Monday, January 02, 2006

Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year without the kisses

Hello Everyone,
How was everyone feeling yesterday?
I got up early and then went back to bed around noon. I slept until 8:00 pm because I didn't really sleep the night before. I kept waking up every half hour; I was worried I was keeping the guys up with my drunk snoring.
It was so beautiful in the morning with the sun out and the crisp air that I decided to get up and leave at 9:30 am. I was feeling great, so I got a starbucks coffee, went home ate and starting watching a movie. THEN...I started to get clammy, pasty, and not feeling well at all. The best way to get over this feeling is to sleep it off. I slept the feeling off for 8 hours.
I feel much better physically today, but I am having flashbacks of all the stupid things I did.
My New Year's resolution is to not get stupid drunk anymore.

I would like to apologize for any annoying, loud, rude, disrespectful, stupid things I may have done during the New Year's Eve party. I hope I haven't changed anyone's opinion of me (from respectful to disrespectful). If I have done something to piss off anyone, please tell me what I did. I would like the chance to apologize in person and make it up to anyone.

I remember most of the evening, but I do have some empty spots. What I remember...I had a blast! Dave, I had fun hanging out with Mel and Shannon. I found out the park behind Ang and Bryce's place has a playground set with swings (with large puddles of dirty water under them), also it's a long walk from Ang and Bryce's place to the Petro-Can with the 7-11 (wear comfortable shoes and be willing to pee in the bushes Mel), and finally 'Happy New Years!', with kisses and hugs of course, can defuse any conflict - including a group of people that believe Ike kicked in a guy's truck. Warning them to watch out for the cops a block away helped as well.

Finally...Damn you Shawn and Bryce for taking advantage of poor drunk me at the poker game (oh and everyone else at the poker game too). Congrats on a game well done. Bryce you had me with the third place prize of zero. For a second, I really thought I had won something.

I should stop typing and go out in the afternoon air. Thanks to Ang and Bryce, and Dave, Ike, and Cam for letting everyone invade their homes. It was a New Year's Eve to remember!

- Sammi

P.S: Cam, I am really sorry about coming into your room while you were in bed reading 'the book'. Thanks for tolerating me.

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