Thursday, March 30, 2006

Okay, here's the plan ladies and gents...

Okay, this is what I've been trying to figure out all week.

I have no idea what the times for the movies are, and my Sweetie's off of work at 9:30pm. (For thouse of you who are playing the home game, my sweetie's Melissa! lamo!) So the late show she might not be able to make it to and then she'd be waiting around for me till midnight. So this is what I figured.

I'll be in Vernon around 3pmish. I have to go Visit Dave and see if my shiny, new laptop is there yet. Then I was thinking about hanging around either Ang/Bryce's place or the guys place. Whom ever lets me in the door. lol.. Then see the movie around 7pmish. After that, Melissa would be free and we can continue the fun or just part ways till I get back.

That's what Stoker thinks the plan should be anyways...

ps. I just found the font color button. Cool eh?!


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