Monday, June 05, 2006


First trip planned:

SUGAR LAKE: CherryVille~ July longweekend... Isaac, me, maybe Bryce, Dave? and Cam? and Isaacs buddy and whoever wants to come will be heading out to the campsite on WEND. June. 28th to get a spot. We will be coming home on the Sunday... July.2 We are going to try to get the place that we went to last time with the creek again ~ that way we don't have to worry about ice again and it will be sweet......

2nd trip planned:

EAGLE BAY: Revelstoke~ Aug. Longweekend.... Same... Isaac is taking the week off prior and Cam ad Dave said they prob would too... so we will prob be going out around mon-wends. to get a good spot again. (the spot we got the last time we were there was one of the best and would be cool if we could skwat on it again).

I AM SOOO EXCITED.... I want to go CAMPING!!!!!

Hope you can make it Stoker!!!!!

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