Friday, June 03, 2005

Camping Menu

I have created an easier, more efficient and cheaper way for camping to save us all money. The plan is that we are all responsible for a meal. It saves everyone figuring out their own menu and also saves cooler room for more important things like ALCOHOL. Since most people will be arriving on Friday night and Joel and I will already be there, we will make dinner for everyone that night. Hope everyone likes hambergers. Don't worry they will not be floating in water. So here is the menu:
Friday Dinner= Joel and Lindsay -Hambergers and Marshmellows for SMOREs
Sat & Sun Breakfast= Ange Bryce and Dave -Pancakes, egges, bacon, that kind of thing as well as some chocolate for SMORES
Sat Lunch= Stoker and Melissa -Buns, lunch meat, lettus, mayo, etc stuff for sandwiches and also chocolate for SMORES
Sat Dinner= Bring your own Meat, Joel and I will supply the rest
Sunday Breakfast =Bryce Ange and Dave same as Sat
Sunday Lunch= Issac -Smokies, hotdogs, buns and Graham crackers for SMORES
***Please bring enough for everyone and extras just in case. It is easier to bring home than have to buy more.
*****Also bring your favorite snack food to be put out during lunch, dinner or whenever you want to snack. I will be bringing cookies and possibly rice krispy squares. Also if you want bring fruit and vegis to snack on as well.
Well I think that covers everything. If you are not on this list and comming camping let me know. If you have a problem with this list let me know.
***Issac I heard you are comming out thursday nite, so it will be you, Joel and I, and I will make dinner for the 3 of us. You just need breakfast and lunch for Friday.
Hope this works for all of you.

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