Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hello from afar

Hey Everyone,

Don't know the last time I've posted here.... although I have been checking it from time to time. Congrats Stoker on your new job... sucks for Melissa I know. :(
Been having a great time here in OZ. Have had my fair share of experiences while I've been here. Most have been really great and some I'd rather not repeat (like picking pears in an Orchard). Staying in the camp for the orchard (about 50-60 people) was cool but the actual work was hard and sooooo boring. Got a surf board now but have only been surfing a few times and I still suck! The beaches here are amazing no matter where you go, and living out of a Van for weeks on end is great (provided you get a shower every few days). The cities and towns aren't that unlike Canada but having the ocean so close all the time and the climate is almost like another world at times... the animals are really different too.

Glad to here the weather is starting to warm up there in Canada. Glad to hear you're going home for the summer Lindsay... sorry I won't be there to see you. :(

Anyway I hope you are all well.


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