Friday, July 15, 2005, tubes, and BBQ's


I'm in for Friday night, but I have to work until 9:30 pm. I need to clean out the shop during the day on Saturday. If the Enderby creek floating event is in the morning or late afternoon, it could work for me. I'll have to have a chat, with whomever is going to Enderby, tonight at the poker game.

I am thinking we should do the poker game like the poker challenge on TV. Everyone gets chips and plays until the chips are all gone. The last person with chips wins all the money. I'm so into winning some long as Keira doesn't play. She kicked my ass the night we were at her grandma's cabin.

I have to go to work now, so I'll call Ang and Bryce later today for information on tonight.
If you are coming Saturday to my BBQ, you can talked to me tonight at Ang's or call Ang for my number. I don't mind giving directions to anyone; I just don't want to give them or my phone number on the blog.

See you later,

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