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

YES!!! Silver Star this Friday!! can't wait!!!!

Anyone wanting to go up the hill tomorow, please let us know....
I will be home all day, going to the gym for a couple hours at 1pm but otherwise, give me a call.

We may be going up fo 3:30 when it starts, or hopefully Bryce is coming and we will go up when he gets home at 4:30. If you want to just meet us there later, that would work too.

Well see you tomorrow. So far we have Me, Sammi, prob... Cam, Prob... Bryce, Prob...my brother, and possibly his girlfriend who is a snowboarding instructor up at the hill.!!!!

Oh ya....Dave, are you coming???? AND ISAAC, YOU BETTER NOT DITCH US THIS TIME!!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Silver Star this Friday again?

I'm up for Silver Star this Friday again if anyone is up for it. I had a blast on Friday! Get back to me or the blog if you're interested.

- Sammi

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Silver Star is HAPPENIN!!!!

Sammy, Bryce and I are heading up at 5:15-5:30 (Can't leave any later than 5:30). We will be at our house if anyone wants to meet and go up with us. I believe the $5 thing starts at 3:30 though so if people want to go up earlier, then we will be at the rental shop at about 6:00 and you can meet us there.

Can't Wait!!!! There is going to be soooo much POWDER!!!!

K well see you soon, sorry I didn't blog this any sooner... have been out pickin up lovely psych. patients.

martini glasses and a backdrop...

I think you should have a whole bunch of martini glasses covering the backdrop of the blog. I can't wait until Friday night, and I'm on the mountain snowboarding.

- Sammi

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Just trying some new looks for the blog....

Bryce and I want to do some cool stuff with it when we find a cool look that will work....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I bought snowpants!!!

I am ready for the mountain. The only thing to stop me is working on a Friday like I do this Friday (20th) until 5:00 pm. If Ang can't get off work at 4:00-4:30 pm, OC is having a pub night at Monita's. Monita's is where Fitness West use to be near the bar on 29th street. I want to go play in the snow, but we have a second choice if things don't work out.

- Sammi

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Hey all, Check this out!!! : $5 Fridays have Returned to Silver Star! Break open your piggy banks - $5 for night skiing from now until late March! Hours of operation are from 3:30 pm - 9:00 pm; open lifts include the Summit, Silver Queen and the Magic Carpet. Regular ski and snowboard rentals are $10 and fill your belly with great food specials at the Town Hall for only $5 as well!

I am hoping to get a bunch of people together for Next Friday night (Jan.20)... I am waiting to here from work though...(I should know tomorrow) if I can get early coverage or not... I am not off until 6pm in Enderby which means I wouldn't be able to make it, but I might be able to get off at 4-4:30!!!

I will be Boarding BABY!!!! OH, and I will talk to my brother's girlfriend because she is one of silverstar's board instructors and said she would love to go up with us sometime. If she is not available this Friday, I will ask her about next friday.. Let me know who else is interested... See you on the slopes (hopefully) Stoker Bunny!!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

$5 days at Silver Star!!

Hey all!

Shaun (aka Stoker) and I are so in for some skiing at Silver Star Friday nights! I think Ang is typing up the details and we are so in! Well I'm volunteering Shaun! ;)

I'm so excited to try my downhill ski legs... man that cross-country is so much work, and after doing it for 20 years, I'm ready to try and let the chair-lift do the work!

I'm also interested in having some sort of lesson, so if anybody knows how you get one, let me know!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Hey Everyone!

Hope all your Christmases and New Years went well. I missed you all, yet enjoyed meeting new family members and experiencing new traditions. It has been snowing a lot here since I've been back and the canal opened on Sat for skating, so I will be learning to skate at the ice house on campus before heading out to the canal. Thanks Ang for the post on the blog and the e-card. It was really sweet of u. Well I guess thats about it, I am trying to get back in studying mode and I just seem to procrastinate, I have a meeting tonight then try to get some homework done, take care everyone, miss u all and talk to u later, xoxoxox Lindsay

Saturday, January 07, 2006


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSAY!!!!! We miss you!!!!

Hope you have an awesome day and the holidays went well for you....
Celebrate lots and know that we will for sure make up for it when you get your butt back here.

PS. I do still have something for you.. but unfortunately time has not been kind to us lately and I still have some work to do before I can send it to you. Don't worry though, sooon.... you won't be having Christmas in July when you get back here. :)


Hey all,

Hope you can come... we need to start playing at noon so if you are in, try and be at our house by 11:30. We may be playing for $5 but a couple people would also like to play for nothing so... we will decide then. I will try and phone some or all of you from work tonight.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Stoker all better now

Hey guys,

sounds like sammie had a good time at the party lol...

Melissa and I are sorry we didn't make it, I was SO SICK!! OMG, I felt like I Was going to die! But fear not everyone, stoker's still here for many years of stokerness to come! lol...

I still have my cell with me, if you guys are planning something on the weekend(s) let us know. I'm off sun/mon so we can be there saturday night maybe...

Well, I'm off. Take care all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Ang be gentle with the pics

Hey Ang,

I forgot to ask you to be choosy with the pictures you plan to put on the blog. Mel had some good ones of me at the beginning of the night.


Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year without the kisses

Hello Everyone,
How was everyone feeling yesterday?
I got up early and then went back to bed around noon. I slept until 8:00 pm because I didn't really sleep the night before. I kept waking up every half hour; I was worried I was keeping the guys up with my drunk snoring.
It was so beautiful in the morning with the sun out and the crisp air that I decided to get up and leave at 9:30 am. I was feeling great, so I got a starbucks coffee, went home ate and starting watching a movie. THEN...I started to get clammy, pasty, and not feeling well at all. The best way to get over this feeling is to sleep it off. I slept the feeling off for 8 hours.
I feel much better physically today, but I am having flashbacks of all the stupid things I did.
My New Year's resolution is to not get stupid drunk anymore.

I would like to apologize for any annoying, loud, rude, disrespectful, stupid things I may have done during the New Year's Eve party. I hope I haven't changed anyone's opinion of me (from respectful to disrespectful). If I have done something to piss off anyone, please tell me what I did. I would like the chance to apologize in person and make it up to anyone.

I remember most of the evening, but I do have some empty spots. What I remember...I had a blast! Dave, I had fun hanging out with Mel and Shannon. I found out the park behind Ang and Bryce's place has a playground set with swings (with large puddles of dirty water under them), also it's a long walk from Ang and Bryce's place to the Petro-Can with the 7-11 (wear comfortable shoes and be willing to pee in the bushes Mel), and finally 'Happy New Years!', with kisses and hugs of course, can defuse any conflict - including a group of people that believe Ike kicked in a guy's truck. Warning them to watch out for the cops a block away helped as well.

Finally...Damn you Shawn and Bryce for taking advantage of poor drunk me at the poker game (oh and everyone else at the poker game too). Congrats on a game well done. Bryce you had me with the third place prize of zero. For a second, I really thought I had won something.

I should stop typing and go out in the afternoon air. Thanks to Ang and Bryce, and Dave, Ike, and Cam for letting everyone invade their homes. It was a New Year's Eve to remember!

- Sammi

P.S: Cam, I am really sorry about coming into your room while you were in bed reading 'the book'. Thanks for tolerating me.