Sunday, June 04, 2006

My gift to you..

Hi All!

How's everyone doing? Sorry I've been out and about for a while. I've been working on alot of progects for the Navy. Including a new admin program I helped design. It's in french because it origionated in Quebec for some strange reason. Something about the french loving to program in perl. Who knew? lol.. I also got a ID card system going to all the cadet military camps in BC. Ontop of your standard Network Admin stuff. Creating passwords, accounts, router configs, help desk, etc.

I've also been doing the tourist thing in Victoria as well! Melissa came and visited!! :D We went to the Butchard Gardens (a.k.a The But Gardens! lol) It was SOOOOOOO beautiful! All pretty flowers! too bad I was elergic to it all! lol... My nose took weeks to recover! Then we saw an IMAX flick on some air force thing. I wanted to see some NAVY BOATS!!! But there wasn't a show like that. I pouted for a bit, but it was really cool. We also went to the Royal BC Musium. It sucked. lol. Let's see...where else did we go... OH YEAH!! We did a tour of the Parlement buildings! We saw where some crazy Irish lady came and just started talking away! It was wierd.

The pictures are of me and my sweetie in the but gardens, Melissa in the inner harber, me infont of the Empress Hotel. And there's this crazy duck!! He sits in font of the Queen Victoria Statue and waits for a unsuspecting tourist, when I took a picture, it just CAME and charged at me!! I didn't know where to run away or just kick it! It was NUTS!!! OMG!!!

So today we had a final ceremony with the cadets. I was given the "Cadet Good Service Medal" YAY ME!! Basicly it's a medal just conferming that you have no life. lol. At the end of the week, I pack my bags and head up island to sunny comox! Where the sea guls crap even more then usual and it rains only 3 times a week! Yay me! lol. The good thing is that I get free room and food! There I take over the base IT section there and run the navy camp there. Should be interesting. I'll be the bastard Network Admin from hell!!! HAAA HA HAHAHAHAHA!!! <--- crazy evil laugh! I have to pack this week. *pout* I hate packing...

Well, last week of work, the end of one thing and onto the next. At least the hang over will stop. Now it's onto something new and exciting. I'm heading to bed all! I didn't get a nap today so I'm kinda cranky You guys can still reach me at my e-mail address. Let me know when the camping weekends are going to happen, I can book days off then.

Take care all! If you want more pictures let me know!



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