Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Saturday...Who's all coming to Games night???

sounds great Keira. Snacks and all...BYOB... what time do you want people to show up??
You may know Cory or Monica... What year did you graduate??? Cory MacIntosh... he graduated just ahead of us.. and Monica Jewel...they are just a couple years older than us.

Havn't heard from Joel or Lindsay... but I know they do check on here every now and then.
Stokers gone!!!! damb hi again!!! :( "Next time stoker!"

PAINTBALL : SAT. APRIL 16th Listen up everyone... We need a count of everyone that is planning on coming... Sounds like we are going to Safari Ridge again in Westbank. We need an aproximate count so that we can see if we can get a group rate. We have to let them know in advance for it. Our friend Mike says he may be able to get us a deal... but we need to know ho many people....and kind of an idea of who wants to rent coveralls and special gear. We have decided to be AT the Paintball place at 10am and then that gives us the greater portion of the day to play. Afterwards there will prob be a BBQ and relaxing at our house...bring your Beer of course.! If anyone wants to meet at our house and follow us out or catch a ride with someone, we'll probably be leaving here at 9am.

Please try to let us know ASAP.... by the 12th if possible and then we will phone them with a final count.

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