Monday, April 11, 2005

PAINTBALL UPDATE... is the list of those coming on sat... Is there anyone else???
Angela, Bryce, Monte, Kyle..(?), Dave, Isaac, Joel, Lyndse, Stoker,

Bryce and I figured out the last time we went that if you want to play a while and have some fun... 500 paintballs per person is a pretty good amount. That is most likely what him and I will be getting this time as well. You are able to by box's of 2000 paint balls that run about $80... and we may get a deal... so if you can split a box between 4 people... it works out to 500 for aprox. $20. I would imagine that Bryce, me, monte and kyle will be splitting a box... but if Kyle doesn't come... some one can jump in with us.

Kyle..... we need to know if you are on board????

anyways if anyone else is interested, or if you want to bring some friends, just keep us updated and then we can keep track of the numbers so we can let the paintball guy's know. Can't wait!!! should be fun!!!

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