Thursday, June 30, 2005

Dave in Motion...

The Funniest picture ever!!! Dave running back to try and get in the picture on time!!

The Clan

Here we all are.... Well, those who went camping last time.... We hiked to Rainbow Falls and it was soooo Beautifull!!! The water was so fast and powerful. Yes, Bryce is pretending to feel up his brother. For those of you who don't know everyone yet...: From left to right back row.... Kyle(Bryce's Brother), Bryce, Dave(our room mate), Shaun...aka...Stoker(he's in the NAVY!!), Melissa(Stoker's girlfriend), Lindsay(Joel's girlfriend), Joel Front Row.... Me, Isaac (our kinda room mate)

I finally made it!

Hello everyone! I finally made it on here! Glad to see everyone is doing well. :) Hopefully I'll be able to meet up with everyone for the fireworks at Funtastics. I"m going to be cheering on my team at 6:30 in D4 on Friday, so that's where I'll be. Hopefully catch everyone there somewhere and have a great time!

If you want to get in touch with me, email me at or 547-9023 :)

I need to edit my posts before publishing

I have nothing on the go this weekend except work...yuppie.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

great time had by all!

Hello everyone,

Doing a quick check in. I had a great time at Lindsay's BBQ; cranium was so fun. Anyway...what's the plan for the Canada Day long weekend? I know Dave is going to Funtastic music nights, but what about everyone else? I would love to see Zoo 2k (the U2 cover band); I love my U2!! A friends passed away is Monday and the 'celebration of life' is on Friday, but I have to work at the same time. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Lindsay have a safe trip to Quebec.

Want a good read about Gmail?

Now that you all use Gmail:
Go here

I should point out that you get about the same guarantees from other companies that host your email...such as your ISP.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Just posting a reminder for you ang, and i guess Dean now :) , that we are meeting on Saturday at 12:45 at the Whitespot!! Cant wait to see you there, it has definatly been awhile and then you can actually meet my little boy, who I must say was not an accident :) . Anyway catch you there... if you get there before us... we will need a table for I guess 6 people and a highchair.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Well people,

Last night was really fun! I had a blast. Today I leave for Comox and just wanted to say bye! I hope your summers go well. Fun and relaxing. If you need to get ahold of me, e-mail me, call me, post stuff here. I hope I get interenet access but I won't know till I get there.

CAM! Thanks again for the ride and then comming back because I forgot my camers. lol.. You're the best! I'll talk to you later!


-Stoker the great

Sunday, June 26, 2005



Okay people.... I am off work and home at 6:30pm, Isaac and the boys are golfing during the day but should prob. be home in the late afternoon. So lets say if you are coming, come over at 6-6:30 and for sure we will be home. Bring your own meat and whatever snacks... or if you don't want to BBQ, just bring whatever. Last night was fun! We will play some more cards tonight... can try some of the new games we found. I'll set up the lights outside when I get home and then we can stay out at the picnic tables. Bring a sweater.

STOKER: Cam says he will give you a ride home.!!! So we hope to see you. If you can't get a ride in, maybe give Isaacs cell a call.

CAM: Are you bringing your PIZZA'S ????

DEAN: ??? Hello... phone us back... hope you can come TONIGHT.

KYLE: I am going through Armstrong at about 6:15-6:20 If you want to meet me at 7-11 I can bring you in. (If you want to come). You will need someone to pick you up later though... or if Dean is coming... you might be able to catch a ride back with him. Is Monte working?? Maybe see if he wants to come. The last time you will see Stoker all summer, and Lyndse is leaving next Sat. I know you will want to say goodbye to her!!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Tonight 8PM

Not a big deal... tonight at 8 pm our house... playing cards...asshole or some new ones we have printed out... just for something to do.... maybe bring some snacks if you want.

Let me know if you are coming.... we will be at a friends for dinner, but will be home for 8. hopefully we can start as early as possible, cause I have to work in the morning. Cool... see ya tonight.

Shawn....SUNDAY (Shawn squared day)

Hey, Dave and I were thinking that we could do a big get together here if you want.... We could hopefully do it outside with the picnic tables/lawn chairs if the weather will be okay. We could bring the BBQ out front, have some drinks, play some cards, and Cam says he has 4 Extra large Pizzas owed to him. I was thinking that every one could bring whatever they want to BBQ and then we could have like Veggies and Dip and snacks or whatever. I even have lights I can hang up out there for when it gets dark... or we could just gather inside. Well let me know ASAP if you want to do that and we can start planning. I am not off until 6pm sun.. but Dave is off I think. If not, Bryce is here.

If we are going to do it, then it can also be a joint get together for Stoker, since he is leaving the next morning. :( We will also need someone to pick him up in Kelowna and give him a ride. Isaac maybe???

Don't forget everyone.... Tuesday is Lyndse's BBQ at her house!!!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I work on Friday until 9:30 pm

No can do on Friday night. I'll have to find out what happened to stoker on Tuesday night at Lindsay's BBQ. is the new job going? Since I have vowed never to go into the Vernon Penningtons again for personal reasons, you should pop your head into my store after your shift if you see my car.
I have to take off, but I thought I would drop a line to let everyone know I'm still here.

- Sammi

Fright night fest!

Hey all!

Well I assume you all know about what happened to my truck tuesday night at dave's place. If not, get a hold of me and I'll give you the story. The downside is that I don’t have a car at all now. BUT, I can get down to Vernon friday night. Dose anyone want to go for dinner and a movie with Melissa and I? It'll be the last time I'm in Vernon until the fall. So come one come all! Let me know if you want to come ASAP. I was thinking BPs (at 7pm) then the batman movie at 940pm.

If I don't see you before I go on monday, best wishes to you all during the summer. Have FUN! I'll try to be in touch, during the 8 long weeks I'll be tanning in the sun! lol..


-Stoker the Great

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Watch where you stick that light saber, pal


(This classic Dave Barry column was originally published on May 2, 1999.)

It's coming! Put your ear to the page and listen ...

BOM-bom! Bom bom bom BOM-bom! Bom bom bom BOM bom! Bom bom bom bom ...

That's right: It's the theme from ''Star Wars,'' the movie series that gave the world a whole new lexicon, including such phrases as ''the Force,'' ''Death Star,'' ''light saber,'' ''lexicon'' and ''licensed merchandise.''

''Star Wars'' has become an important and cherished part of our shared cultural heritage, like Starbucks and Pez. And soon another chapter will be added to the ''Star Wars'' legend with the release of the long-awaited new installment in the series, entitled ''Episode I: The Empire Gets a Building Permit.'' On the day this movie is released, millions of Americans will flock to movie theaters to share in the excitement and wonder of being told that the theater is sold out through October because all the tickets have been snapped up by crazed, drooling ''Star Wars'' geeks wearing officially licensed Han Solo underwear.

What explains the powerful appeal of the ''Star Wars'' series? Speaking as one who saw ''Return of the Jedi'' on video at least 14,000 times when my son was 4 and refused to watch anything else but also refused to be left alone with Jabba the Hutt, I would say that the key element is the theme of Good vs. Evil. Good is of course represented by Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), who has the Force, a mystical, universal power that causes him to be attracted to his sister. Fortunately, Luke gets over that and meets a wise Jedi master named Yoda (Raymond Burr) who trains Luke to harness the awesome power of the Force so that he can speak lines of really bad dialogue without laughing.

Along the way, Luke meets many memorable characters, including Han Solo (Indiana Jones), Chewbacca (Sonny Bono), Princess Leia (Prince) and two quirky, lovable robots, C-3PO (Tony Danza) and R2-D2 (F7-Z9). After many hair-raising adventures, Luke finally goes to the Death Star (Marlon Brando) where he confronts Evil in the form of his father, Darth Vader (voice by Perry Como) and, in a heartwarming scene of reconciliation, beats him up. The dramatic climax comes when Luke removes the helmet from the dying Vader and gazes, at last, into the
eyes of the person beneath the harsh, forbidding mask (Martha Stewart). In the end, Good triumphs over Evil, and Luke and his friends celebrate on the planet of the Ewoks, a race of fun-loving, short, hairy creatures (Robin Williams).

As humans, we relate to this timeless story because we all go through the same kind of moral struggle in our own lives. We have a Force within us, and sometimes we use it for Good, as when we decide to have a salad instead of a cheeseburger and fries; but sometimes we turn
toward the Dark Side, as when we load up our salad with a fatty ranch dressing, or we take all the remaining artichoke segments from the salad bar, leaving none for the next person in line (Nick Nolte).

These timeless themes explain why we are all so excited that director George Lucas (Inc.) has decided, despite the very real risk that he will make billions of dollars, to come out with a new episode of ''Star Wars.'' Until recently, specific information about the new episode was ''Top Secret'' -- nobody knew the plot except Lucas, the actors, and of course the government of China. Fortunately, however, I have obtained, from high-level sources who asked not to be identified (Al and Tipper Gore), specific details on the plot. If you don't want me to spoil the shocking surprise ending (Liam Neeson gets killed), stop reading right now, because here is ...

THE PLOT: There is big trouble brewing in the universe (California). The evil and greedy Trade Federation (Microsoft) is planning to invade the tiny planet of Naboo (Naboo), which is inhabited by a race of strange frog-like beings (the House Judiciary Committee). Two Jedi knights, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn (Siegfried and Roy) go to Naboo, where, after overcoming numerous special effects, they are joined by the Naboo queen (Dennis Rodman). They escape in a space ship, but when the ''D''-cell batteries in their light sabers run low, they are forced to land on the evil, Hutt-controlled planet of Tatooine (New Jersey). There they meet 9-year-old Anakin Skywalker (Danny DeVito), and they realize that he has the Force when he is able, without physically touching it, to raise and lower a garage door. After a meeting with the ancient Jedi Council (the Rolling Stones), Anakin and the others return to Naboo for a climactic finale in which Siegfried (Roy) battles with the evil warlord Darth Maul (Marv Albert) to determine who will ultimately control the tie-in rights for Star Wars collectibles (Pepsi). As the movie ends, we see the young Anakin preparing to face an uncertain future consisting of at least 14 more sequels, and we hear the stirring sound of ...

BOM-bom! Bom bom bom BOM-bom! Bom bom bom BOM bom! Bom bom bom bom...

... and we feel the Force welling up from deep inside ourselves. And so we burp.

BBQ at Lindsay's House

So the plan for Tuesday June 28th is a BBQ at my house. I hope you can make it because I would live to see everyone before I leave. The BBQ starts at 5:00 and bring your own alcohol and meat. If anyone has a game they might like to play like dirty minds or Cranium than please bring it. If you need directions to my house call me or email me 550-4545. Let me know who is all coming.
see you later

Another Guess

A toothbrush?

We can't make it Friday, we'll be out of town.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Dean got the 2nd one... It was a GYMNASTICS BALANCE BEAM.
But seriously.... you put hair curlers in your crevices Dean??

CLUE: for the first one; there is string involved.

~ When you put me in your crevice, I sometimes get hair stuck in my holes.
~ When I'm wet, you cream me up.
~ I can be a variety of sizes and colors to please you.

BATMAN: Possibly interested.... depends on how work go's. Might just need to stay home and relax or sleep.


Hey all!

Issac and I want to go see that new Batman Movie friday night. Who's in? It's most likely going to be the late show. Who's up for doing something before hand? Let me know!!

TONIGHT: Melissa and I want to go swimming tonight (Tuesday the 21st) at the Vernon swimming pool. Public swim runs from 7-930 tonight. We'll be there at around 7 and you're all more then welcome to come hang out.

Well that's about it for me. Till next time, same Stoker type, same stoker channel. :D


Monday, June 20, 2005

2nd Guess

The first one is soap?

Stoker's in!

Sounds like fun!

Stoker can come! Since they don't take reservations, I'm going ot stop down there about 20 minutes or so before you guys do and get up on the wait list.

Bryce: Do you have a copy of Office XP I can make copies of? If you bring it up tonight, I can make copies and get it back to you later this week. I'll be in Vernon thursday/friday so I can stop by then. Thanks!

Anyways, I'm off, places to go, people to annoy lol...




Sorry this is so last minute, but I was not informed that we were supposed to plan something, until last night.

We are going to East Side Marios for dinner at about 6pm (leaving our house at 6), we will go hang there for a while and then head over to Scandia afterwards to play some night time mini golf. FUN Stuff!!! So if you are able to make it tonight, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I will be checking the blog today, or you can phone me at home. That way we can also arrange to possibly car pool.

See you all tonight, hopefully! PS> MONTE DOESN'T CHECK THE BLOG WE DON"T THINK<>>>KYLE, TRY NOT TO TELL HIM. If not then ahh well....

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Anyone looking for a job?


The first one is kinda close.... the second is way off. :)

Team Sugar's Guess

A razor

A horse

K here we go...

This is the first of the who am I 's.... If you have never played Dirty minds....what you do is think of ideas of what this thing may be.... the answer is NOT dirty at all...

~ When you put me in your crevice, I sometimes get hair stuck in my holes.
~ When I'm wet, you cream me up.
~ I can be a variety of sizes and colors to please you.

~ I am always hard, between your legs.
~ I come in all different lengths and widths.
~ People like to watch you straddle me, eventually you get off.

Post your guesses... !! :)


WRITE A NEW STORY!!! If I here that one more time, I think I will seriously freak out. Once or twice sure... but AHHH!! DEAN.... Give Kyle some topics for a new story will ya?

Denise- Kyle is Bryce's brother that graduated this year.

Friday, June 17, 2005

explaination of RDML

Hey Ang... RDML stood for... RyanDeniseMatthewLeyenhorst... I thought that you knew!!

So that's who RDML was!!!

Hey you!!
Everyone, one more person to introduce... My best friend Denise. She also graduated with Dean and I and so did her husband....what can I say... our group of friends was pretty close hey? Anyways, she has a bit of an introduction in her profile that you can read. She now lives in Abbotsford, is married and has a cute little boy. She will be moving back up here SOOON!!! right?? :) Unfortunatly most of you probably wont get to meet her or Ryan (her husband)because they live on the coast, but I wish you could. I don't have many pals left from high school that I hang out with and Denise, Ryan and Dean were and are the closest. So I have all you guy's up here now that I have met through Bryce, which is so awesome (don't make me cry), and you will meet Dean...soon enough.

Welcome Denise, can't wait to see you, Ryan and Mathew on the 2nd.


I was going to put a pic on here of my little boy but I am not sure how to do that... anyone??

Updated Profile...

Well I am not really sure what to write on this thing because I have never used it, but I thought that I would say that I updated my profile if anyone was wondering who rdml was.


Except Dean and I dont look alike at all.


Well, now that Dean has joined us on the blog, I guess I will introduce all of you.
HMM, lets see...What to dish?? (better not, he has too much on me that you all don't know)

Well him and Bryce and I are all the same age and graduated high school together in Armstrong. Dean and Bryce played Rugby together.."Dean was their star Hooker" We will leave it at that. Cam knows Dean. Dean of course knows Cam....who doesn't?? Dean and I were best of buds in grade 11-12 and even lived 3 houses away from each other. (He was my prom date that everyone has heard about....the 'helium' sucking one. :) Sorry... had to bring it up Dean. If you were at the Christmas formal at OUC Kal 2 years ago... you may have met him. We were all sitting together. Hmm... He is a fulltime Chicken killer, cleaner... or what ever you want to call it, in Armstrong. Making big bucks of course... and to go with that, "Yes Ladies" he is single.!! Don't worry Dean... we don't have too many single girl friends...and the ones that are, are really nice. Most of the group consists of SINGLE MALE GUY'S!!!!! Maybe you can bring some more insight to the table and help them hook up!!! :) When Dean is drunk... well... he likes to............... hmm....... Ya!!! He likes to pole dance and strip with tall halogen lamps in peoples living rooms. (Hey, Since everyone in our high school saw the pictures Dean, I figured they may have made their way onto the web and some of these guy's may have already seen them.... so no point in shocking them when the finally meet and realize it was you!!! :) Oh, and him and Bryce get into a rut of screaming out "Whatz zz zzzz up!!!!??" all night when they have been drinking.

PS> Dean and Bryce may as well be twins, EVERYONE calls them the other ones name...even me.. I get them mised up all the time when they are together... my bad???

Well that's good enough for now.. hopefully we will see you tomorrow night Dean...
Oh, I am off work at 6pm in Ender-bush and will be going through town... if you want to meet, you can follow me to our house and then we can carpool to Winfield... let me know. I will check the blog before then.

Burnin' Down the House

Okay, how about 7:30-8:00 ish. Bring a snack and your games. If you're into poker bring your wallet!

Besides Ang and Dean, who is coming?

Nice to meet you Dean.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Anything sounds good to me.... I have to work until 6pm in Enderby I may not make a movie. Games sound great. I've only played Cranium once, it was okay! Well keep us posted and let us know times and what you decide upon.

PS> see below about our next camping trip.... maybe you can make it..or come visit??

A Little Life Advice

Hi All

We are definately up for something Saturday night. We were wondering if all you folks wanted to come see Batman Beginnings in the good theatre (the Grand 10).

And/or, we could do a games night. We have a cool poker set now or if anyone wants to play Cranium I'll buy it tomorrow when I go into town (tell me right away). A warning though, I have been busy as f*** ever since we got back and the house is not in good shape! Please drink lots and pay no attention to the chaos.

OMG!!! Check this dude out!!!

Yeah!!! sooooo bad, you just got to control yourself from pissing your pants laughing!

Can't... :(

Sorry... I have to work a lot in the next bit. The only night I have off is Saturday night. I was hoping to plan something then and also get our friend Dean to maybe come. I was thinking of going to see War of the Worlds, but it is not in until next week I guess. Games night would be really great!!! Is Friday the only night you can do something or are you available Sat??

I know Keira mentioned something about having a games night again soon....... Keira???

Well let me know if Sat. would work also... if not, I'll see you guy's some other time.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Friday night..

Hey all!

Anyone up for bowling or something friday night? How about a games night? Ang, I know you're probably dieing for a games night. Melissa and I want to do something with you guys. Who's interested?


-Stoker the great

hey guy's

Well camping was awesome!!!! So nice to get almost everyone together before Stoker and Lyndse take off for the summer. Got some awesome pictures.... they will be online soon hopefully. I'll let you know.

NEXT KNOWN CAMPING TRIP PLANNED>>> I had to put in my availability today for July.. and I have taken off the 7th,8th,9th,10th. Bryce has like 2 weeks off around then so we are going to go out camping for those 4 days. Probably go to the little forestry site where we were last year on Okanagan lake. (near Fintry). Yes, were are close enough then so that people who tend not to be able to come due to work, can come out in between and visit.

We are also hoping to get our good Friend Dean to come. He will probably be joining the blog sometime soon and hopefully getting together with us more often. You guy's will really like him. CAM>.... HANDS OFF!!!! YOU ALREADY KNOW HIM TOO WELL!!!!

July.16 in Enderby, There is a
competition for floating down the river. It sounds like lots of fun.. From what I hear, there will be prizes for the funkyest convoy or raft...and for the most amount of people. It would be so cool to build some type of mini bar, tie around it, and float down. Should be FUN!!! Let me know if you are interested.... I will try and get more info in the mean time.

Monday, June 13, 2005

That's it, I'm outta here...

Hi Guys,

I had SO much fun camping with you guys, it was the best. I was sad when the weekend was over, I wouldn't have mined staying for a couple more days at least. The pictures looked excellent. I wanted to snag everyone's pictures of the weekend for my own collection, Melissa's also making a scrap book as well. I have Dave's pictures, I'm just looking for Joel's now. So if you can get them to me Joel, that'd be sweet. Lindsay!!! I need you're e-mail to send thouse pictures to you!!!

Also, I've done some thinking and I've concluded that I have to life in Kelowna. I was thinking about moving back to Vernon, to be closer to you guys and just maybe start my own life there. If you guys see any good apartments for rent durring the summer, sent me a e-mail or something. I should have internet access when I'm away for the summer. They want me to do web development, so I better get bloody access. I also have my cell too.

Well till next time, I'll talk to you all later.



Thursday, June 09, 2005

Read before coming camping...

Hey yo... it is thursday and I just got home from the campsite, so I can go to work. Just wanted to let you know that we are at the 2nd private site, past the large campground. Don't forget to stick to the "LOWER ROAD, THE ONE ALONG THE LAKE"....


See you all soon..... OH and we have the creek.. so you just need ice for your food if you have anything that needs to stay cold.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


We are going to need dry firewood,, or else there is no way we will be able to have a fire... there isn't much wood out there. Lyndse id going to try to bring some, but she only has a little car that will be packed. I will try to bring some out too... but don't know how much will fit. ARE YOU BRINGING THE EXPLORER STOKER???? Would you be able to bring a bunch of wood if you are?? I will try to find some kindling tomorrow... hmmm...

Well see you guy's out there.... I leave tomorrow afternoon sometime. Look for the signs with the reflective tinfoil.... when you come out.

hurry up you guy's lets get this paRTy StARteD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 06, 2005


Yay walmart sales!

Stoker's all set and ready to go. Just need to go shopping and toss a bunch of stuff in a bag or six. Sorry Ang, but I can't go wednesday. Cadet nigth! But I'll see you on the weekend! I can't wait!!



Walmart has a good deal on tarps right now.... $8.. for a 9x12. I was thinking a couple of us should grab one each. I am going to get one tomorrow. Because it looks like we will have "some' rain ....hopefully it clears up on saturday. We can make a big roof over our table area if we have a couple good sized tarps. don't forget to bring ropes..

Pop on sale..... 2L pop at Coopers and Zellers for like $1 a bottle.

1 1/2 more days!!!! Iam excited!!!! sure anyone doesn't / can't come out with me on wendsday?? :)

Saturday, June 04, 2005

3 1/2 More Days for me!!!!(Til I get to sleep with the trees!!)

Sounds good Lyndse...

Stoker..... yup... we usually end up playing Asshole allllll weekend long.... so for a change, last time we tried crip and board crib... bring what ever you think will be fun...the more the better. AND IT WON"T BE WINDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A NICE WARM, NO CLOUDY PERIODS WEEKEND>>>>NONE OF THIS THUNDER AND DOWN-POUR SHIT AGAIN!!!!!!!

I was also just thinking more about it...and I will be going to try to get the private site along the lake with the creek..... it is awesome cause then you don't really need a just put all your alcohol ect. except for food (bears) in the creek and it stays sooooo freaking cold!!!!

Anyone have any tarps???? bring as many as you can!!! R*%$ or Shine!! and lots of roap.....

Friday, June 03, 2005

Camping Menu

I have created an easier, more efficient and cheaper way for camping to save us all money. The plan is that we are all responsible for a meal. It saves everyone figuring out their own menu and also saves cooler room for more important things like ALCOHOL. Since most people will be arriving on Friday night and Joel and I will already be there, we will make dinner for everyone that night. Hope everyone likes hambergers. Don't worry they will not be floating in water. So here is the menu:
Friday Dinner= Joel and Lindsay -Hambergers and Marshmellows for SMOREs
Sat & Sun Breakfast= Ange Bryce and Dave -Pancakes, egges, bacon, that kind of thing as well as some chocolate for SMORES
Sat Lunch= Stoker and Melissa -Buns, lunch meat, lettus, mayo, etc stuff for sandwiches and also chocolate for SMORES
Sat Dinner= Bring your own Meat, Joel and I will supply the rest
Sunday Breakfast =Bryce Ange and Dave same as Sat
Sunday Lunch= Issac -Smokies, hotdogs, buns and Graham crackers for SMORES
***Please bring enough for everyone and extras just in case. It is easier to bring home than have to buy more.
*****Also bring your favorite snack food to be put out during lunch, dinner or whenever you want to snack. I will be bringing cookies and possibly rice krispy squares. Also if you want bring fruit and vegis to snack on as well.
Well I think that covers everything. If you are not on this list and comming camping let me know. If you have a problem with this list let me know.
***Issac I heard you are comming out thursday nite, so it will be you, Joel and I, and I will make dinner for the 3 of us. You just need breakfast and lunch for Friday.
Hope this works for all of you.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Camping games

Well here I am, sitting here planning for the weekend, sipping my cup-o-tea and snacking on a cookie and it just dawned on me, camping games.

What did you guys do for entertainment other then sitting around the campfire, drinking. I have a crib board and a deck of cards. Board Games? If it's windy that might be the best idea. I'm not too sure....

