Sunday, June 26, 2005



Okay people.... I am off work and home at 6:30pm, Isaac and the boys are golfing during the day but should prob. be home in the late afternoon. So lets say if you are coming, come over at 6-6:30 and for sure we will be home. Bring your own meat and whatever snacks... or if you don't want to BBQ, just bring whatever. Last night was fun! We will play some more cards tonight... can try some of the new games we found. I'll set up the lights outside when I get home and then we can stay out at the picnic tables. Bring a sweater.

STOKER: Cam says he will give you a ride home.!!! So we hope to see you. If you can't get a ride in, maybe give Isaacs cell a call.

CAM: Are you bringing your PIZZA'S ????

DEAN: ??? Hello... phone us back... hope you can come TONIGHT.

KYLE: I am going through Armstrong at about 6:15-6:20 If you want to meet me at 7-11 I can bring you in. (If you want to come). You will need someone to pick you up later though... or if Dean is coming... you might be able to catch a ride back with him. Is Monte working?? Maybe see if he wants to come. The last time you will see Stoker all summer, and Lyndse is leaving next Sat. I know you will want to say goodbye to her!!!!

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