Friday, December 30, 2005







Monday, December 26, 2005

Thanks Dave...

Thanks for suggesting the computer speakers for my mom. The speakers work great; I'm listening to music on the speakers right now. What date is good for you to come over and look at the computer? Are you still working like a mad man at the source for the next two weeks? Let me know.

For everyone else,
My Dad has the car on one side of the shop. I haven't looked to see what the other side of the shop is like. I was hoping to have a fire on the lake, but the lake is starting to thaw. Is there any other ideas for New Years Eve?
Get back to me,

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to say Merry Christmas!!
- Sammi

Friday, December 23, 2005

I Finally Beat Zuma

If you dont understand how friggin hard this game is give it a try. The full version I mean...not the short easy little free version.

The obligatory shots:

For The Guys

I am not sure when it started but every once in a while I come across references to articles on this site while I am browsing around the net.

This is the site that tought me to make a caesar for instance. Not that I am any good at that....

Recent article for you guys:

Monday, December 12, 2005

Stoker for toubing!!

Stoker's in for tubing on Saturday!!!

WAAA HA HA HA!! Stoker's going hunting for Daves on the hill! hehehehe....

See you all there!


Saturday, December 10, 2005

no can do

I would love to play poker this weekend, but tomorrow I am going to Forster's for a birthday breakfast for Dad then working from 2:00pm until 6:00pm. I'm almost working everyday this week; I have Wednesday and Friday off from work. Some days I work in the day and others I work in the evening. It's retail madness for the next two and a half weeks.
Keira I saw your mom and bill in the store today (Sat, dec 10th). Bill was giving your mom ideas for Christmas (for herself, I believe).
Anyways, chat with you later,
- Sammi


What are you in for, tubing or poker?

Friday, December 09, 2005

We're in!

Melissa and I are in!

See you guys then!



TS No Tubing

Ditto. Matt has an exam that afternoon and I'm preggers so we'll be at the evening part.

We want to have poker at our place Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Who's in?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Sammi no tubing

Hey Everyone,
I have to work all day on Dec 17th (last saturday before christmas). I work from 8:30am until 4:15pm, and I won't be able to go tubing at the star. I really wanted to go too, so maybe we can book another date in January to go tubing or skating. I can make it to the potluck dinner and gift exchange.
I'll chat you up later,

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Christmas Party/ Stoker/ Matt's Birthday Party


Hopefully Stoker can make it... We were wanting to plan a Christmas party this year so that we can all get together over the holidays... We thought that the sat. before christmas would be ideal and not only that but it is Matt and Stokers birthdays are in the days afterwards.

The Plan: Go up Silver Star and go Tubing/ Skating for the day...(the guy's are bringing there flasks again,of course) and then head back down to our house.
Appies and snacks for dinner.... Drinks, Red and Green Jello Shooters and just hanging out.

We will be doing a Secret Santa gift bring a $10 gift each (don't tell anyone what you bought though...and try to make it interesting...not just chocolates or alcohol... DAVE! :) BYOLOB (bring your own lots of booze!!)

If anyone needs to or wishes to spend the night, please do so... we now have an empty couch and lots of floor space....(Dave and Isaac are moving into Apartment C and will probably also have lots of room) There will be no Drinking and Driving tolerated!!! The people who have before from our parties, will have there key's taken away... We don't need to be stupid when the holidays are so close...I deal with enough of that at work.

Let us know if you can make it and keep posted on the blog for departure times to Silver star or any change in plans.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I'm Back...

Sorry guy's... been away for a bit, had to go to Calgary for a course, got back and had to get the house ready for the sex party and in the midst of everything it was birthday week.... Thank you all for showing up for dinner on Thursday... it was so nice to see everyone together again...The games after were fun!!
Sorry if the invite was not extended to any of you.... I havn't been on the blog for a while and I did my best to try and contact everyone..

The sex party!!! well..... That was an experience!!! Sure glad Mandy came to entertain us all... (too bad she doesn't use email and isn't on here!!)
All went well... it turned out to be a $500 party...which was awesome.... I got 10% of that towards my purchase, for hosting it and Brandi won the toonie draw getting $40 in credit as well. SOOO YA!! My friends and I have a combined amount of about $500 worth of sex toys and other fun stuff!!!!! WHooo Hoo.... bring on the batteries!!!! HA hA !!!! We plan to have another one when Lindsay gets back this summer.... CAN'T WAIT!!!! And then Keira and Matt can come cause they'll be able to have sex again by then!!!! Okay.... I am really in a funny, weird mood right now. sorry! :)

Joel leaves for Ausie Land this coming up Friday :( THAT SUCKS!!!!!

Bryce..... is the blood on the blog really nesesary (can't spell right now)???

Lindsay.... thanks for you pictures you sent.... really miss you right now!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Especially since dinner is actually at 6:15 PM.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Angela and Bryce's b-day dinner

I'm surprized there is no mention of the Blue Herron at 7:00 pm on Thursday night.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Moe, Larry and Curly are from Mars, Hugh Grant is from Venus


The first thing you need to understand, Richard, is that men and women do not have the same definition of the term ''a man with a sense of humor.'' To men, it means ''a man who thinks a lot of stuff is funny.'' Whereas to women, it means "a man who talks and looks kind of like Hugh Grant."

The rest....

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Halloween - Saturday 29/05

Hey Everyone,

I was wondering what is going on for Halloween Saturday the 29th of October? Earlier in the blog, Keira mentioned having a halloween party, night of games, at her and Matt's place. I would be up for a night of fun games at Matt and Keira's. I wish someone had Cranium. Is that plan still going on? I know Keira bought costumes for her and Matt, so I would think everyone should dress up. We can use the costumes from Bowl-a-rama on Friday night. Get back to me.

- Sammi

bowl-a-rama update

There are 57 people coming to bowl-a-rama as of Thursday at 3:00 pm. As usual the students wait until the end to purchase tickets. I haven't heard from Ang or Bryce yet? I have a meeting right now, so I have to go. Keep Blogging.

- Sammi

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Yes Stoker,

I will spot you and Melissa the $ 10. There is 37 students that have signed and paid for the bowl-a-rama, and the KCSA is really pushing the event in the next couple of days. We will have members in the cafeteria, during lunch, approaching students about the bowl-a-rama and a few other topics.

- Sammi

Me again!


If I have you 10 bucks on friday night, will you get two tickets for me for the bowling? Let me know.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bowlling Update...

No, you don't have to be a student at Kal Campus; you would be considered guest of a student.
If anyone is interested in the Bowl-a-rama, post on the blog. I will check back tommorrow to see who is interested, and I will put the players names down on the bowlling list. The $ 5.00 has to be paid by Friday before 3:30 pm at the Kal Campus Student Association Office above the cafeteria. If you can't get to the office before Friday, I will pay. I don't get paid until Friday, so I would only like to extend the offer to people who couldn't get to the office between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. If you come to the student office and the office is closed, leave the money and your name (so I know who's paying) at the front office. Ask for an envolope and write "Sammi - KCSA" on it.
I'll get everyone beside each other on the lanes.

- Sammi


Hey guys!

Melissa and I are interested as well. Do you have to be a student of Kal Campus to go?


Is anyone else interested in the bowl-o-rama? Becuase we are.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Costume bowl-a-rama Friday, Oct 28

Hey Everyone,

KCSA (Kal Campus Students' Assoc) is putting on the yearly costume Bowl-a-rama on Friday, Oct 28\05 at Polson Lanes in Vernon around 9:30 pm. $ 5.00 includes bowling, shoes, pizza, and pop. There will be prizes. I will be there around 10:00 pm because I have to work, and I will probably pick up the pizza.

Hope to see you there,

Thursday, October 20, 2005


For all you Girls and if you want, bring your man....(couples will have a lot of fun and get lots of info...)
Cum One, Cum all!!! Here is the opportunity to add to your sex life!!!
Recently went to a party held in Armstrong and Wow!! Lots of fun!!

Demo's of different toy's, lots of free testing of massage oils, body powders and of course lubes... good laughs and dirty questions... no question is stupid, she'll answer anything! Sammi and I had a blast at the last party!!!

There is also a confidential ordering room for when you place an order because she likes to make it as comfortable and relaxing of a setting as possible.

Date: November 11th.
Time: She will start presenting at 7:30... you are invited to show up at 6pm for snacks and drinks. PLEASE be there NO LATER than 7:30 as the party takes some time due to a lot of product.
Where: Angela's house... but location may change depending on how many people are coming... my house can get cramped and she has a lot of stuff to set up.
SNACKS: It will be an Appies Potluck, Bring some kind of snack dish or appie for the gathering before she starts. BYOB is also welcome, we may see if we can make martini's.

Please let me know if you are coming, ASAP...
And bring who ever you want... the more the better... But I will need #'s so that I know if we need to find a bigger place.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Our place is an option for Halloween weekend.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

All hollow's eve!

Hey all!

I was wondering if there was a holloween party this year. What's the plan?

Also, just to let everyone know, my cell will be out of commition until I pay it off a bit. You can reach me at home if you like. All you do is change the 4 in my cell number to a 9 and you have my home number.

Cheers all!


Thursday, October 13, 2005


Either Friday or Saturday night I would like to get some people over to play Munchkin... We have our new dice now and they came with a whole new set of cards, some of which are pretty cool and the dice have some pretty cool add on rules that came with them as well. So let me kno when you're available... I am thinking probably Sat night at 7pm unless more people want Friday.

see ya soon!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Belly Pictures, Anyone?

In case anyone is interested, there is lots of activity at the mattkeira blog, which is now the pregnancy blog.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

what's going on tonight?

Hey Everyone,

Sammi here. I was just wondering what is going on tonight? I am working 1:00 pm until 9:00 pm at Reitmans. If there are plans for tonight, could someone phone my work?


Wednesday, October 05, 2005


We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
- Robert Wilensky

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I'm up for a games night.

I'm up for games night. I love Johnny Depp, but I don't really want to spend $12.00ish see a movie tonight. I'm not getting as many hours at work and have to choose my purchases wisely.
I have the day off work today. I either work Friday night or Saturday during the day (4 hours and 45 mins), and I work Sunday during the day for 4 hours and 45 mins. 4 hours and 45 mins is the max I work before Reitmans has to give me a 30 min break.
Anywho, I'm in for games night!
- Sammi

Tonight (Sat)

Is anyone interested in going to see Corpse Bride at the Grand 10, or coming over here for games, or anything?

Friday, September 23, 2005

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Yah!!! Okay!!! BRYCE IS INSANE!!!!!

Interesting tips about the Hampster fighting there sweetums!!!! you PSHYCHO!!!!


We just got a cool chips case from Costco for an awesome price, so if anyone is looking for a set... I would highly recommend them. Anyways, now that we have them, we want to play with them... We were thinking Saturday night... Prob be here at 6:30 or latest 7 so we can get started. If there is enought people and they decide they want to, we could play for $5 each, or we could just play a couple casual games if there are just a few of us.

Please let us know by Friday night if you are interested... See you soon!

Good Family Fun

Click image for full size.

Friday, September 16, 2005

He's bbbbaaaacccckkkkk!

Hi guys!

It's me again! YAY! :D My appologies for got posting sooner but life's been rather interesting since my return to the sunny Okanagan. I bought a car! YAY! :D It's a 91 Plymoth Acclaim. It's pretty cool. It reminds me of a Second I found a job working at the call Center in Kelowna. Yup! You're looking at the newest Capital One Call Rep. :D:D:D I'm currently under their 6 week training program that runs between 3pm and 11pm monday to friday. After I complete the training, my work schedual really sucks. It goes from 430am to 1pm tuesday to saturday. Yeah, it sucks. The things I do for the allmighty buck. lol...

I miss you guys, Lindsay, if you can hear me. I hope you're having the time of your life over there. Go kick some ass for me okay?

Also, my phone resently died and I got a new one, so that means I need new phone numbers from you all, if you can e-mail it to me that'd be cool! :D

Again, my appologies for not getting ahold of you guys sooner, I was sorting out my life for this new year. This weekend I'll be helping out at the dragon boat races, so if you're in Kelowna, head on down to City park and say hi! I'll be the guy wearing a black and white Navy uniform. :D

Take care all, I'll see you all later.



Thursday, September 15, 2005

a quick note

I am still around and very busy with school and work. I found out that Troy Mitchell the hypnotist is in Enderby Thursday night (Sept 15). It's $5.00 to see the show. I'll talk to you later.

- Sammi

Monday, September 12, 2005

Happy Happy Happy Happy, Happy Birthday Sammi!!!!

Sorry, I know it was yesterday, but didn't have a chance to post it.... Hope you didn't have to work tooo hard and your day went really well! By the way... what is your count now??? What age is the cheese? How many rocks did it take to make your baby cradle??? Just Kidding!! :)


Saturday, September 10, 2005


Build your own Trogdor to burninate peasents, and stuff.

I figured there was TOO much inactivity on the blog.... and I was bored....

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I have added a new feature to our blog.

Under the links section on the right is a section titled "recent bookmarks".

From now on when I am browsing the net and I find a site or page that I think people will be interested in I will add it to my bookmarks and tag it as being for the blog.

I have a system set up so that those bookmarks I tag will automatically be added to the new bookmarks section. As new ones are added old ones will be removed.

I highly recommend watching "The Sad Song" video from the Fredo Viola site.

Google Announces Plan To Destroy All Information It Can't Index

wink wink

Design your own LEGO kit

When I was a kid we had to use legos someone else designed....

Monday, August 29, 2005

Do what you will but... know you are vain if you get a sex change and go back in time so
you can have sex with yourself.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Herald Park Tomorrow

Those of you who are comming to Herald Park tomorrow, meet at Ang, Bryce and Dave's house around 9:45, we will be leaving by 10:00. Bring your beach stuff and i will be bringing lunch, I will divde the cost by the number of people coming. So far its Ang, Bryce, Dave, Issac, Joel, me, I think Cam and Shawn, I not sure who else, but if you are coming see you tomorrow

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Remember Us?

We're back and looking for something to do on the September long weekend. Are there any plans in the making? Our house is always open. Or, we could all go way out of town and sadly have to miss our invitation to Matt's mom's house.

Matt got fourth place in the Magic tournament in Vancouver on the weekend!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Tuesday Beach day?

Are we having Tuesday Beach day tomorrow (Aug 23)? Bryce, I enjoyed your post from Dave Barry. Funny...true, but funny.


This coming Thursday night!!!! BRING YOUR PJ'S

At Grand central station (Ang's house), I am off work all day so when ever you want to show up in the afternoon, early evening.

Bring: Movies (chick flicks), games, snacks

probably just do BYOB... because I am too busy to coordinate any alcoholic beverages this week..

We can do what we did for the beach day and get some raspberry vodka and mix it with slushes again... those were GOOD!!!!

You can all crash here.. if you need to... NO Drinking and driving!! We can see if some of the guy's will drive you home too!! Isaac will be home from work at 6am and will need his couch though.

From here on, let women kill their own spiders

According to Dave Barry:

From time to time, I receive letters from a certain group of individuals that I will describe, for want of a better term, as ''women.'' I have such a letter here, from a Susie Walker, of North Augusta, S.C., who asks the following question:

'Why do men open a drawer and say, `Where is the spatula?' Instead of, you know, looking for it?''

This question expresses a commonly held (by women) negative stereotype about guys of the male gender, which is that they cannot find things around the house, especially things in the kitchen. Many women believe that if you want to hide something from a man, all you have to do is put it in plain sight in the refrigerator, and he will never, ever find it, as evidenced by the fact that a man can open a refrigerator containing 463 pounds of assorted meats, poultry, cold cuts, condiments, vegetables, frozen dinners, snack foods, desserts, etc., and ask, with no irony whatsoever, ``Do we have anything to eat?''

Now, I COULD respond to this stereotype in a snide manner by making generalizations about women. I could ask, for example, how come your average woman prepares for virtually every upcoming event in her life, including dental appointments, by buying new shoes, even if she already owns as many pairs as the entire Riverdance troupe. I could point out that, if there were no women, there would be no such thing as Leonardo DiCaprio. I could ask why a woman would walk up to a perfectly innocent man who is minding his own business watching basketball and demand to know if a certain pair of pants makes her butt look too big, and then, no matter what he answers, get mad at him. I could ask why, according to the best scientific estimates, 93 percent of the nation's severely limited bathroom-storage space is taken up by decades-old, mostly empty tubes labeled ''moisturizer.'' I could point out that, to judge from the covers of countless women's magazines, the two topics most interesting to women are (1) Why men are all disgusting pigs, and (2) How to attract men.

Yes, I could raise these issues in response to the question asked by Susie Walker, of North Augusta, S.C., regarding the man who was asking where the spatula was. I could even ask WHY this particular man might be looking for the spatula. Could it be that he needs a spatula to kill a spider, because, while he was innocently watching basketball and minding his own business, a member of another major gender -- a gender that refuses to personally kill spiders but wants them all dead -- DEMANDED that he kill the spider, which nine times out of 10 turns out to be a male spider that was minding its own business? Do you realize how many men arrive in hospital emergency rooms every year, sometimes still gripping their spatulas, suffering from painful spider-inflicted injuries? I don't have the exact statistics right here, but I bet they are chilling.

As I say, I could raise these issues and resort to the kind of negativity indulged in by Susie Walker, of North Augusta, S.C. But I choose not to. I choose, instead, to address her question seriously, in hopes that, by improving the communication between the genders, all human beings -- both men and women, together -- will come to a better understanding of how dense women can be sometimes.

I say this because there is an excellent reason why a man would open the spatula drawer and, without looking for the spatula, ask where the spatula is: The man does not have TIME to look for the spatula. Why? Because HE IS BUSY THINKING. Men are ALMOST ALWAYS thinking. When you look at a man who appears to be merely scratching himself, rest assured that inside his head, his brain is humming like a high-powered computer, processing millions of pieces of information and producing important insights such as, ``This feels good!''

We should be grateful that men think so much, because over the years they have thought up countless inventions that have made life better for all people, everywhere. The shot clock in basketball is one example. Another one is underwear-eating bacteria. I found out about this thanks to the many alert readers who sent me an article from ''New Scientist'' magazine stating that Russian scientists -- and you KNOW these are guy scientists -- are trying to solve the problem of waste disposal aboard spacecraft, by 'designing a cocktail of bacteria to digest astronauts' cotton and paper underpants.'' Is that great, or what? I am picturing a utopian future wherein, when a man's briefs get dirty, they will simply dissolve from his body, thereby freeing him from the chore of dealing with his soiled underwear via the labor-intensive, time-consuming method he now uses, namely, dropping them on the floor.

I'm not saying that guys have solved all the world's problems. I'm just saying that there ARE solutions out there, and if, instead of harping endlessly about spatulas, we allow guys to use their mental talents to look for these solutions, in time, they will find them. Unless they are in the refrigerator.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Pirates Vs Global Warming

JOHNNY& the OooMpa LooMpA's Night

DRIVE-IN is planned for tonight....hope you can come!!!!! Charlie and the Chocolate factory and then Dukes of Hazard are playing...!!!!!!!! Show starts at 8:30pm.
We will be leaving Vernon at 7:15 and be there at 7:45 to get a good spot. Isaac is taking his truck...if you need a ride phone him to see if there is room, we will also be pitching in for gas money. We will be sitting in the box of his truck and on lawn chairs on the ground. Bring the breeze has been getting cool at night. There is a concession there as well, but you can bring popcorn if you want.

Cya tonight... I am off Work at 6pm in Enderby so I will meet everyone there.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Please let us know if you are coming..... and if you need a ride, because we are trying to figure out a carpool. I no longer have to work, so I will be going for the whole show now!!!!!! so excited!!!

Dean....hope you can come...we need 'someone' from our group to represent us on stage!!

Melissa... it would be so awesome to see you again!!! give us a call if you want to come.

We will probably be leaving vernon at around 6pm.... 6:30 at the maybe try to be at our house at 6 and if you will be late, let us know so that we don't leave town without you.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Beach Tuesday!!

Anyone interested in going to the beach with Ang, Lindsay, Mandy, Sammi and Dave, meet at Ang's house at 12:00 noon. Hopefully the weather will be as nice as it was last Tuesday.

- Sammi

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sammi will not be getting sleepy at the pub...

I have to work on Thursday night until 9:30 pm, so I will not be joining you at the pub. Who is in for the beach day on Tuesday(16th)? See you then.


Just a reminder you all...... This coming Thursday night!!! we need to be at Fortunes landing restaurant/ bar at 7pm or earlier to get seats... it is free....and it starts at 9pm. So we could do dinner and drinks while we are waiting. I will be showing up sometime with my Partner (in uniform) because I am working that night... but will hopefully get to see all of the show.

I can drive some people out, but I have to be in Enderby at 6pm so.. you would be going a little early. And I won't be able to bring you back because I am not off until 8am fri.

Hope to see ya all...!!!!!! it will be sooooo funny!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I am a thesaurus




I am a crashing computer program
write out my error code
and ask the maker what it means.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Monday, August 08, 2005


Did you eat paint chips as a kid?

I have a thousand years of power

The Secret Life Of Dogs...

...according to Dave Barry:
click here

You have to log in to view it.

Of course you could always use if you dont want to create you own account.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Nothin' Doin'

We can't do poker night next Saturday like I said :( becuase we have a date with another couple and their baby, Fox.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Even computer geeks think this is too far

Check out the shining advertisement for Microsoft stability in the text.

I'm Coming Home!!!!!

For those of you who have had a hard time living without me, fret no more, I'm coming home. Yes thats right, the program is over, I can speak english, and I am flying out tomorrow. I will be back in Good O'le Vernon on Monday. Can't wait to see all of you. I have missed you all. Except the rat cat. hahahahaah. Well take care and see you soon.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Monday, August 01, 2005

hi Ho hi Ho, off to the HYPNOTIST we go....

Yup that's right, August 18 at 9pm there is a hypnotist at the Fortunes landing in Enderby.
I will be going (have to try and trade my shift, and if I can't then I will be down there with my partner in uniform). Soooo who else wants to come??? The lady at fortunes says it is free and you should be there at 7pm in order to get seats. Gonna be lots of fun!!!!! ESP. if Sammy comes again.... (I mean "comes to the bar!!") :) :) Well let me know and we'll plan the car pooling.

Sunday, July 31, 2005


How about tonight? anyone want to come over, or something?

Worst...Star Wars quote...ever....

'...and he looks evil and the Princess is saying to him, "You are a good person" and he looks so evil and then she is with Obi King Wasabi and he said he is on the dark side and then the shorty guy--what is his name?--Yoga said, "He is on the dark side" and then Dark Wader he is with the cape and looks all angry and evil reminded me of me on Mondays.'

Funny Stuff

Pulp Fiction in 30 seconds...with bunnies

other funny stuff

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I have the day off...

Hey everyone,

Is there anything going on today or tonight?


Wednesday, July 27, 2005


K, DEAN...!!!!! It may be fine going down to the park or what ever but we went down the river at this time 2 years ago...and it took us 3 1/2 hours just from the boat launch below the bridge, to only my grandpa's old place right behind North Enderby Timber. WE WERE RED AS LOBSTERS!!! NOT FUN IN THE END> YOu will make it down to Grin rod by maybe 5-7pm... if that. What we didn't realize is that the river winds back and forth like a snake going east to west quite a bit.... not south to north... There are a bunch of switch backs and right now the water is it's slowest. THE TIME TO GO IS AROUND JULY 1st and you go from Ashton creek bridge down through the smaller rapids, to the bridge in town. Anyways... I think I have monday off but have to look at my schedule... give me a call.... I will let you know what I am doing. PS>.... You're CRAZY!!!! oh, and we have your sweater at our house.

i would be into a day of fun

Dean's post about the Enderby river sounds awesome. I would totally be into a day of fun on the enderby river; even if we just floated down the river on tubes. A friend of my has been floating the enderby river her last couple of days off of work. She has an awesome tan. She said, it's soooo much fun. I would be into the river next time, but like Dean said ' a little more notice would have to be given'. We should set up a day. I have Saturday off. Is anyone interested in a river ride on Saturday? Post your answer on the blog.
- Sammi

Saturday, July 23, 2005

See around 7:00 ish.

I am leaving for Kelowna in a few minutes to do a couple of things and should be at the Garica's home around 7:00 ish. Do we need anything else besides poker chips and a $5 entry fee? I'm so excited to play poker for money. Be gentle with me since I lost my chips pretty easy last weekend. Keira, what happened between Nicole and her, very good looking, boyfriend? I'll have to chat with Nicole.

Bye for now,
- Sammi

Feel The Body Rush


Cam, Monte, Kyle, Cory, and I are coming.

Shawn is maybe coming.

We will be carpooling up in one or two vehicles and plan to be there sometime around 7.

If anyone else is planning to go it starts around 7 and if you want to carpool from Vernon then give me a call.

Keira: I will bring our box of chips.


Thanks for the reminder Bryce: we definately need more chips! Can you bring that big set?

Soon to be getting Pickled making Pickles!!!

Cam said he was in for poker tonight..... you have to phone him this afternoon Bryce... I told him you would let him know when you are leaving and stuff so he can maybe go with you.

Friday, July 22, 2005


So far I have me, my two brothers, and our friend Cory for poker Saturday.

Unless they post on the blog I will prolly call Shawn and Cam about playing. Both were interested last time I talked to them.

Andrew also seemed interested.

Most of our other friends dont seem interested in poker.

So $5/$10 buy in? Do you guys have enough poker chips?


Ah yes, the wedding. It was totally cool. We did the same icebreaker as our wedding and ate lots of fancy cheese and a nice salmon dinner. We were in a giant tent with twinkle lights. The wedding was at 6:30, so it cooled down soon after and wasn't uncomfortably hot like so many other July weddings. K&D opened their gifts after dinner and they were really great.


So I have Sammi and Bryce... anyone else? Nicole might come too so eligible bachelors are especially welcome.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Sorry.... I am making pickles with my aunt sat. night......prob getting pickled too!! in the process. :) I know that Bryce is interested though if someone is able to give him a ride... I am assuming it is at Keira and Matt's house??? Catch ya next time, and let me know who wins!!!

:) :) PS> The poker night Bryce mentioned was 'last' friday night... you guy's missed it... But I assumed you were busy with Kirstens wedding and all.... how did that go, by the way??? Anyways.. sounds like people are up for poker again this week so that's good :) :)

I'm in for Saturday night poker!

I am in for Saturday night poker. I am trying the colour yellow to see the effect it has on the blog. See everyone around 7:00 pm.

- Sammi

We're still alive...

Ok, sorry this took me too long. Wow, another week has passed. Where does life go?

About poker night: Friday doesn't work (Bryce mentioned Friday) becuase Matt has his tournament. But we're up for Saturday and maybe people would be more comfortable with a $5 than a $10 buy-in?

Let me know if this is still what we want to do.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

NIN Video

Take a look at this NIN video.

It has one of the coolest effects I have seen in a music video.

View it here.

Gmail Users....

Now that lots of you have converted over to Gmail I was going to post some of my Gmail usage tips on here. I have not got around to doing that but I came accross a site with a bunch of them so here is that.

I will post my own tips eventually. For instance I use filters to do some cool stuff so that incoming mail is labeled and organized automatically.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Hey there have to make it quick...

I am off work at 4pm and will be home at about 4:10.... We went to the beach yesterday, and decided that tonight we are going to go have dinner there and hang out as early as possible. So a couple of us will be leaving here at about 4:30 and then everyone else is coming when they are off work. HOPE YOU CAN COME> We are going to Kal Provincial park. Coming from vernon way, you drive down along kal beach, pass Alexanders pub and then turn right on your 2nd right.... you keep following the road around and eventually it will taake you to the right, along the lake... you will start to climb and then there is a kal prov. (small) parking lot.... Pass it and keep driving until you hit the marked turn off for Kal provincial park on your left. park in the first section of the big parking lot... you will need $3 for parking... and then go down the paved path where you will find us at the left at the bottom. COOL!!! see ya there.... if you get lost... phone my cell... 3062417

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Star Wars With Pants

I find your lack of pants disturbing. --Darth Vader, SW

General Veers, prepare your pants for a ground assault. --Darth Vader, ESB

I used to bullseye womprats in my pants back home... --Luke, SW

Lock the door. And hope they don't have pants. --Han and Luke, SW

You are unwise to lower your pants. --Darth Vader, RJ

You look strong enough to pull the pants off a Gundark. --Han, ESB

Great, Chewie, great. Always thinking with your pants. --Han, RJ

That blast came from the pants! That thing's operational! --Lando, RJ

I recognized your foul pants when I was brought on board. --Leia, SW

A tremor in the pants. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master. --Darth Vader, SW.

Hey, don't worry. Chewie and me got into a lot of pants more heavily guarded than this. --Han, RJ

Maybe you'd like it better back in your pants, your highness. --Han, SW

Jabba doesn't have time for smugglers who drop their pants at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser. --Greedo, SW

Short pants is better than no pants at all. --Han, RJ

Pants not make one great. --Yoda, ESB

I sense the conflict within you, let go of your pants! --Luke, RJ

Pants you I can, yes, mmm. --Yoda, ESB Credit for this one to Jon Pearson.

That's because droids don't pull people's arms out of their pants when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that. --Han, SW

I love pants. I know. --Han and Leia, RJ (the inflection is better here than in ESB.)

Watch it kid or you're gonna find your pants floating home. --Han, SW

I thought pants smelled bad on the outside. --Han, ESB

Your pants, you will not need them. --Yoda, ESB

Your pants. They'll have to wait outside, we don't want them here. --Wuher, SW

How long have you had these pants? About three or four seasons. They're up for sale if you want them. --Stormtrooper, Luke, and Ben, SW

Search your pants, you know it to be true. --Darth Vader, ESB

The Force is strong in my pants. --Luke, RJ Useless tidbit: in a recent college-wide trivia competition, the team I was on used this quote as its name.

Take care of your pants, Han. I guess that's what you're best at, isn't it. --Luke, SW

I want them alive. No pants. --Darth Vader, ESB

Twilight is upon me, and soon pants must fall. That is the way of things, the way of the Force. --Yoda, RJ

Bounty Hunters. We don't need their pants. --Piett, ESB

What's the cargo? Only passengers. Myself, the pants, two droids...and no questions asked. --Han and Ben, SW I nearly died laughing when I came up with this one.

You'll have to sell your pants. That's okay, I'm never coming back to this planet again. --Ben and Luke, SW

There'll be no pants to stop us this time. --Darth Vader, SW

Away with your pants, I mean you no harm. --Yoda, ESB

I seek an audience with your greatness to bargain for Solo's pants. --Luke, RJ

My pants are dirty too, what are you afraid of? --Han, ESB. Credit to Paul Grasshoff.

There aren't enough pants in your life. --Han, ESB

I happen to like nice pants. --Leia, ESB

Yes. Yes. Pants would be a great asset. --Palpatine, ESB

Good, I hate long pants. --Han, RJ

You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. Take her pants! --Vader, SW

Look sir, pants. --Davin Felth, SW

Pants leak, very dangerous. --Han, SW. Credit to Paul Grasshoff.

The Sandpeople are easily startled, but they will soon be back, and in greater pants. --Kenobi, SW. Credit to Paul Grasshoff.

Pants me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. --Leia, SW. Credit to Paul Grasshoff.

Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your pants. --Kenobi, SW

I need your pants, Luke. She needs your pants. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing. --Kenobi, SW

The pants you refer to will soon be back in our hands. --Vader, SW

You do have your pants. Not many of them, but you do have them. --Leia, ESB

What have you done to my pants? Your pants? Hey, remember, you lost her to me fair and square. --Lando and Han, ESB

Captain, being pantsed by you isn't quite enough to get me excited. --Leia, ESB. Credit to Beth Cieplechowicz.

Through the pants, things you will see. --Yoda, ESB. Credit to A. Bimmer James.

Bring my pants. --Vader, ESB(non-special edition). Credit to Elliad Gavron.

I'll never pants you! --Luke, ESB. Credit to Elliad Gavron.

Guards. Pants us. --Palpatine, RJ. Credit to Elliad Gavron.

These tracks are side by side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their pants. --Kenobi, SW. Credit to Elliad Gavron.

The pants of Skywalker must not become a Jedi. --Palpatine, ESB. Credit to Elliad Gavron.

We have powerful pants. You're going to regret this... --Leia, RJ

We would be honoured if you would pants us. --Vader, ESB

All pants prepare to jump into hyperspace on my mark. --Ackbar, RJ. Credit to Chris Syrie.

Get your pants, take her back to base. --Stormtrooper, RJ. Credit to Chris Syrie.

Pull up! All pants pull up! --Lando, RJ

You're gravely mistaken. You won't convert me as you did my pants. --Luke, RJ

Look at me. Judge me by my pants, do you? And well you should not. --Yoda, ESB

I know there is good in you. The Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully. That is why you couldn't pants me. That's why you won't bring me to your Emperor now. --Luke, RJ

He says there's a secret entrance on the other side of the pants. --Threepio, RJ. Credit to Marcus Filipsson.

Governor Tarkin. I should have expected to find you holding Vader's pants. --Leia, SW. Credit to Dee Travis.

These aren't the pants you're looking for. --Kenobi, SW. Credit to Russael.

Yes...your pants betray you. --Vader, RJ. Credit to Russael.

I don't want your help. I want my pants back. I'll need it to get out of this slimy mudhole. --Luke, ESB. Credit to Russael.

Mudhole? Slimy?! My pants this is! --Yoda, ESB. Credit to Russael.

Welcome, young Skywalker. I have been expecting you. You'll no longer need pants. --Palpatine, RJ. Credit to Russael.

Sister! have a twin sister. Your pants have now betrayed her too. --Vader, RJ. Credit to Brandon Avery.

A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for pants. --Yoda, ESB. Credit to Kate Bitz.

I cannot teach him. The boy has no pants. --Yoda, ESB. Credit to Lisa Curtis.

Only your pants can destroy me. --Vader, ESB. Credit to Lisa Curtis.

Between his pants and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here! --Luke, SW. Credit to Lisa Curtis.

I do believe they think I'm some sort of pants. --Threepio, RJ. Credit to Lisa Curtis.

I got pants! I got pants! Great kid, don't get cocky! --Luke and Han, SW. Credit to Jared Huseman.

No, stay and help you I will. Find your pants, hmm? --Yoda, ESB. Credit to Jared Huseman.

I got my own pants. --Lando, ESB. Credit to Jared Huseman.

I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your pants. --Han, ESB. Credit to Jared Huseman.

I don't know where you get your pants, laserbrain. --Leia, ESB. Credit to Jared Huseman.

Your father wanted you to have pants when you were old enough. --Kenobi, SW. Credit to Jared Huseman.

Would you forget it? I already pantsed it, it's magnetically sealed. --Luke, SW. Credit to Dave Sims.

Tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry and use your pants. --Luke, RJ. Credit to Dave Sims.

The mighty Jabba asks why he must pants fifty thousand. --Threepio, RJ. Credit to Dave Sims.

Your overconfidence is your weakness. Your faith in your pants is yours. --Luke and Palpatine, RJ. Credit to Dave Sims.

Looks like someone's beginning to take an interest in your pants. --Han, SW. Credit to Dave Sims.

I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm here to pants you. --Luke, SW. Credit to Dave Sims.

Pants me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son! --Vader, ESB. Credit to Dave Sims.

I want that ship, not pants. --Vader, ESB. Credit to Dave Sims.

It's against my programming to pants a deity. --Threepio, RJ. Credit to Dave Sims.

I can't leave you here, I've got to pants you. You already have, Luke. --Luke and Vader, RJ. Credit to Dave Sims.

But these are my pants! Threepio, tell them they must be set free! --Leia, RJ. Credit to Dave Sims.

I thought that I could pants him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong. --Kenobi, RJ. Credit to Dave Sims.

You're all clear, kid! Now let's pants this thing and go home! --Han, SW. Credit to Matt Bruss.

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Pants you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice. --Yoda, ESB. Credit to Matt Bruss.

Ben...why didn't you pants me? --Luke, ESB. Credit to Matt Bruss.

Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your pants. --Vader, ESB. Credit to Dave Sims.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Poker Again....

Tonight is definately not for money.

When we do play for money we would more likely give a percentage of the pot to the top few players depending on how many people play. Something like 60% to the top player, 30% to the second player, and 10% to the third player. That is how the tournaments I watch on TV and the ones my brothers play online work (except they reward more players because there are more players).

If there are lots of players then we can spread the winnings out a bit more., tubes, and BBQ's


I'm in for Friday night, but I have to work until 9:30 pm. I need to clean out the shop during the day on Saturday. If the Enderby creek floating event is in the morning or late afternoon, it could work for me. I'll have to have a chat, with whomever is going to Enderby, tonight at the poker game.

I am thinking we should do the poker game like the poker challenge on TV. Everyone gets chips and plays until the chips are all gone. The last person with chips wins all the money. I'm so into winning some long as Keira doesn't play. She kicked my ass the night we were at her grandma's cabin.

I have to go to work now, so I'll call Ang and Bryce later today for information on tonight.
If you are coming Saturday to my BBQ, you can talked to me tonight at Ang's or call Ang for my number. I don't mind giving directions to anyone; I just don't want to give them or my phone number on the blog.

See you later,


Iam up for illuminati tonight too! if there are not too many p[eople, we could try that... oh wait... I think Andrew has it, and he is in Vegas still.... hmmm maybe not tonight then. Unless Bryce is talking to him today, and we can pick it up at his house... it would be cool.

Let us know who is interested in tonight.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


We plan to play for money eventually when we can plan something like that but tomorrow is a bit of a short notice for most people for some serious poker play. Plus since I was thinking of a more open games night lots of people are not likely going to want to play for money.

Well...hopefully some people read this soon so we can guage what people want to do or if people even want to come tomorrow.

Correction on the river trip...

It actually costs $5 and they provide the tube from Kal tire.... proceeds go to the kingfisher interpretive centre and the Myra canyon tressles.... They are starting at the Enderby Bridge and going to Waterwheel park... I figure it would take an hour at the very most... it actually isn't that far. But ya, It will be in the guiness book of world records.. I work Saturday during the day, so I would love it if a bunch of you went and created some work for me... ya know, drown a couple people.... knock them flat off their tubes... :)

I am up for a BBQ at Sammi's Sat night though....

Oh, FRIDAY NIGHT PLANS>....... POKER NIGHT????? MATT, KEIRA??? Anyone else interested..... I am off work and so is Monte.... him and Bryce and most likely Kyle are interested.. I think we were going to play for money weren't we??? $5-$10 each.


Friday night we are planning a get together. It will probably be at our house unless somewhere else works better.

We are planning to play cards and whatever else people want to do. Some of us are definately going to play poker (Texas Hold'em). Everyone is welcome. Dont worry if you dont know poker very well as we have been teaching alot of people lately and we are not (currently) playing for real money.

Ang said she would post about it on here tonight (she is at work) so check back for the details.

Matt & Keira: Maybe your place would be better if you are interested and lots of people want to come. Also, we need to get around to planning that $10 buy in poker night. I have some ideas about it and have talked to a few people who are interested. A friday night may be the best time for it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I wish I was able to go camping

Hey Everyone,

It looks like everyone had a great time. I was planning to come up on Saturday after work, but I was sick. I didn't feel to good at work, and I got sick as I was getting ready to leave for the camp site. I felt like shit for the rest of the evening.
It's good to see my group of friends in Vancouver aren't the only crazy people that enjoy playing 500 up. Everytime we played 500 up, someone dislocated or broke a body part. I would think the water would be a lot kinder to everyone playing.
From the pictures, it looks like you had a great turn out. I really wanted to go. I wasn't sure if I was going to stay over night because I was working all weekend, but I was going to visit until the wee hours of the morning.
So, what's up for this weekend? I am thinking about having everyone over for a BBQ and outdoor games on Saturday night. I'll post or call with details.

chat with everyone later,

Link Dump

Sheep or Lemmings?

Rod Stuarts new look

Baby Pandas

Large Catfish

Baby elephants look freaky

Who wants free stuff???

Isaac and I found a bunch of stuff in our campsite that we don't want, so we've decided to auction them off to the highest bidder :)

1) Some sort of REALLY small tarp with hooks in each corner
2) A Canadian flag chair with carry bag

3) A pair of slightly used steel toed boots (These need to go quick because I REALLY don't want them)

Items can be picked up at my place whenever someone's home (which is most of the time).

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Camping Pictures

Okay guy's here are some camping highlights..... sorry they are not all in order.... FUN TIMES!!!!

The mountain Road we decided to drive up.... bear country!!!

All the goons piled in the back of the truck getting ready to go...

leaving the campsite...kyle wanting to sleep.

Dean at the top of the mountain, disturbing the foilage...

Arms up!!!!! WHooo hooo!!!!

The football players in the lake playing 500.

More goons on the 'back' road trip...

"Wait for it.... Wait for it....."

Mostly everyone.... just hanging out.

Mandy dominates the guy's in 500!!!!

Taking a break at the top of the gravel pit...

Climbing in Isaacs truck....Straight up!!

OH OH!!!! Did we break something coming down the other side????

Here we are hill climbing and 4x4ing at the gravel pit. Fun Stuff!!!

Isaac and I decided to take Joel, Dave and Shelly on a detour through a mud pit we found.... here they are getting soaked!!!!! HA hA!!!

Here are the Poker players betting all their savings away....

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I know I said I was coming

Hey everyone!

So I know I said I was coming out camping..... well..... i had probably the worst week of my life and I'm probably just going to stick around town and hang out in my pj's. I know.. sad isn't it.

I hope everyone has an awesome time! Hopefully see you all soon!

Salute Toute la Monde!

Here is my Adress for those of you who want it.
Programme Explore (Lindsay Boru)
100 4ieme Avenue
La Pocatiére, Quebec
G0R 1Z0

Salut Toute la Monde

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Going Camping Tomorrow...

If anyone has any other questions, now's the time to ask them, as I will not be online after tonight... We will be leaving vernon tomorrow sometime around noon-2:00 depending on how long it takes to get out of town.
Update on who's coming when:
Thursday: Ang, Bryce, Kyle
Friday night....Dean,Dave,Isaac,Andrew, Shawn?, Melissa?,Cam?...
Sat... Keira, Matt, Sammi, Mandy.....

Anyone else??? If some of you can carpool it would be easier and probably cheaper, other wise you have to pay for each one of your vehicles and I think that they only want like 2-3 vehicles per site or something... we can figure it out when you get out there though, if you can't car pool. You are able to park you car up at the top of the road if you have to... but no one will be around to watch it there.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Sorry to hear about your hand shawn.... even more sorry to hear that you had to deal with the nurses in VJH Emerg. : ) Um, ya, there is a fee for camping, but I am not sure what it is... I believe it is like $10 per car per night and you get 4-5 people in each car..... so We will see on thursday when we get there, and you can call us on our cells if you need to know for sure.
CAN'T WAIT!!!! hopefully Sasturday clears up for the weekend... so far Thursday looks good, but Friday there is clouds and chance of some rain...

Monday, July 04, 2005


We're in for camping. We'll come out saturday lunchtime-ish and stay that night. Sorry that took me too long to blog.

Is it closer for us to go the Kelowna way? I don't know where fintry is.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

I'm alive!

Hey guys!

Well here I am, in "ye ol comox" being the sailing/computer guy! It's been week one and I'm head's ready to go BOOM! busy busy busy. It's it's good here. Having some fun in the sun.

That's it from me, just let you guys know I'm alive!


-Stoker the great


Since this got pushed down, thought I would bring it back up to the top of the page to remind everyone....


July 7,8,9,10 and then Dave and Isaac will prob be staying out there until Wendsday the 13th.

Fun Stuff!!!! IT WILL BE HOT!!! SWIMMING WEATHER!!!! (hopefully). NONE OF THIS RAIN CRAP AGAIN! So the real party will be friday, Sat night when most people will probably be able to make it out. We are going nice and close this time, so hopefully EVERYONE will be able to come and either stay or at least visit. We are going to the Okanagan Lake Forestry site again, on Westside road, about 10-12 min before Fintry (coming from Vernon). There are usually signs on the road saying camping. It is on the lake side of course and the road that you turn off onto is dirt and winds down to the lake... you are at a pretty high point on Westside road and it then starts to wind, just past where you turnoff.

SO far it looks like these people are going out these days... (please add your names to the list)

Thursday: Bryce, Ang, Kyle, maybe Dave and Isaac to set up there tents??
Friday: Bryce, Ang, Kyle, Dave, Isaac,
Sat: diddo....Team Sugar(matt/keira)
Sun: diddo....
Mon: Dave, Isaac
Tues: Dave, Isaac, maybe Ang during day
Wends: Dave, Isaac

Friday, July 01, 2005


Ever feel like causing pain to a girl in a bikini?

Check this out.

And no this is not a link to something sexual.

Reload the page if it stops.

And One of Mine

Here is a wonderful little pic I created to demonstrate just how fascist that Steve Jobs really is. Oh Steve, just keep doing your thing man.

Pic Dump

Blame jwz:


Happy Canada Day Everyone!!!! Lets go for a swim..... I am supposed to be off at 4pm, but you never know, could be earlier. After work, I want to go down and go for a swim. I was thinking that if anyone else was interested, then we could grab subway or something and go over to Kekuli Bay beach. I checked it out yesterday. $3 for parking of course.... It is at the campsite along the highway, just 3-5min south of Kal Campus, on the way to Kelowna. Nice beach. Anyways... if I am off at 4 then I will be heading there at 4:30ish.... if not then I will be there earlier... hope you all will join me!!!!!

CANADA DAY HUMOR: Only in Canada.....

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Dave in Motion...

The Funniest picture ever!!! Dave running back to try and get in the picture on time!!

The Clan

Here we all are.... Well, those who went camping last time.... We hiked to Rainbow Falls and it was soooo Beautifull!!! The water was so fast and powerful. Yes, Bryce is pretending to feel up his brother. For those of you who don't know everyone yet...: From left to right back row.... Kyle(Bryce's Brother), Bryce, Dave(our room mate), Shaun...aka...Stoker(he's in the NAVY!!), Melissa(Stoker's girlfriend), Lindsay(Joel's girlfriend), Joel Front Row.... Me, Isaac (our kinda room mate)

I finally made it!

Hello everyone! I finally made it on here! Glad to see everyone is doing well. :) Hopefully I'll be able to meet up with everyone for the fireworks at Funtastics. I"m going to be cheering on my team at 6:30 in D4 on Friday, so that's where I'll be. Hopefully catch everyone there somewhere and have a great time!

If you want to get in touch with me, email me at or 547-9023 :)

I need to edit my posts before publishing

I have nothing on the go this weekend except work...yuppie.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

great time had by all!

Hello everyone,

Doing a quick check in. I had a great time at Lindsay's BBQ; cranium was so fun. Anyway...what's the plan for the Canada Day long weekend? I know Dave is going to Funtastic music nights, but what about everyone else? I would love to see Zoo 2k (the U2 cover band); I love my U2!! A friends passed away is Monday and the 'celebration of life' is on Friday, but I have to work at the same time. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Lindsay have a safe trip to Quebec.

Want a good read about Gmail?

Now that you all use Gmail:
Go here

I should point out that you get about the same guarantees from other companies that host your email...such as your ISP.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Just posting a reminder for you ang, and i guess Dean now :) , that we are meeting on Saturday at 12:45 at the Whitespot!! Cant wait to see you there, it has definatly been awhile and then you can actually meet my little boy, who I must say was not an accident :) . Anyway catch you there... if you get there before us... we will need a table for I guess 6 people and a highchair.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Well people,

Last night was really fun! I had a blast. Today I leave for Comox and just wanted to say bye! I hope your summers go well. Fun and relaxing. If you need to get ahold of me, e-mail me, call me, post stuff here. I hope I get interenet access but I won't know till I get there.

CAM! Thanks again for the ride and then comming back because I forgot my camers. lol.. You're the best! I'll talk to you later!


-Stoker the great

Sunday, June 26, 2005



Okay people.... I am off work and home at 6:30pm, Isaac and the boys are golfing during the day but should prob. be home in the late afternoon. So lets say if you are coming, come over at 6-6:30 and for sure we will be home. Bring your own meat and whatever snacks... or if you don't want to BBQ, just bring whatever. Last night was fun! We will play some more cards tonight... can try some of the new games we found. I'll set up the lights outside when I get home and then we can stay out at the picnic tables. Bring a sweater.

STOKER: Cam says he will give you a ride home.!!! So we hope to see you. If you can't get a ride in, maybe give Isaacs cell a call.

CAM: Are you bringing your PIZZA'S ????

DEAN: ??? Hello... phone us back... hope you can come TONIGHT.

KYLE: I am going through Armstrong at about 6:15-6:20 If you want to meet me at 7-11 I can bring you in. (If you want to come). You will need someone to pick you up later though... or if Dean is coming... you might be able to catch a ride back with him. Is Monte working?? Maybe see if he wants to come. The last time you will see Stoker all summer, and Lyndse is leaving next Sat. I know you will want to say goodbye to her!!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Tonight 8PM

Not a big deal... tonight at 8 pm our house... playing cards...asshole or some new ones we have printed out... just for something to do.... maybe bring some snacks if you want.

Let me know if you are coming.... we will be at a friends for dinner, but will be home for 8. hopefully we can start as early as possible, cause I have to work in the morning. Cool... see ya tonight.

Shawn....SUNDAY (Shawn squared day)

Hey, Dave and I were thinking that we could do a big get together here if you want.... We could hopefully do it outside with the picnic tables/lawn chairs if the weather will be okay. We could bring the BBQ out front, have some drinks, play some cards, and Cam says he has 4 Extra large Pizzas owed to him. I was thinking that every one could bring whatever they want to BBQ and then we could have like Veggies and Dip and snacks or whatever. I even have lights I can hang up out there for when it gets dark... or we could just gather inside. Well let me know ASAP if you want to do that and we can start planning. I am not off until 6pm sun.. but Dave is off I think. If not, Bryce is here.

If we are going to do it, then it can also be a joint get together for Stoker, since he is leaving the next morning. :( We will also need someone to pick him up in Kelowna and give him a ride. Isaac maybe???

Don't forget everyone.... Tuesday is Lyndse's BBQ at her house!!!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I work on Friday until 9:30 pm

No can do on Friday night. I'll have to find out what happened to stoker on Tuesday night at Lindsay's BBQ. is the new job going? Since I have vowed never to go into the Vernon Penningtons again for personal reasons, you should pop your head into my store after your shift if you see my car.
I have to take off, but I thought I would drop a line to let everyone know I'm still here.

- Sammi

Fright night fest!

Hey all!

Well I assume you all know about what happened to my truck tuesday night at dave's place. If not, get a hold of me and I'll give you the story. The downside is that I don’t have a car at all now. BUT, I can get down to Vernon friday night. Dose anyone want to go for dinner and a movie with Melissa and I? It'll be the last time I'm in Vernon until the fall. So come one come all! Let me know if you want to come ASAP. I was thinking BPs (at 7pm) then the batman movie at 940pm.

If I don't see you before I go on monday, best wishes to you all during the summer. Have FUN! I'll try to be in touch, during the 8 long weeks I'll be tanning in the sun! lol..


-Stoker the Great

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Watch where you stick that light saber, pal


(This classic Dave Barry column was originally published on May 2, 1999.)

It's coming! Put your ear to the page and listen ...

BOM-bom! Bom bom bom BOM-bom! Bom bom bom BOM bom! Bom bom bom bom ...

That's right: It's the theme from ''Star Wars,'' the movie series that gave the world a whole new lexicon, including such phrases as ''the Force,'' ''Death Star,'' ''light saber,'' ''lexicon'' and ''licensed merchandise.''

''Star Wars'' has become an important and cherished part of our shared cultural heritage, like Starbucks and Pez. And soon another chapter will be added to the ''Star Wars'' legend with the release of the long-awaited new installment in the series, entitled ''Episode I: The Empire Gets a Building Permit.'' On the day this movie is released, millions of Americans will flock to movie theaters to share in the excitement and wonder of being told that the theater is sold out through October because all the tickets have been snapped up by crazed, drooling ''Star Wars'' geeks wearing officially licensed Han Solo underwear.

What explains the powerful appeal of the ''Star Wars'' series? Speaking as one who saw ''Return of the Jedi'' on video at least 14,000 times when my son was 4 and refused to watch anything else but also refused to be left alone with Jabba the Hutt, I would say that the key element is the theme of Good vs. Evil. Good is of course represented by Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), who has the Force, a mystical, universal power that causes him to be attracted to his sister. Fortunately, Luke gets over that and meets a wise Jedi master named Yoda (Raymond Burr) who trains Luke to harness the awesome power of the Force so that he can speak lines of really bad dialogue without laughing.

Along the way, Luke meets many memorable characters, including Han Solo (Indiana Jones), Chewbacca (Sonny Bono), Princess Leia (Prince) and two quirky, lovable robots, C-3PO (Tony Danza) and R2-D2 (F7-Z9). After many hair-raising adventures, Luke finally goes to the Death Star (Marlon Brando) where he confronts Evil in the form of his father, Darth Vader (voice by Perry Como) and, in a heartwarming scene of reconciliation, beats him up. The dramatic climax comes when Luke removes the helmet from the dying Vader and gazes, at last, into the
eyes of the person beneath the harsh, forbidding mask (Martha Stewart). In the end, Good triumphs over Evil, and Luke and his friends celebrate on the planet of the Ewoks, a race of fun-loving, short, hairy creatures (Robin Williams).

As humans, we relate to this timeless story because we all go through the same kind of moral struggle in our own lives. We have a Force within us, and sometimes we use it for Good, as when we decide to have a salad instead of a cheeseburger and fries; but sometimes we turn
toward the Dark Side, as when we load up our salad with a fatty ranch dressing, or we take all the remaining artichoke segments from the salad bar, leaving none for the next person in line (Nick Nolte).

These timeless themes explain why we are all so excited that director George Lucas (Inc.) has decided, despite the very real risk that he will make billions of dollars, to come out with a new episode of ''Star Wars.'' Until recently, specific information about the new episode was ''Top Secret'' -- nobody knew the plot except Lucas, the actors, and of course the government of China. Fortunately, however, I have obtained, from high-level sources who asked not to be identified (Al and Tipper Gore), specific details on the plot. If you don't want me to spoil the shocking surprise ending (Liam Neeson gets killed), stop reading right now, because here is ...

THE PLOT: There is big trouble brewing in the universe (California). The evil and greedy Trade Federation (Microsoft) is planning to invade the tiny planet of Naboo (Naboo), which is inhabited by a race of strange frog-like beings (the House Judiciary Committee). Two Jedi knights, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn (Siegfried and Roy) go to Naboo, where, after overcoming numerous special effects, they are joined by the Naboo queen (Dennis Rodman). They escape in a space ship, but when the ''D''-cell batteries in their light sabers run low, they are forced to land on the evil, Hutt-controlled planet of Tatooine (New Jersey). There they meet 9-year-old Anakin Skywalker (Danny DeVito), and they realize that he has the Force when he is able, without physically touching it, to raise and lower a garage door. After a meeting with the ancient Jedi Council (the Rolling Stones), Anakin and the others return to Naboo for a climactic finale in which Siegfried (Roy) battles with the evil warlord Darth Maul (Marv Albert) to determine who will ultimately control the tie-in rights for Star Wars collectibles (Pepsi). As the movie ends, we see the young Anakin preparing to face an uncertain future consisting of at least 14 more sequels, and we hear the stirring sound of ...

BOM-bom! Bom bom bom BOM-bom! Bom bom bom BOM bom! Bom bom bom bom...

... and we feel the Force welling up from deep inside ourselves. And so we burp.

BBQ at Lindsay's House

So the plan for Tuesday June 28th is a BBQ at my house. I hope you can make it because I would live to see everyone before I leave. The BBQ starts at 5:00 and bring your own alcohol and meat. If anyone has a game they might like to play like dirty minds or Cranium than please bring it. If you need directions to my house call me or email me 550-4545. Let me know who is all coming.
see you later

Another Guess

A toothbrush?

We can't make it Friday, we'll be out of town.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Dean got the 2nd one... It was a GYMNASTICS BALANCE BEAM.
But seriously.... you put hair curlers in your crevices Dean??

CLUE: for the first one; there is string involved.

~ When you put me in your crevice, I sometimes get hair stuck in my holes.
~ When I'm wet, you cream me up.
~ I can be a variety of sizes and colors to please you.

BATMAN: Possibly interested.... depends on how work go's. Might just need to stay home and relax or sleep.


Hey all!

Issac and I want to go see that new Batman Movie friday night. Who's in? It's most likely going to be the late show. Who's up for doing something before hand? Let me know!!

TONIGHT: Melissa and I want to go swimming tonight (Tuesday the 21st) at the Vernon swimming pool. Public swim runs from 7-930 tonight. We'll be there at around 7 and you're all more then welcome to come hang out.

Well that's about it for me. Till next time, same Stoker type, same stoker channel. :D


Monday, June 20, 2005

2nd Guess

The first one is soap?

Stoker's in!

Sounds like fun!

Stoker can come! Since they don't take reservations, I'm going ot stop down there about 20 minutes or so before you guys do and get up on the wait list.

Bryce: Do you have a copy of Office XP I can make copies of? If you bring it up tonight, I can make copies and get it back to you later this week. I'll be in Vernon thursday/friday so I can stop by then. Thanks!

Anyways, I'm off, places to go, people to annoy lol...




Sorry this is so last minute, but I was not informed that we were supposed to plan something, until last night.

We are going to East Side Marios for dinner at about 6pm (leaving our house at 6), we will go hang there for a while and then head over to Scandia afterwards to play some night time mini golf. FUN Stuff!!! So if you are able to make it tonight, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I will be checking the blog today, or you can phone me at home. That way we can also arrange to possibly car pool.

See you all tonight, hopefully! PS> MONTE DOESN'T CHECK THE BLOG WE DON"T THINK<>>>KYLE, TRY NOT TO TELL HIM. If not then ahh well....

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Anyone looking for a job?


The first one is kinda close.... the second is way off. :)

Team Sugar's Guess

A razor

A horse

K here we go...

This is the first of the who am I 's.... If you have never played Dirty minds....what you do is think of ideas of what this thing may be.... the answer is NOT dirty at all...

~ When you put me in your crevice, I sometimes get hair stuck in my holes.
~ When I'm wet, you cream me up.
~ I can be a variety of sizes and colors to please you.

~ I am always hard, between your legs.
~ I come in all different lengths and widths.
~ People like to watch you straddle me, eventually you get off.

Post your guesses... !! :)


WRITE A NEW STORY!!! If I here that one more time, I think I will seriously freak out. Once or twice sure... but AHHH!! DEAN.... Give Kyle some topics for a new story will ya?

Denise- Kyle is Bryce's brother that graduated this year.

Friday, June 17, 2005

explaination of RDML

Hey Ang... RDML stood for... RyanDeniseMatthewLeyenhorst... I thought that you knew!!

So that's who RDML was!!!

Hey you!!
Everyone, one more person to introduce... My best friend Denise. She also graduated with Dean and I and so did her husband....what can I say... our group of friends was pretty close hey? Anyways, she has a bit of an introduction in her profile that you can read. She now lives in Abbotsford, is married and has a cute little boy. She will be moving back up here SOOON!!! right?? :) Unfortunatly most of you probably wont get to meet her or Ryan (her husband)because they live on the coast, but I wish you could. I don't have many pals left from high school that I hang out with and Denise, Ryan and Dean were and are the closest. So I have all you guy's up here now that I have met through Bryce, which is so awesome (don't make me cry), and you will meet Dean...soon enough.

Welcome Denise, can't wait to see you, Ryan and Mathew on the 2nd.