Wednesday, November 28, 2007



where? tHE uSUAL.... 4107 "A"

time? 7PM

what to bring? bYOB & aN aPPY oF sOME sORT, pOP iF yOU dRINK pOP...

*** wE wILL bE pLAYING tHE gIFT gAME... bRING A $10 gIFT.....***

THEME: Bring a santa hat of some sort.... jazz or ham it up as much as you want, be creative!! There will be a really good prize for the best one.


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Birthday Week is coming up

Hey Everyone!

Just wandering what is happening for Birthday Week. As I haven't been around for the past 2 years, I am excited to celebrate with everyone this year. Let me know what the plan is.

Take care,

Friday, October 12, 2007

80's Party

Hey Guys

My Faculty is putting on a fundraiser on the 20th of Oct. Its an 80's Party held on campus. Let me know if anyone wants tickets. Its $5 in advance or $10 at the door. Also dress up if you wish. I will definately be going and will be dressed up. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm back!

Hey guys!

How's your summer going? I'm back in town. YAY! I got in last weekend all safe and sound. Dose anyone want to get together this weekend and do something? Let me know!



Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Shawn Fly's home soon!!!

Hey all,

Good news!!! We get to see our buddy Shawn again soon, He is scheduled to fly in from India to Paris to Kelowna on the 9th of Sept. He is taking that week off from work from the sounds of it so we will hopefully be able to see him sometime that week...after the jet lag sets in.! He has not been able to access gmail or the blog very easily so I thought I would give you the heads up on the homecoming...

Friday, August 17, 2007



What's everyone up to this weekend? It's Aug 18th weekend???

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Greys Nights!!!

Hey all you Greys Fans....!! (if you don't know what 'Greys' is, then you are un cool and not invited!! :)

Thursday nights are Greys nights at our house..... I have thurs nights booked off again and can't wait!!! SERIOUSLY!! so ya, the Premiere is on Sept. 27th... hope to see you then!!! ... but hopefully before then as well!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My new business! Mary Kay!

Hi everyone!

I've started my new business making women feel beautiful through showcasing and demonstrating Mary Kay products. If you would like to schedule a mini-makeover or try the Satin Hands product, please feel free to email me or call me.

Please be supportive in my quest to find success in the business world. If I contact you to have a mini-makeover, or invite you to one of our beauty meetings, know that I value your opinion and need someone to practice on!

I'm here to make you feel beautiful! And have a heck of a lot of fun! If you are interested in starting your own business, please let me know and I can help you find your own way in this rewarding industry! (Also, cash in on the free products!!)

Melissa Newly-annointed Mary Kay Beauty Consultant

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hey guys!

Hi guys!!

How's it going? What's new and exciting?


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


THIS FRIDAY AT LINDSAYS HOUSE (July.13th) (Friday the 13th)

We have decided to make a shit load of SUSHI !!! and Play games... Those of you that don't like sushi are asked to bring a meat to BBQ. BYOB and pop, snacks for later. If you are going to eat Sushi, please let us know and then we will be able to figure out how much it will cost... we will devide the cost up amoung us...shouldn't be much more than $5 each to buy everything. Bring any games you may have... I think we may be playing Cranium for sure as a group...that is always a blast at Lindsays house!!! " Pinoccchhhio!!!" :) Please let us know if you are coming... I am not sure when Lindsay wants people over, but we will probably start making the SUSHI at about 5pm if you want to help in the assembly line.

so far we have Lindsay, Ang, Bryce, Larissa,Joanne...
Where? Sugar Lake...
I will be trying to go out Thursday night...if someone comes with me because I am NOT sleeping in the Cherry Ville Wild that night by myself!!! and if not, then Friday morning. We will be coming home sunday.

Hope you all can make it!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hey All!!

WOW, What a busy weekend!! So glad the wedding turned out perfect! so much work on everyones part... we really couldn't have done it with out all of you!!!! Thank you soooo much! Again!

So I just talked with Shawn in India... he is doing great! Finds out tonight when he will be coming home... they have had no internet access for a while, so his blog has been stagnant... he will update us when ever he can. I guess they lost one of the guys that went down there with them... he was unprepared and used a medical excuse to come home..then quit. I can see how it would be a really big adjustment... it would be hard, especially if you are a real family person. So ya, just wanted to let you know he is doing well... not getting much sleep but... sounds like he is having a good time/ experience. I cant wait to hear his stories!

Friday, June 15, 2007


Hey... what's everyone doing this weekend? Doing anything fun? Ang... do you need any wedding prep help?

Where did Mandy go? lol

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Hey y'all!

Whatchya all doin on Sunday?! (That's tomorrow)... I'm heading to a little beach on Ormsby road tomorrow.. it's a new little beach.. really small..but cute and the water looks good.. a bit of grass and a small tiny strip of beach lol.. shouldn't be busy and is nice and shady... if anybody wants to hit the lake, come see me!!! I need friends!!! hahaha Or we can go somewhere else... I just dont' have to hike down to get to this one..heat.. ugh.. bad..wilting... cold lake..welcoming

And yes.. I'm still really looking forward to the wedding. I have the weekend booked off work to come and celebrate and let loose! woot! party on party lovers!

Friday, June 01, 2007


Shawn Are you there yet???! How was your nice short flight??

Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm so behind...

Hello Everyone,

I'm not going to lie to you, but I have been so behind on everything. Keeping up with the blogs, distance ed, and lets not talking about the garage sale I was suppose to have two or three weeks ago. I have been busy with work, but this week could be different. I only have three shifts this week instead of six shifts a week; I'm sure there will be more shifts added as the week progresses...there always is.
I want to apologize to Shaun for not being able to make 'madness' Sunday with bowling, food, and a movie, but I had to work all day and then attend Ang's shower in the evening. Have a great summer, and we will miss you at the wedding. Melissa is still coming to the wedding right? Melissa adds life to any party!
Lindsay, life sounds very exciting for you. I would love to be in Ottawa during the Stanley Cup Finals. I remember in 94 when Vancouver was in the finals...oh the excitement and chaos. Loved it. See you when you get into Vernon.

Anyway, I have to get some work done,
- Sammi

Off to play "Navy!"

Hey guys!

I just wanted to say thanks to the people who made it to Kelowna to hang with me last Sunday! We had a blast! I REALLY need to learn how to bowl 10 pin next time. haha!

I'll miss you all, if you want to get ahold of me, I can be reached though the usual channels (e-mail, sms, etc) I'll be back for school. So end of August I can imagin.

CONGRATS TO BRYCE AND ANG FOR THEIR WEDDING! I'm sorry I can't make it, but my heart is with you both on your special day. :D

Take care one and all! I'll see you all soon!



Sunday, May 27, 2007

Shawn's Blog

Hey Everybody...

For anyone who wants to keep tabs on Shawn on his trip to India here's a link to his blog:
The Adventures of Shawn

Friday, May 25, 2007


Well by the looks of Joel's pictures looks like everyone had a great camping trip over May long weekend. I unfortunately had to work all weekend but did get monday off so a friend and I went and to the tulip festival in Ottawa.

So for the past few weeks I have been keeping pretty busy with work, volunteering and just hanging out and having fun. I went kayaking on the lake the other day, and just got back from seeing Pirates 3. My graduation date is fast approaching June 15, then I'm heading off to the lake for the weekend as a grad celebration then I fly back to BC on the 19. These past few weeks have gone by so quickly I can't believe that my time here is almost over. Its such a bittersweet time.

On a different note, there is nothing like hockey to bring a city together. The parties the rallys and just the celebrations of our Senators is amazing. There is nothing like it! I might be going to the Governor Generals place to watch the first game on Monday. Pretty amazing, and I dont even like watching hockey all that much!. lol

Well I guess thats about if for the update, see u all in a few weeks! Take care

Thursday, May 24, 2007

He's going!

Hey everyone!

This is my sweetheart's last weekend here.. sniff sniff... :( I wanted to know what everyone was up to... I see a suggestion for the Pirate's movie. Perhaps maybe bowling? If we could get a car pool out to Kelowna that would just rock becuase we'd like to see everyone out in Ktown :)

anyhow... let us know!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pirates!!!!! ARRRHHHHH!!!

I am really trying to switch my shift for Saturday.... I have to help my aunt move and then I want to go see pirates that night.... (May.26th)....

Anyone interested??? If I cant get it switched, then you'll have to go with out me... but hopefully I will be there... Early or late show????

Friday, May 18, 2007


Anyone want to see pirates next weekend? If so, when?



Thursday, May 10, 2007

Congrats Sweetie!!!

Congrats on your BIG Scholarship today!!! Love you sooo much!!! My Grad student :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

All moved out

Hey Everyone, just wanted to let you all know that I have moved out of my appartment on Campus and am now living in a house in Ottawa. I am subletting it until I go back to B.C in June. The house is in China Town and I absoluty love the area. Its so ethnic and cultural, and lots going on. Little Italy is just down the street from me as well. Its an amazing location in the city. Here is my new phone # (613) 233-1324.

Take care, hope all is well with everyone

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


WHAT!? I totally didn't realize you were leaving that soon.... time has flown....
You should have phoned us..... we want to get together to say good bye to both of you Shauwns!

well, for sure in May when you get back....

Monday, April 23, 2007

Good-Bye one and all!

Hey kids!

I just wanted to say good-bye and see you all soon! I leave for Victoria tomorrow to fight the good fight. I'll be back on the 8th of May for a class but I'll be gone again on the 25th. SO! You guys can get a hold of my though the usual channels. I'll be online for those who are online...

Fair well and god speed.



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Movies this saturday anyone??

I want to see the Reaping, the two at the town theatre in Vernon still, although they prob change on friday...
Oh!, I work today...Duh!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Small request...

OH! Okay! Since this week is the last week of school, it's been crunch time all week. Soonest Melissa and I are free is Saturday night. Any objections to having it then?

you didn't miss it Stoker!!!

I got called in to work.... so if anyone is interested... we will probably be going to see them this coming wends. night...


Bah! Missed it!

Well that sucks! I didn't check the blog and I missed it! I would have loved to come. Oh well...

Let me know when the next one is and I'll be there!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

movies on Friday...

If anyone is interested, we may be going to the town theatre in Vernon tomorrow night to see Fido... It is the zombie movie that was made here in Vernon and at the brick school in armstrong..... and then Shooter is on afterwards.....

anyone interested?? it is like $6 an you see two movies..

I still want to see Premonition too!!! anyone interested???


Hey Mel,
So sorry, I am too busy to even beging to dream about scrapbooking again yet.... not till after the wedding... then I have to get our wedding album done.... I guess you weren't around yet when I was selling creative memories hey?? yup, I think it wat the winter right before you and Shaun got together. I had to stop becuase I couldn't put enough time into it... I still have my starter kit and all the good cropping stuff though!!! I also worked at Doodles Scrapbooks just before that too.

Monday, March 26, 2007


First of all, a great big Hello to all of u, its been a while. Secondly, Melissa if I was home for your party I would come, sorry I wont be there. Third, what beautiful wedding invitations Ang, u did an excellent job, well done. They look amazing. Too bad you had to explain it to the not so smart/creatively challenged ones in the group (the guys) hahhahaha kidding. Anyways, just wanted to say hi to everyone, take care and miss you all


No scrapbooking for me

Hey Melissa,
I have done a scrap booking party myself; so I am going to pass on the scrap booking party.


Scrappin anybody?

Hello all!

Is anybody interested in coming to a scrapbooking party? I may be hosting a Creative Memories scrapbooking party and need some friends to come and have fun with me! I believe there'll be a presentation on Creative Memories products and techniques and also showing on products you can buy. I think you can also use their stuff and try it all out. So if you're interested, please let me know when you know, then I can plan one :)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Saturday night.

Anyone up do doing something Saturday night? That's on the 24th of March. Let me know!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Another PSA...

Hey everyone!

First off, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive and well. I've been busy tackling the mountain of school work and work work. :p I feel bad that I haven't talked to anyone in a while. The semester's all most over and I'll be around for thouse who want to hang out.

Melissa and I are engaged!! OMG!! YAY! :D Thanks for the warm wishes Ang! You're the best. I finally have my future plans all sorted out too. May 25th is my last day in Kelowna. Finals are done on 23rd April and I maybe working between that and when classes start again on 8 May. Then I'm in classes again until the 20th.

Well that's it from me!

Talk to you all soon


-Shaun (a.k.a Stoker)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Premonition Tonight?

Hey all,
just wondering if anyone wants to go with me to see Premonition tonight at the theatre? It is the new Sandra Bullock Mystery/suspense movie out....Looks really freaking awesome! Anyways... I think Bryce was going to try to go see 300 tonight and so I wanted to see this one... Probably be going to the early show at 720. Give me a call if you are interested.... Station # 546-3637 or my cell which is slowly dyeing.... leave a message if I dont answer cause it may be charging in my car.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Shaun & Melissa on your recent Engagement!!!!
All the best of luck to you both in the future... Knowing that you will always have your best friend by your side even when times get hard, you know that they will always stand by you and it is the best feeling in the world!

Hey all,

Where has everyone been???

Well whats new lately? Been quite busy planning the wedding.... mostly trying to get those dang invites out to everyone... just enveloping the last ones today...
I went down to Powell River from Wends-Sunday...had a great to see my Grandma and my Aunts and Uncles... they are all so excited to be coming up in a couple of months to the big day. The trip definitly was not un eventfull that is for sure... had some pretty interesting times...we wont metion getting pulled over twice by the cops and also the sightings of 2 white 'Wabbits'...
Anyways... it sounds like we have found some people that are trying to get together to play paintball every Sunday... I cant wait!! I want to play!! so those of you like Shaun and Melissa and Mandy whoare interested in playing should let us know and maybe you can come out with us will be lots of fun!!!!

Has anyone seen Hannibal Rising yet??? is it good??? I want to see that, the new Sandra Bullock movie: Premonition- March 16th, The Painted Veil- Edward Nortons movie that he directed, Music & Lyrics, Bridge to Terabithia and that is just to name a few :) So if anyone is going to go see any of these, give me a call.

Anyways... keep in touch.... we should start playing poker again guy's!!!
Oh, and keep checking the wedding blog... Only 109Days to go!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007


Should be fun! I just hope the weather will like me this weekend. My car also died yesterday so I won't be able to get anywhere without my sweetie! lol..

See you all tomorrow!


I think we are... if the roads allow


I can't get to my hotmail right now as I'm at work, but I believe Shaun(Stoker) and I are coming tomorrow.... That is if the roads are alright as we are coming from Kelowna. We can't wait to bowl! Woop woop woop woop woooooop lol

I need to know who is coming tomorrow...

hey guy's... I need some numbers for tomorrow so that i can book a third bowling lane if need be and for ordering pizza as well.... please email me and let me know if you are coming....

Also see the email about the hockey game and meeting Mandy's guy on the 26th... Sammi needs to know in the next day or so if you need her to pick you up a ticket... or else we won't all be sitting together... or they may sell out.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

But the girls are easy targets!

ahhh.. yes... but remember boys... scantily clad drunk girls dancing on speakers is usually a draw to go to the club ;) haha

We definitely need to do the dancing thing soon... :)

But I'm excited to go bowling and kick some butt again ;) mwuahahah.. ahem

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The 20th...

We should definitly do that sometime, but I don't think it will work for the 20th because Cory and Monica will have Xavier and they were just going to bring him bowling with them...and he is usually with a babysitter most of the week when they are at work so I think that they want to spend time with him. A bunch of the guy's I know are poor sports and don't like to go dancing anyways!!!!! :(

Saturday, January 13, 2007


What does everyone think about going out on the 20th to maybe the Mix or something to go dancing? It could be lotsa fun! Bowling is fun too, but just another idea :)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Party on the 20th..... Multiple birthdays!!!

Melissa.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!! Lindsay.....HAPPY BELATED (on the blog) !!!!

Monica's is on the 16th and Ariels is on the 19th.....

SOOOO... people have asked me to host a party for everyone on the 20th (Sat)...

People can come over for 6pm and we will be ordering pizza.... If everyone could bring about $5.00 each($5 should be enough) then we can all pitch in... Also if some people want to bring some bottles of pop.. that would be great. We'll hang out and eat and then go Lazer bowling at about 8pm... Girls...don't wear white shirts!!! :)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year 2007!

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and hope everyone had a great time at the DIC party! I wished I could have been there, but I was pretty sick and I totally missed everyone! The phone call was awesome!Thanks guys!

Hope to see you all soon!