Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Hey everyone!

So is camping still a go at Evely Park? Where exactly is that? Would someone be able to give me some very specific directions? (Landmark driver here!)

Lyndsay.... are you able to make it?

Thanks guys!!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I should be able to make it out camping next weekend, even though my tent buddy isn't here :( ... So far I get off work on Friday at 3 and am not working until the Tuesday after the weekend. So Yay!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Camping fir Juky

Hey Everyone,
Sammi here! I have decided to not go canping because I am suppose to stay away from smoke and dust for the next week. Since these are my eyes we are talking about, I'm going to play it safe and stay home.
The surgery went well this morning; I'm typing this without glasses. It's a bit fuzzy, and my eyes are getting tired. I'll talking to everyone when I see you.

- Sammi

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Camping Location has changed... For July

So not enough people are able to make it for te weekend to camp... As a result, we have decided to change July longweekend to the site on Okanagan Lake where we have gone the last few times...
Coming from Vernon, it is just as west side road begins to climb... it is before Fintry. The campground used to be the old Okanagan lake rec site but has now been renamed 'Evely'.

We will be going out Wends morning to get a good spot and then heading home Sunday. Now that we are going to this closer spot, we are hoping that you will come and visit us and maybe stay the night... If it turns out that no one is going to come out , then we will just go out to Sugar lake as planned.

Please let us know if you can come out and what days you think would work...ASAP

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

tickets to Salish

I am picking up some tickets tomorrow (WENDS) for me and a couple other people.... if you would like some.... phone me at home and if not there, on my cell. $8.00 tickets and the guy says they are going fast... there will be none at the door.

Hypnotist... Saturday night

Hey all.... Guess who is coming???

Salish is coming to Sneakers Sat night. I am wondering who wants to go???

The show starts at 9:30pm. We would have to be there at about 7pm again to get seats.... we could do a late dinner and or drinks...

Tickets are on sale already and I think they are going to go fast so we should get them soon/ OR at least by thursday. Please get back to me ASAP if you are interested....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Just weekends...

Well.... I probably won't get any extended time off, but it looks like I've been working mostly Mon to Fri and if I do, then I can come out Friday night maybe and stay the weekend.. or even come out for the day if it's close enough. But I get what you mean about the money... yipes for charging so much... I'll try to make it out to where you are. :)


I thought you weren't able to make it though Mel??? The problem with Ellison and all those big campsites is that they cost way too much... Cherryville is close to where you are..??? and then we only chose Eagle bay because we havn't been out there for 2 years and it is a really cool campsite... totally worth the drive.... They ususally don't come around and collect there either which is awesome and a life saver because we would be going out for a week and Isaac is planning on 2 weeks.... so we have to keep it cheap. There are also lots of logging roads for Isaac's 4x4ing expeditions and there is a nice waterfall to hike to. I know it is farther away.... but not much if not the same as going out to Shuswap near squilax where all the non-resort campsites are. (Adams lake ect.).

I would really like to go somewhere close but they are usually all pay sites ($$$) or Evely, which we've exhausted these last couple of years.

Are you able to get time off now???

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Internet is for...

ET Phone Home!!

Hey guys!!

Perhaps we could go camping this year closer to home? Like Ellison Park? or even Shuswap Lake!!! (although it's 2 hours away.. so not so close)

Anyhow.. just a thought :)


First trip planned:

SUGAR LAKE: CherryVille~ July longweekend... Isaac, me, maybe Bryce, Dave? and Cam? and Isaacs buddy and whoever wants to come will be heading out to the campsite on WEND. June. 28th to get a spot. We will be coming home on the Sunday... July.2 We are going to try to get the place that we went to last time with the creek again ~ that way we don't have to worry about ice again and it will be sweet......

2nd trip planned:

EAGLE BAY: Revelstoke~ Aug. Longweekend.... Same... Isaac is taking the week off prior and Cam ad Dave said they prob would too... so we will prob be going out around mon-wends. to get a good spot again. (the spot we got the last time we were there was one of the best and would be cool if we could skwat on it again).

I AM SOOO EXCITED.... I want to go CAMPING!!!!!

Hope you can make it Stoker!!!!!


Nice to hear from you...!!! Of course we want more pictures... have you seen the over abundance of posting on the blog these last few weeks!!!Frick, I can hardly keep up!!! :) YOu should have kicked the duck! (or head bunted it!!) sooooo... Dave said something the other day about you coming to our wedding in your dress whites??? THAT WOULD BE FREAKING AWESOME!!! I am going to hold you to it now :) I am going to get what ever paramedics come, to where their uniforms too.

Well hope to see more pics soon... can you take a pic of your seaman boat for us too!!! That would be cool.... oooh, and one of you holding a gun in your uniform??? or do they let you do that anymore???!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My gift to you..

Hi All!

How's everyone doing? Sorry I've been out and about for a while. I've been working on alot of progects for the Navy. Including a new admin program I helped design. It's in french because it origionated in Quebec for some strange reason. Something about the french loving to program in perl. Who knew? lol.. I also got a ID card system going to all the cadet military camps in BC. Ontop of your standard Network Admin stuff. Creating passwords, accounts, router configs, help desk, etc.

I've also been doing the tourist thing in Victoria as well! Melissa came and visited!! :D We went to the Butchard Gardens (a.k.a The But Gardens! lol) It was SOOOOOOO beautiful! All pretty flowers! too bad I was elergic to it all! lol... My nose took weeks to recover! Then we saw an IMAX flick on some air force thing. I wanted to see some NAVY BOATS!!! But there wasn't a show like that. I pouted for a bit, but it was really cool. We also went to the Royal BC Musium. It sucked. lol. Let's see...where else did we go... OH YEAH!! We did a tour of the Parlement buildings! We saw where some crazy Irish lady came and just started talking away! It was wierd.

The pictures are of me and my sweetie in the but gardens, Melissa in the inner harber, me infont of the Empress Hotel. And there's this crazy duck!! He sits in font of the Queen Victoria Statue and waits for a unsuspecting tourist, when I took a picture, it just CAME and charged at me!! I didn't know where to run away or just kick it! It was NUTS!!! OMG!!!

So today we had a final ceremony with the cadets. I was given the "Cadet Good Service Medal" YAY ME!! Basicly it's a medal just conferming that you have no life. lol. At the end of the week, I pack my bags and head up island to sunny comox! Where the sea guls crap even more then usual and it rains only 3 times a week! Yay me! lol. The good thing is that I get free room and food! There I take over the base IT section there and run the navy camp there. Should be interesting. I'll be the bastard Network Admin from hell!!! HAAA HA HAHAHAHAHA!!! <--- crazy evil laugh! I have to pack this week. *pout* I hate packing...

Well, last week of work, the end of one thing and onto the next. At least the hang over will stop. Now it's onto something new and exciting. I'm heading to bed all! I didn't get a nap today so I'm kinda cranky You guys can still reach me at my e-mail address. Let me know when the camping weekends are going to happen, I can book days off then.

Take care all! If you want more pictures let me know!

