Sunday, November 05, 2006

Parka Time

It was fricken snowing here in Ottawa when I woke up this morning, and just so u all know, I'm not happy. Its bloody cold out and I guess its time to bring out the Parka and all. lol We already get like 5-6 months of winter in this lovely capital city of ours, why the hell does it have to start so damn early. Its bad enough that I live in the second coldest capital city in the world, but really, snowing this early in November just sucks.


delta__vee said...

Should I point out that it snowed in the Okanagan on Thursday? Nah, I better not. ;)

I think I'll start wearing the ol' Snow Goose this winter just for kicks. I feel kind of sorry for it sitting there in my closet, waiting for serious winter jacket weather that's never ever going to arrive.

delta__vee said...
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