Monday, November 06, 2006

Birthday week Dinner....

Hey guy's well it's here!!! Birthday week officially starts with Daves birthday today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!!!
Then Chris on the 7th, Me on the 8th, Bryce on the 10th, Joanne on the 19th and Mandy on the 21st!!!!!

Dinner..... We will all be celebrating our birthdays at a birthday dinner on Friday night (Nov.10th).

The plan is.... Boston Pizza in Vernon at 6:30pm and then afterwards.... hopefully going to see "Borat" at famous players in Vernon..... we heard it may not be in though. If it isn't.... then we may see something else. Or if everyone wants to do the drive (carpool of course) then there is the option of going to see it in Kelowna.

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