Friday, March 31, 2006

7pm tonight... Ice Age

Don't worry people. Stoker is on Crack!!! The movie is showing in Vernon tonight at 7pm..... we may be doing something for dinner prior too... so call us at grand central station(my house) if you are interested in coming.... prob do dinner at 5:30-6pm

oh no!

Well I just checked the movie listings in Vernon and Ice Age isn't even playing!!!!!

Now what? Anyone want to see something else?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Okay, here's the plan ladies and gents...

Okay, this is what I've been trying to figure out all week.

I have no idea what the times for the movies are, and my Sweetie's off of work at 9:30pm. (For thouse of you who are playing the home game, my sweetie's Melissa! lamo!) So the late show she might not be able to make it to and then she'd be waiting around for me till midnight. So this is what I figured.

I'll be in Vernon around 3pmish. I have to go Visit Dave and see if my shiny, new laptop is there yet. Then I was thinking about hanging around either Ang/Bryce's place or the guys place. Whom ever lets me in the door. lol.. Then see the movie around 7pmish. After that, Melissa would be free and we can continue the fun or just part ways till I get back.

That's what Stoker thinks the plan should be anyways...

ps. I just found the font color button. Cool eh?!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm in for Friday night at the movies

I really want to see Ice Age - Meltdown; I loved the first Ice Age. I work until 2:00 pm, but I could get ask to stay longer. I am also giving blood, after work, for the Canadian Blood Services at Trinity Church on Alexis Park Dr (if anyone else would like to donate the give of life). Ang and I were talking about walking to Trinity for our daily exercise. It usually takes one hour to give blood. There is a lot of wait at different stations. For the blood to come out of my arm...not even 5 mins. Then I get cookies and juice!
If anyone wants to join Ang and I, the more the merrier. Ang isn't sure if she wants to give blood. Just thinking...I use to panic when I had to have any type of needle near me.

Chat with everyone later,

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Friday night...March.30... ICE AGE 2

Holy crap, I might as well become a freakin event planner... does no one else write on here anymore???

Okay... Stokers very last chance to see anyone before he leaves is Friday night, and it is also when we are all going to see ICE AGE 2...!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!

What time Stokie Man????

Hope to see you all there to say good bye to our very own semen...I mean seAman for 3 months.

Also... don't know if anyone noticed but when we changed the look of the blog, we lost all the links down the side... I have replaced some of them again. We also have a new one there for our wedding... not much on it yet, but all of the wedding party will eventually be on there as they are notified and then the planning will take off.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Change is Good Donkey

Just remember... "Change is good, Donkey" :)

Friday, March 24, 2006


Wow! you better make it up to us... I even got off work early for you!!!
hmmmm.....okay... do you want to make it an afternoon /evening thing tommorow then??? Melissa has to leave early tomorrow right?

hmmm....well, lets do the same thing but tomorrow then... but come over in the noon if you can.

Bryce and I almost went and planned something else with our parents sast night, but one wasn't available... few!

slight change in plans...


Sorry guys, I forgot I had a family thing arranged for friday night. :( Sorry! Can we posone it till saturday? For sure! Invite Joel's sisters! The more the marrier! Melissa has cranium if we need a copy. plus I have SCRABBLE! lamo! just kidding! no scrabble. stoker no spell so good. That sounds great though! I can't wait! Today I have to go glasses/laptop shopping. and then tonight it's the family going away party. It's the only night they are all home at once to toss me a bash! It's not as good as yours though ang. but hey! :D So yeah, sorry if the ball got rolling already, but I'll make it up to ya.




ANG!!!! CALL MEE!!!!

slight change in plans...


Sorry guys, I forgot I had a family thing arranged for friday night. :( Sorry! Can we posone it till saturday? For sure! Invite Joel's sisters! The more the marrier! Melissa has cranium if we need a copy. plus I have SCRABBLE! lamo! just kidding! no scrabble. stoker no spell so good. That sounds great though! I can't wait! Today I have to go glasses/laptop shopping. and then tonight it's the family going away party. It's the only night they are all home at once to toss me a bash! It's not as good as yours though ang. but hey! :D So yeah, sorry if the ball got rolling already, but I'll make it up to ya.




ANG!!!! CALL MEE!!!!

What are we doing people??

Hey guy's, whats up?? I am off at 5pm now...home at 5:30. So come over any time after that. Bring games and BYOB... incase we decide to play games...

I guess I willl pick up some buns and some sandwich meat... can someone else grab some sandwich meat too?? And sammi I would imagine will bring her cheese pepperoni platter.... then what ever other people want to bring.

Dave/Isaac, have you heard from shelley or leah??? If not, maybe try phoning them again.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Sounds good Stoker... Are we playing games or playing games and going out, or what do you figure? I think it would be cool to play Cranium or some other games, and then maybe go to the pub 'after' some crawl....or something. Mind of we invite Joels sisters? they have been wanting to get together with all of us again, especially if we decide to do games.

I am home at 6:30pm Friday night. Do you guy's want to do a snacks/potluck dinner?? Cheese, meat, buns, veggies..chips,salsa... What we did for Cory and Monicas shower turned out really well...

Party time!!!!

Hi guys!

Yeah, we should so do a party at the hang out place! (IF that's okay with you Ang!) on say friday night? I managed to sneek saturday off! So maybe then! Let me know!



Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Back in Vernon

I am back in Vernon, and I have my year full of other people's weddings, my trips, and other people's babies. I felt I needed to clarify ownership of each item. I will fill everyone in when I have more time.

- Sammi

Hello from afar

Hey Everyone,

Don't know the last time I've posted here.... although I have been checking it from time to time. Congrats Stoker on your new job... sucks for Melissa I know. :(
Been having a great time here in OZ. Have had my fair share of experiences while I've been here. Most have been really great and some I'd rather not repeat (like picking pears in an Orchard). Staying in the camp for the orchard (about 50-60 people) was cool but the actual work was hard and sooooo boring. Got a surf board now but have only been surfing a few times and I still suck! The beaches here are amazing no matter where you go, and living out of a Van for weeks on end is great (provided you get a shower every few days). The cities and towns aren't that unlike Canada but having the ocean so close all the time and the climate is almost like another world at times... the animals are really different too.

Glad to here the weather is starting to warm up there in Canada. Glad to hear you're going home for the summer Lindsay... sorry I won't be there to see you. :(

Anyway I hope you are all well.


Yep... he's goin' again....

Well... my sweetie is off again... that's the Navy for ya.. trying to rule the IT world again! mwuahaha.. ahem...

So I'll have absoultely nothing to do while Shaun's away besides working... if I get any hours that is... So I'll need a pick-me-up sometimes becuase I am going to miss him like crazy, so give me a shout!

Anyhow... a party would be great fun... I would have to go home early Saturday as I work Sunday morning, but we'll see how it goes...!... don't worry Isaac, we won't put up a tent in your house hahaha.. or leave socks behind! ;)

Thanks Lindsay! We'll definitely do a ladies night! *wink wink* And yay for sex stores!


Hey Stoker congrats on the job. It sucks that you are leaving us, but we will still get a chance to hang out this summer in July and Aug. I will be back in Vernon sometime in May for the whole summer, haven't yet figured everything out though. But yeahhhhhh! we can all go camping whoa!!!!!! Sweet. Well Melissa, that really sucks for you, but you now have more time to hang out with us girls, and party hard hahaha. Sex store anyone????? we definately have to do that again, among other things. Right girls. Well take care everyone, have a great weekend and talk to u all soon.


Monday, March 20, 2006

Stoker you SUCK!!!

Just kidding! but no, ya you suck!!!!! well I guess we'll have to go camping when you get least you hopefully aren't gone all summer.

I am so happy that I have Friday night, Sat, sat night off so that I can see you before you leave.

What do you want to do?? feel like drinking and having games night? or hmmm..? any ideas? I am up for planning something, just let us know when and what you'd like to do.

Sammi...... where are u??? phone me when you get back k.

Stoker's going to play Navy!

Hi guys!

Well as luck would have it, I was offered a job as a network admin for the DND in Victoria. It's a three month contract willing from April 4th/5th till the end of June. What really sucks is the lack of prep time to go. This means that THIS WEEKEND is my last weekend in the Okanagan, then I'd be a ocean pirate! RRRRRRRR... (<-- Best pirate "R") lamo!

It's a pretty cool gig. I get paid a crap load of cash (so I can pay for school) and I get to live on base! YAY ocean front proporty. So moving day for me would be about the 3rd of April. I'm going to miss you guys! *pout* * sob* *cry*

I wanted to see if you guys would be interested in doing something this weekend? Say saturday night maybe.

Let me know!



Tuesday, March 14, 2006

POKER?, Skating?, Tubetown???- FRIDAY NIGHT

Doesn't anyone blog anymore??

Anyways, thinking of either skating or poker for Friday night... let me know what you want to do... we have a couple new people for poker (Monica's brother, and Rama that is in Bryces class). Could play for $5.

Skating is like $3-3.50 up at Silver star on the pond...very cool up there!!
OR we could do Tube town again!!!! That would rock!!! What do you guy's want to do???

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Skating Tomorrow Night

Hey guy's just wanted to let you know that there are some of us going up to SilverStar tomorrow night to go skating. I am not off work until 6pm in Enderby so I should be home for 6:30 unless I can get off early.

So if people want to meet at our house at 6-6:30 then we can leave as soon as I get home. There are rental skates up there if you don't have any...I think they are only like$3

Hope to see you tomorrow......oh, and Stoker is planning on coming too!!