Monday, March 20, 2006

Stoker's going to play Navy!

Hi guys!

Well as luck would have it, I was offered a job as a network admin for the DND in Victoria. It's a three month contract willing from April 4th/5th till the end of June. What really sucks is the lack of prep time to go. This means that THIS WEEKEND is my last weekend in the Okanagan, then I'd be a ocean pirate! RRRRRRRR... (<-- Best pirate "R") lamo!

It's a pretty cool gig. I get paid a crap load of cash (so I can pay for school) and I get to live on base! YAY ocean front proporty. So moving day for me would be about the 3rd of April. I'm going to miss you guys! *pout* * sob* *cry*

I wanted to see if you guys would be interested in doing something this weekend? Say saturday night maybe.

Let me know!



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