Friday, April 29, 2005


Hey all,

Well today I shall be leaving for Victoria to take this crazy course the Navy thinks it's a good idea for me to take. I shall be back May7th to pester you all once again. Take care this week guys. Remember: play nice, share your crayons.



Thursday, April 28, 2005

Party Like it's 1989

Why not turn it into a full-fledged 80s night?

Do the requirements have to do with fancy DVD players?


I sometimes get really nostalgic.

My current nostalgia trip started a few months ago when I started watching movies I remember loving as a child. I am still doing that (school made it difficult) and have started watching older movies I never got to see. Currently those movies are predominantly from the 80s.

What does this have to do with everyone else? I was thinking of having an oldies movie day at our place (or any other place that is suitable...there are requirements). Technically anything I try to plan never works out as I hope so I am thinking of doing this in a flexible way so that if people want to watch a movie at our place (which happens a lot) we can always just throw in one of the oldies I have. Instead of having an oldies day we just throw them in when there is no obvious new one to watch or whatever.

My collection is growing daily.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Going to see U2 this weekend!!!

I am leaving tomorrow (Thursday) to see U2 and party with my friends from back home. I'll be back on Sunday night. Then I will available for games night on Saturdays and anything else (if I'm not working)

- Sammi

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Another good idea Ang...

Meh, when ever. I actually leave for Victoria on Friday but anytime before that is good. I'm back on May 7th so anytime after that is good too! :D

-Stoker. (<--the cool guy)

Monday, April 25, 2005

Anyone up for doing something this weekend???

I was thinking it would be cool to either make sandwiches or get subs or something and get a bunch of people to go out to Kal Provincial Park on Saturday or Sunday. Now that exams are all done, we can finally all hang out. We could take some chairs or blankets, the sunglasses a frisbee or football and of for the guys and just go hangout....hey, if its hot enough, maybe take a "QUICK" dip. :) If your Brave!!! I think there are some good trails out there too. I want to get some good photos of all of you guy's I can put together the frame I got to put all of you in. And Bryce and I want to work on a project together with some digitals.... you're gonna get Digitized!!!!

PS... Joel and Lyndse.... wondering if you could take some good poses of Bryce and I with the digital cameras... Kal Prov. would be the perfect spot.... We could take some of the two of you too if you like. Its been a while since we had some good pics of just the two of us.

Let me know who's interested and what day.....

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Games Night

Hey is anybody coming to games night tonight? I bought a new game. No more Canadian trivia.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Today's Link Dump

nintendo themes, a cappella

What the hell breeded with your cat???

I think this is what the spawn of the rat cat would look like, if it has sex with..... hmmm.....who the hell knows what.... some possesed, rabies infected cat perhaps!!!

Bryce found this picture somewhere.. it is an actual animal.... if you could call it that.... and is part of the lemur family.... FREAKY!!!!!

See it here

Monday, April 18, 2005

Hey all

Hi guys/girls.

Stoker's back! yay! How did it go? Dave got shot did he. HA HA HA HA! :p Sorry I wasn't there. This weekend was a rather crappy one.

Till next time...Same Stoker Time, Same Stoker Channell.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

A Must Listen for Computer Users

I came accross this a long time ago but was reminded of it recently.

This is not really a must listen but hey...I say listen to it is funny.

Buck 65 - Making Love to Your Hard Drive

OHH, AND I SHOT DAVE!!!! How those bruises doing, huh Dave????


Paintball was awesome!!! but it really hurts to walk up and down stairs today... due to having to crouch so much during the game. We played all day(10:30-2:30) and then went for something to eat which was pretty funny because we were all so tired afterwards that no one wanted to get up to go home. And then everyone fell asleep in our car! We will have to go again this summer for sure!!! I was actually thinking that if people are interested in buying paintball guns, it would be really fun and cool to spend some time at my uncles house in Ashton Creek. They have the whole mountain side and it would be an awesome area to build a paintball area, just for who ever wants to play. My cousins have paintball guns too. Or camping.... a paintball gun could be a riot.

Just to remind everyone... games night at Keira and Matts house this coming Saturday. Prob 7 pm again...and we are wondering if you want to do snacks again, or do an actual potluck dinner this time??

Does anyone have any new games??? Or know any cool card games???

Friday, April 15, 2005

Kyle is scaring me you are officially disowned as my brother.

Writing VB in public, admitting you know it, AND using it's commenting style in an English language statement. That is wrong on so many levels.

printf("Are %s hearing %s i'm %s?", "you", "what", "saying"); /*you know who you are*/

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Doesn't anyone call 911 anymore???!!!

I could really use a call right about now!!!! Cam... go trip someone who didn't tip you tonight!!!

Sorry to here your news Stoker, don't worry about it though.... take care of what ever you need to.... we all understand and just hope that everything turns out okay. Let us know if you need anything, k?

Paintball: We will be planning another outing sounds like, this summer. Hopefully then, most people will be able to make it. There was the consideration of changing this one to another date a couple of times due to exams and all, but people took time off work for it so I think it is only fair to keep it still going. There are also still about 8 people interested. So all I have to say is " BRING IT ON !!!"


Hey guys.

I can't make it to paintball saturday. Sorry guys. I feel REALLY bad about it. Something has come up. There's been a family emergancy. I'll keep you guys informed.

Thanks for understanding guys. You guys are the best.



Is it "Homage to Ahmed?"

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


It is a Robert Bateman.

Unfortunately I don't know the name of the painting and haven't had time to give a full search online for it. It is similar to yours except it shows the whole elephant.


Hey Bryce, my elephant is by John Banovich. I'd like to see the one you mentioned; who is the artist again?

Monday, April 11, 2005

PAINTBALL UPDATE... is the list of those coming on sat... Is there anyone else???
Angela, Bryce, Monte, Kyle..(?), Dave, Isaac, Joel, Lyndse, Stoker,

Bryce and I figured out the last time we went that if you want to play a while and have some fun... 500 paintballs per person is a pretty good amount. That is most likely what him and I will be getting this time as well. You are able to by box's of 2000 paint balls that run about $80... and we may get a deal... so if you can split a box between 4 people... it works out to 500 for aprox. $20. I would imagine that Bryce, me, monte and kyle will be splitting a box... but if Kyle doesn't come... some one can jump in with us.

Kyle..... we need to know if you are on board????

anyways if anyone else is interested, or if you want to bring some friends, just keep us updated and then we can keep track of the numbers so we can let the paintball guy's know. Can't wait!!! should be fun!!!

Miss me?!

Stoker's back! YAY! How was the party? What's new and exciting all? I just got in abut 0100 this morning. LONGEST TRIP EVER!! OMG!! But it was good. Relaxing. Well I'm hungry, so I'm going to find some breakfast...




Hi, it's Lana. Sorry for not replying to your invitation from so long ago Angela. Anyways this is a great idea and "hello everyone", I hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to check this blog as much as I can. Anyways take care!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

I'm still alive...

Hey everyone,

I will be at games night tonight, but I will be there for 9:00 pm. I will bring juice and timbits (or something like that). I have to work on the 16th of no paintball for me. (big, huge pout on my face). We are short staffed at work during the week of the April 16 because of management needing time off, and since I am taking time of at the end of April...I'm working. I really wanted to splash paint on everyone. I am trying to read the blog once a week...usually Saturdays. I'll see you tonight.
- Sammi


Hey yo...

We will prob be leaving hereat 6:15 so if you want... we can prob all go together... Dave says that he is volunteering Isaac to drive...unless.... you want to take your guys' van??? Anyways... we might as well meet here at our house at 6pm. That will give Bryce 15 min to get his butt out the door :) you know how it is :) There is you, Joel, me, bryce, dave, Isaac.

Oh and bring what ever games you have so that there are some choices....prob can leave twister at home this time though.. :)

7:00 it is.... see ya then....


How about 7:00ish?

Games tonight....

Keira... what time do you want us all there??

Sounds like it is Bryce, Me, Dave,Isaac, Lyndse, Joel..... and I was going to phone Cory and Monica... but perhaps we have enough people already???? what do you figure?? Let me know ASAP and if not, then I will phone and ask them...or they can just come next time. (I havn't talked to them about it yet at all.)

I think we are bringing some homemade pizza...perhaps popcorn.... I'll bring all of our that there is choice.

hope to here from you soon..... I don't know what everyone else is planning on bringing.
Have you heard from SAMMY???

Lindsay's Game for Paintball

Thats right! I will be at paintball, and Stoker I am glad you will be there also, so i am not the only target. hahaha I will get to release my pent up stress and frustrations. Ya!!!!!!!!!!! Boyz, you're going DOWN.

Oh yeah, what's the deal for tonight?? What time? Who is driving, etc???

Party Tonight

Hey Dudes,
Who is coming tonight and who is bringing what? A&B can you bring a cool game? Or we could stick with ours: Act One, Simpsons' Jeopardy, a nerdy word game. It's probably too soon for Dirty Minds again.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Coolest Damn thing - Google Maps

Check out the coolest damn thing.

You can see maps of just about anywhere on Earth.

Google Maps

The coolest part is if you choose the "Satelite" option on the far right...
Check it out

And now for a collective DUH....

Men spend more on video games than music

Thursday, April 07, 2005


YYYAAAYYYY!!!!! STOKER IS STAYING!!!! YYAAAYYYY!!!! I hope I sound excited enough, cause I am!!! Camping here we come!!! paintball first though! Is your girl going to come help shoot dave, stoker??? That is so cool I am excited we get to all hang out this summer.

So far for paint ball we have:
Angela, Bryce, Dave, Stoker, Joel, Monte, Isaac, Kyle?? Tim??
Lyndse ??? (you better come!!!!)
Sammi??? (you better come too!!!)

Chris?? Shawn??? havn't heard from you....

Bryce.... Email Tim and let him know the details...

Do to reasons beyond my control

Well I just reieved a phone call today. There isn't enough people to go on the boats. So that means I'm not going. You guys get to deal with me for a couple more months! YAY! :p

Truthly, I'm really annoyed now. They tell me I AM going, so I've dropped classes, asked work, made ALL the arangements, and now they cancell. BAH! STOKER MAD! ROAR!!!

But fear not. Stoker can go camping now! yay! I'll be around for a couple of months anyways.

Cheers all.



We're a no-go for paintballing; I have an exam.

Games To Play With Your Significant Other....

I finally got a chance to try the new star wars game.

Republic Commando? Knights of the Old Republic 2? Nope. Lego Star Wars!!!

This is a fun game. It is cooperative so you can play it with someone else on the same your spouse. If your significant other is not as much of a gamer as you then this is a good game for the two of you because it is nice and light.

Hopefully when Ang gets home from workville she will play it with me...:)

The demo is available here or here. I suggest you learn to use Bittorrent if you want the file fast.

Website here.

Dave/Jole hunting season...

Stoker's going hunting....count me in

Dave will be at Paintball...

^^ That says it all...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

link dump

Robo Urinal: Behold Your Porcelain Master
Tasting Music
css Zen Garden - what? you havent visited the garden and you dont know what css is? shame on you

Joel will be at paintball

As if I would miss a chance to blast you lot. I'm trying to round up as many people as I can.... I can't speak for Lindsay but I think she is paintballing with us(certainly not with anyone else). So there... Lindsay your on the spot.


Oh and I updated my blog some ... kinda a geek fest but what can you do.
Jole's (like the juice) Bloggy

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Well done! Words alone can't describe how cool thouse pictures are! Don't worry though, I'm going to break into song or anything like that. But...WOW!



Wow! Keira... how did I miss these on your blog??? Bryce ansd I love them!!! they are so cool...esp the top one... I want some done now!!! think he'll do some of us?? just a couple?? just kidding..he's prob way too busy... Those are great! I hope you don't mind if I put the link on here so these guy's can see them....they don't go to the wedding blog for the most part I dont think...

Hey all, check out these sexy people that we know!!! :) Awesome image work!

Saturday...Who's all coming to Games night???

sounds great Keira. Snacks and all...BYOB... what time do you want people to show up??
You may know Cory or Monica... What year did you graduate??? Cory MacIntosh... he graduated just ahead of us.. and Monica Jewel...they are just a couple years older than us.

Havn't heard from Joel or Lindsay... but I know they do check on here every now and then.
Stokers gone!!!! damb hi again!!! :( "Next time stoker!"

PAINTBALL : SAT. APRIL 16th Listen up everyone... We need a count of everyone that is planning on coming... Sounds like we are going to Safari Ridge again in Westbank. We need an aproximate count so that we can see if we can get a group rate. We have to let them know in advance for it. Our friend Mike says he may be able to get us a deal... but we need to know ho many people....and kind of an idea of who wants to rent coveralls and special gear. We have decided to be AT the Paintball place at 10am and then that gives us the greater portion of the day to play. Afterwards there will prob be a BBQ and relaxing at our house...bring your Beer of course.! If anyone wants to meet at our house and follow us out or catch a ride with someone, we'll probably be leaving here at 9am.

Please try to let us know ASAP.... by the 12th if possible and then we will phone them with a final count.

Monday, April 04, 2005


Hey guys n' gals.

I'll be in Victoria teaching all weekend. I've giving a course on how to be a "Range Safety Officer" at the cadet level. It's so others can teach cadets how to shoot air rifles n' 22s n' stuff. It's all part of the Biathlon training they need. (or what I like to call a "Norwegian Drive by") Sorry. I promise to catch the next one. April's a busy month for me. Other then the 16th. All my weekends are booked. :(

I promise I'll catch you guys the next time around. Or maybe a Friday night or something. I NEED to test out my new spiffy camera! Or I might forget what you people look like! lol..

Warmest regards


Be There and Be Square

Considering all the bachelors, we might have more success with snacks than with meals, n'est-ce pas? Either way sounds great for us, so let us know what you want.

How about Lindsay and Joel? Stoker and Zandy?

Matt mentioned that Cory and Monica are from Armstrong. Might I know them?

Games night Sat...

Keira.. I am totally up for games night this sat. I don't have to work, and Dave and Isaac are interested too. I would imagine Bryce too.... but depends on projects due and exams coming up. Dave mentioned that maybe him and Isaac should just show up late again, cause they figure they could just start late and kick our asses....huh....what are they thinking....don't they realize we were being nice to them last time.???!

Did you end up getting any games at toys r us?? What do you want to do for potluck??? snacks ( cheese, crackers, veggies ect...) or actual dishes???

We may have two other friends that would prob be interested... Cory and Monica.... Matt met them at New years....

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Here is the price list for Safari Ridge. The pass cost has gone up since we last played but the paint ball costs went down. That is great if we are going to play for hours.

Sin City

Was very cool. I liked it alot. Gory but awesome.

The Drive In......

Hey Stoker, yes there is a drive in theater between Armstrong and Enderby. It's about 25-30 min. from vernon. CLICK HERE for the link

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Drive in.

Hey all,

I was woundering. I hurd a rumor that there's a drive in movie place near Enderby/Lumby/Salmon Arm. Can anyone conferm this? I'm looking to take Zandy to one of thouse. I think it would be neat. Let me know!



Stoker did it! He told me too!

I can't go. No car this weekend. Sorry guys. I'll catch the next one.


Sin City Time

I was thinking I'd probably go to the 9:40 show (In Vernon) so that Isaac can come as well.

More April fools....

The gPod

and many more....

Sat. has been cancelled...

Hey all,
I have to go to my parents today to do some work for their company so it looks like not many people are available for scandia. Dave and Bryce and possibly Shawn and Isaac will most likely be going to see Sin city tonight here in Vernon then. I will get Bryce to put what time, on here, when he knows. As for tomorrow.... I am free during the day and night.... sooo... let me know if anyone is wanting to do anything.

Games night next Sat would be GREAT!!! I will check if I am working or not... and get back to you right away...

Friday, April 01, 2005


We're still free all weekend, but we can't do a late-night Sunday. Let us know what's up. Wanna do another games night next Sat?

Gah!! Crazyness I tell you! CRAZY!

Stoker must work tommorrow from 1200hrs - 1600hrs tommorrow. I'm free after that. Sunday I have a stupid road clean up with my cadets. No idea how long that should take. As for a movie that'd be cool. But again. I have no car and I'd be S.O.L. Sorry guys...


What is happening this weekend???

Just wondering what people want to do this weekend? No one has really gotten back to me so I guess if I don't hear from you by tonight then it sounds like Bryce and Dave are going to see the movie here in Vernon...where Bryce wants to go anyway because it is only $7 right now...and I will be going to work. Sunday is wide open and sat. during the day is as well. talk to someone soon.


And the April fools jokes start flooding in....


But is the extra GB of storage space in Gmail a joke or really a Gmail birthday present.

Ah other proprietary software company fills me with such warm juicy feelings....