Thursday, June 23, 2005

Fright night fest!

Hey all!

Well I assume you all know about what happened to my truck tuesday night at dave's place. If not, get a hold of me and I'll give you the story. The downside is that I don’t have a car at all now. BUT, I can get down to Vernon friday night. Dose anyone want to go for dinner and a movie with Melissa and I? It'll be the last time I'm in Vernon until the fall. So come one come all! Let me know if you want to come ASAP. I was thinking BPs (at 7pm) then the batman movie at 940pm.

If I don't see you before I go on monday, best wishes to you all during the summer. Have FUN! I'll try to be in touch, during the 8 long weeks I'll be tanning in the sun! lol..


-Stoker the Great

1 comment:

delta__vee said...

I'm in for BPs & Batman.

Man, that thing with your truck (why are we whispering?) makes me nervous about parking around there, even for 5-10 minutes.