Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Camping Pictures

Okay guy's here are some camping highlights..... sorry they are not all in order.... FUN TIMES!!!!

The mountain Road we decided to drive up.... bear country!!!

All the goons piled in the back of the truck getting ready to go...

leaving the campsite...kyle wanting to sleep.

Dean at the top of the mountain, disturbing the foilage...

Arms up!!!!! WHooo hooo!!!!

The football players in the lake playing 500.

More goons on the 'back' road trip...

"Wait for it.... Wait for it....."

Mostly everyone.... just hanging out.

Mandy dominates the guy's in 500!!!!

Taking a break at the top of the gravel pit...

Climbing in Isaacs truck....Straight up!!

OH OH!!!! Did we break something coming down the other side????

Here we are hill climbing and 4x4ing at the gravel pit. Fun Stuff!!!

Isaac and I decided to take Joel, Dave and Shelly on a detour through a mud pit we found.... here they are getting soaked!!!!! HA hA!!!

Here are the Poker players betting all their savings away....

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