Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I thought you weren't able to make it though Mel??? The problem with Ellison and all those big campsites is that they cost way too much... Cherryville is close to where you are..??? and then we only chose Eagle bay because we havn't been out there for 2 years and it is a really cool campsite... totally worth the drive.... They ususally don't come around and collect there either which is awesome and a life saver because we would be going out for a week and Isaac is planning on 2 weeks.... so we have to keep it cheap. There are also lots of logging roads for Isaac's 4x4ing expeditions and there is a nice waterfall to hike to. I know it is farther away.... but not much if not the same as going out to Shuswap near squilax where all the non-resort campsites are. (Adams lake ect.).

I would really like to go somewhere close but they are usually all pay sites ($$$) or Evely, which we've exhausted these last couple of years.

Are you able to get time off now???

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