Sunday, March 26, 2006

Friday night...March.30... ICE AGE 2

Holy crap, I might as well become a freakin event planner... does no one else write on here anymore???

Okay... Stokers very last chance to see anyone before he leaves is Friday night, and it is also when we are all going to see ICE AGE 2...!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!

What time Stokie Man????

Hope to see you all there to say good bye to our very own semen...I mean seAman for 3 months.

Also... don't know if anyone noticed but when we changed the look of the blog, we lost all the links down the side... I have replaced some of them again. We also have a new one there for our wedding... not much on it yet, but all of the wedding party will eventually be on there as they are notified and then the planning will take off.

1 comment:

delta__vee said...

Friday is March 31st...