Thursday, March 31, 2005

Scandia..../ Sin City...

HEy guy's.... Does saturday work best for you or is it at all possible to go on Sunday for the afternoon or evening and then to the movies after?? (it's just that if we are going to do both, then I am not able to go to the movie on sat. and we would have to go to scandia in the early afternoon cause I work in Armstrong at 5pm.) well let me know, and we'll work it out. OH, Stoker, if you don't have a vehicle we are able to pick you up, don't worry about a ride. But like I said if we go on sat. I have to leave kelowna around 3:30-4pm. : (

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Stoker's in! Assuming he has a vehical for the weekend. The Fam might be going to Vancouver for the weekend. If they do, Stoker's S.O.L. Zandy may be working. It's a long shot, but we'll see.


-Stoker the grate.

Sin City

How about Scandia Saturday afternoon and then Sin City at the Grand 10 afterwards.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I'm back...

Hope you all had a great weekend!!! The BC Ferries were nuts as usual... and believe it or not I had my 'FIRST' Hangover on sunday morning....(Great Wedding!!!) Free BOOZE!!!! My kinda party.

Sammi...glad you are planning to go paintballing with us hopefully! No one else has mentioned when they are able to go(except stoker), so I guess it is going to stay the 16th of April.. good times!! I am excited about games night too.!

Stoker... Awesome.. you will have to email me and fill me in...I am excited to hear how it went. Are you planning on going to Scandia soon with her.... "oooh a thought just came to mind.." what is everyone doing this saturday afternoon, or Sunday/ sunday night?? I want to go to scandia... anyone interested? you could bring her to meet us stokie...

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Funny Shite

Oh no!!! Sony gets a slap on the wrist.

I wonder if a settlement can be achieved now or if, now that a court has ruled, it is going to be a one way decision: either Sony gets to continue selling them or not.

Gee, I wish they would copy my patented force feedback technology.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Sammi has caught up on everything regarding blogs!

Well, I have caught up on all the blogger news from this blog and Keira's wedding bolg. I am in for both the paintball in April 16th and for games night at Team Sugar's place if my schedule and bank account permits.
I don't know about every other Saturday for games night, but I will try my best. I like the pot luck dinner idea. It doesn't have to be huge meals everytime; even if it's just buns and meat (or veggies) with salads or rice sidedishes. We can do hot dogs or rubbery veggie dogs, and we can BBQ in the summer! I will be taking one full summer session course (Phil 111 and Phil 121?) for the first time this summer, so I don't know how busy I will be during the summer.
For paintball, I will have to book off the Saturday and check my exam schedule. I already booked off April 28-May 1 because I'm going down to the Lower Mainland. I'll have to see how work likes me booking off two weekends in April, but...right now I could really care less about how work feels.

Stoker...some advice of my own to give you about your girlfriend (if I may)." Don't let her see the blog because she will find out Ang and Lindsay are the smart ones when it comes to being romantic."

The ninja's were awesome, as were the ice pictures.

If I don't have to work today, I may take a trip to Kelowna and go window shopping. I do need to buy my sister and another friend birthday presents. I will have to check out Toy R' us and the board games.

I have been busy with school work and trying to make sure I am on top of my schooling game. I am in the library most nights until 9:00 pm. I have started watching boring Math Videos to get a different point of view from the instructor. Anyway...must go and study more.

Talk to you later,
- Sammi

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Bye Ang!!

Cheers Ang! Have fun this weekend. Remember. "Play nice, share your crayons!" All but the red onces though. Thouse are MINE! LOL. Take lots of pictures n' stuff. I get to hide the eggs this year. heh heh heh, donno if that's a good thing or not. :)

Oh, I'd like to thank you and Lindsey, from the bottom of my hart, for the time we talked. HELPED ALOT! HOLLY COW! We watched movies last night, I had to remember to breath half the time.. :D I'll fill you in on the details when you get back.



Happy Hop Hop!

Well I hope you all have a great weekend and don't eat too much chocolate.... I am leaving tomorrow morning at 5am to go to the coast for a I guess I'll catch you all on monday or tuesday. Have a great Easter weekend...and drive safe.

Keira, the potluck idea sounds great! that would be fun. Let us know when you want to have the first one.

Canada's crack down on pirates.

Well I came across this article If the Globe and Mail today. Apparently the federal government is considering a law where all ISPs must record your activities such as upload and download amounts and report it to the authorities. The question I ask is this: What do you think about Canada actually making file sharing illegal? What about those people with MP3 players? The young ones out there with mp3 players and no credit card to pay for songs would be kinda foobared.



Wednesday, March 23, 2005

We're Game

I'm thinking every other Saturday. We could even turn it into a potluck dinner first, if that isn't too much sugar for one night. Team Sugar, that is.

I went to Toys-r-Us yesterday to scope out the games and there are some really good ones. There is even a Cranium Canadian Edition. Maybe someone wants to go halfers on a 2-for-1; i.e. get a $40-50 game for half price? Other good ones included Scene it, a scary video boardgame, and some $20 murder mystery games. Oh yeah and ones like Taboo and stuff. I don't really know what that one is.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

ANT city...

This link in pretty cool and fun to play around with.... it is kinda a Trogdor style game you could say.

Watch out when you blow up the tanker truck though!!!

Play it here.

Games night...

Games night sounds what once a month or every couple of weeks or so? You have lots of room at your hous keira, it was nice not being so cramped for a change... our house doesn't hold too many people for games night. We have...LOTR Risk and Monopoly, Reg. monopoly, Pictionary, Rummoli, Truth or dare jenga in which you can just use for regular jenga as well, Blurt, Dominos, scrabble (whoo hoo)(oh sorry cam!)...? I think that's it.

I like Trivial pursuit.... but we need a canadian edition... or something more universal, rock and pop edition or ripley's believe it or not edition...I saw these on ebay... they even have a coronation street edition..what fun!!! Taboo and balderdash ect. are all good games too.

Or this one could get interesting and hilarious....

More helpful tips by Stoker


Three words. DON'T WEAR ORANGE!!!! Dosen't work! Trust me! Between you and me, we'll shoot dave a bunch of times! It'll be FUN! :D With the two of us. It should be a interesting time!


Cool. I'll give you a shout after 1730hrs.



Target Practice

Don't worry Lindsay, we've got Stoker to shoot at as well :)...

Hey Stoker, give me a call later (like after 5:30) if your looking for something to do.

On Gameboard

Is anyone interested in making games night a standing date? Otherwise it might be put off and off. Anyway we are and we don't mind having it at our house. And it doesn't have to be an all night marathon every time. And Stoker can bring his new lover!

Also buy one get one free is a mind-blowing game sale so we'll go check it out. What games does everyone already have? We have Trivial 90's (duh), Act One (you act out movie lines and folks guess the movie), Dirty Minds (everybody's favorite) and Simpsons Jeopardy (Please, somebody play that one with me!)

Those icesculptures were freakin' amazing.

Save a Stoker day!


Well unfortunitly Zandy was called into work for tuesday, so my big plans with her went downhill. Anyone want to do something tuesday night?! I NEED ENTERTAINMENT! Give me a shout if you're looking for something to do!



Monday, March 21, 2005


The 16th is Perfect for me, but I cannot be the only target for you people!!!!!!!!

Shoot A Stoker Day

The 16th probably works the best for me since I think I'm scheduled to work the next few Saturdays. But, with a bit of notice I can get pretty much any day off except Monday and Friday evenings.

Games on sale!!!

Just saw a commercial for Toys R Us and during easter they are having a sale where if you buy one board game, you get another free... that's an awesome deal!!! Anyone looking for games?? We should keep games nights in mind...

Holly Ninja Ice Statues Batman!


Thouse are some pretty ice statues. And I KNEW there were ninja's out there trying to kill me! Jumping around n' stuff. CRAZY STUFF MAN!!!



Check out these cool pictures... it would be so cool to go see this place.!!!

Now for something totally different Ninja's!!!!

Check out this sweet vid.... Dial up need not apply.
Ninja Vid


I was thinking too... and I think the 16th was the only time that Dave had off work on a saturday. And Bryce says that the 9th prob wouldn't work either because there is a big paper due... so... Maybe just keeping it on the 16th would be best, cause then dave can come, and Lyndse said she was willing to take a saturday off from studying. I know it's finals, but Sean said he would check his exam times as well and hey.... they'll need to blow off some steam and shoot some stuff. I don't know.... Unless everyone thinks that the first week in April works better... I know that it prob wont for Dave... and I don't know if Isaac is working or not.


Stoker did a "oops"

Well as it stands Ang. We can't plan the "thing" for April 9th. I forgot I have to teach that Range Saftey Officer's course. Sorry! *pout* *sob* *cry* Can we do it for april 1st or 2nd? I only work till 4pm. OR....hmmm.....BLAST! I vote april 1st. Like at 1300hrs.



Sunday, March 20, 2005

YAY Coffee time.

Not a worry Ang. I don't want to phone you at work. It's not THAT important. You and Lindsey talk it over and find out when you're both free. No worries. Anytime is good for me. I'll drive to Vernon one night and we'll go to tims or something. You two are the only lady friends I trust, and it would be cool if I can get both of your opinons.

-Stoker. (<--- the cool guy)

wow!! That's Awesome!!!

I am so excited for you Stoker!!! That is awesome!!! I am working in Enderby today and tonight, but so far I have been board out of my mind....with no calls. I will try and phone you tonight then, or you can reach me at the station (250)838-6641 or my cell...bryce can give you the number if you phone him...(i don't really want to post it on the blog). I have no idea what Lyndse is up to.. I know she has class during the week and works and has been sick the last couple days, but other than that..? I will try calling her today. I have monday 'day' off but work in Enderby at 6pm and I have all day/night tuesday off. So if you still want to get together, just let me know. I am so excited!!
talk to you soon.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Enquiring minds want to know.

Hey guys/girls.

If I know Ang, who would be dieing to know how the date went. BEST TIME EVER! OMG. Pool went superb, and the walk down city park was....hard to put in words...just...breathless. I'm crazy for her. Not like Stoker crazy, it's the "hart-tried-to-jump-out-of-your-chest-everytime-you-even think-of-her" crazy. Anyways, I need a favour from Ang and Lindey. Ladies, I need some advice. e-mail me/phone me and I'll take you both for coffee or something. My treat! :) I just need to talk to you both asap! I work all day sunday, so leave me message and we'll talk. Thanks!



"The ring of power"

Cool! I didn't know about the ring then.

Lendey needs to take stoker out too. That'd be fun! I have a ring that I got for grad, back in my high school days. I want the one thouse guys in Lord of the Rings where fighting over. That'd be neat. and now. CAPTIAN Jack Sperrow did not have a ring. Just watched it now..:)


Great tips stoker!!

And you dance with us girls when you are out!!! we like that, women like that.
You are right on with the flowers thing and making them feel important! Best of all is the little things though, like you said, holding the door, listening to her, cleaning out the dishwasher (Bryce loves that job...! But I love him sooo much for it). I am so impressed that he still holds the door for me when we go places... it shows he cares.

oh! ya! and as Lyndse and I are always telling the guy's.... GET A RING!!! We love guy's that wear rings! It's kinda sexy.. Did Jack Sparrow in pirates have a ring??? hmm?? can't remember. Dave bought one last week... Lyndse took him ring shopping. : )

Tips for picking up chicks. By Stoker

*news ancer impression*

Well Ang, the key to getting chicks is two words: "Fuck it" Most men are to scared to ask chicks out. Fear of looking like a Dork or something stupid. Now as a Professional Stoker, I look like a dork all the time, so I've not nothing to loose. Worse care senario is that they tell you "No, go away" and maybe get their guy friend who looks like a brick wall to come and have a chat with you.

Now, if my some mirical they do say yes, a few key things to keep in mind. FLOWERS. LOTS OF THEM. and FLOWERS. and more FLOWERS (sence a pattern?) Flatter them as much as humanly possable. Some may call it butt kissing, I call it being charming. It's all about them. Hold the door for them, buy them cups of coffee/other beverages at random, spoil them every now and then. One thing they like is a guy who listens. Not a smile and nodd, but if you actually respond every once and awhile. It'll throw them off guard. Trust me!

Any further questions, have your people call my people. If you don't have people, I'll get you some and have them call me.



Well as it seems that Stoker will be leaving us for the summer on the 22nd of April... we need to have a going away party for him.... after all, he left us last summer without seeing many of us so there is catch up drinking to do!! It looks like Saturday the 16th of April would be a good day to celebrate by shooting some people in the ass!!! (unless final exams fall then)...but you guy's could take a break and come shooting with us I figure to let out some frustration :)

The idea was to go play some paintball and then come back to our house (grand central station) to have a BBQ !!!!! So those of you that are planning to come, please let us know and we need to take a vote to see where people want to go.

There is Safari Ridge in Westbank where we went last time and it was a blast! And there is also Bushwackers in Vernon which is supposed to be great!!

And for those of you girls that aren't sure about the whole getting shot part.... It stings a little at first, but the fun totally our weighs the feeling and besides.... I WAS THE ONLY WOMAN FROM OUR GROUP TO GO REPRESENT US LAST TIME!!!! we could use some more estrogen accidently shooting there spouses at close range in the back! :) oops!!

I don't mind Safari ridge... it was great fun! but i wouldn't mind checking out Bushwackers either... so I will be going with the majority.

The Stoker Van, may she rest in peace

Ladies and Gentlemen.

The Stoker van died this morning at 1030 hours in Kelowna today. She showed signs of death when smoke started to fill in the inside of the van and flames started to come out of the exause. She was a good van, loved by stoker's everywhere. She life was a good one. There will be a funeral, next saturday for thouse who wish to attend.


AHHH!!!! Stokie has a woman!!!!!

Hey stoker, that's awesome!!!! Will you be giving lessons any time soon? I have a whole class almost filled for you with a bunch of single guy's we know that could use some "Go get 'em tiger" tips : ) Well hope you have fun on your night out!!! I went and did the board walk one time too at the park there at night and it is very cool... that was before Bryce and I were dating. I should take him down there some time. : )
AHHH!! I just read your post about the stoker van funeral!!! you are hilarious!! I mean..."may she rest in peace (piece) ('s) :) that's too bad... there is a big car sale today in vernon though $5 minimum on some cars.... I think Cam may be checking it too!!!

Friday, March 18, 2005

It's Stoker!

Hey guys,

I'm entertaining a lady firend this saturday. Sorry guys. We're going to shoot some pool and go for a walk down city park. She is the most wonferfull person I have ever met! She's also Stokerfriendly! WHO KNEW?! I was like...COOL!

ANG! If you haven't read my last comment about a plan or something before I go shoot some bad guys. I'm free just about any friday afternoon - saturday. The offical date I leave is April 22nd. My ship dosen't set sail untill the 30th. Apearently I need to be trained on what to do n' stuff. Haven't these people hurd of winging it? Like really. What's a good operation with out a guy who wants to do it "his way" Well, last time that happened, someone got a knee cap missing..^^ LOL...

In the mean time, let me know what's what. Appearently Dave and Joel said something about shooting me with paint or something. The only thing I have to say to that is "BRING IT!" I'll show you Stoker War fare (Stokerfare!) It'll be cool. Looking forward to it.

Cheers all.

-Stoker (<---- The cool guy)

I'm in for Saturday night!

Hello Everyone,

I volunteered to sell 50/50 tickets at the Vipers Playoff game on Saturday, but I should be done by 9:30 pm. I will be at Matt and Kiera's around 10:00 pm. I like the idea of paint ball before Stoker leaves.

See you tomorrow night,
- Sammi

Introduction to Dave

Actually Dave isn't Matt's cousin, he's his best friend from waaay back (and his best man in the wedding). You'll like him; he has a Fine Arts degree and is a graphic artist in Vancouver. He's coming up this weekend to do a photoshoot of Matt and I which he will then use to make our invitations for us. Isn't that fantastic? Anyway we're looking forward to tomorrow night!

What is wrong with the games industry? (Part 2)

A transcribe of the game dev rant I posted earlier is available here.

It is essentially some well known game developers talking about what is wrong with the industry from their perspective.

Trivial Pursuit 90's SATURDAY NIGHT!!! :)

Hey guy's,

I just got off the phone with Keira and Matt and we are going to have a Trivial Pursuit night at their house on SAT. They live in Winfield and it will be around 7:30-8:00pm. Bring your own booze and snacks or whatever and we'll have a blast!!! There will be a couple of us going out there from Vernon (or I guess we all live in Vernon, come to think of it...) so if you want to catch a ride, I will be driving and can take one or two more people. Or... if you need directions....just let us know and we can get them to ya. People can also meet here at our house and then follow us out there too (be here before 7pm). So far there is Dave, possibly Bryce, Me, Keira, Matt and Matt's cousin....

who else in interested???

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Please sir...may I have more Battlefield 2?

New hands-on preview from GameSpot here.


Another new movie you may find interesting. Trailer here.

Stoker.... Keira...

Hey guy's hope you are all keeping well, I am unfortunately home sick with the flu... which I think is almost over, but I am just waiting for the worst now because I had a Norwalk Patient the other day and had to go to the penticton hospital with him.... which as the news shows is totally infested with Norwalk virus right now.... so if I have it I should start feeling symptoms tonight or tomorrow. Wish me luck!!

Stoker: any news on when you might be leaving and when we might be able to plan something for you? dave and I have a great idea of what we can do, and he may have mentioned it to you, but until we know when works best, we don't really want to start planning.

Keira: Well... If I am not on my death bed with Norwalk virus, then I am sure I will be better tomorrow... so i will keep you updated and hopefully we can still maybe get together and play this weekend if there's time. I know Dave is interested too... and well Cam is always usually up for games or getting together, if he's not working.. so I know we have the people..
talk to you soon, let me know if anything comes up.

What is wrong with the games industry?

Link at own leasure:

Game Developers RANT!

But It's Over Now

See previous Will Wright link for a related talk.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Will Wright Strikes Again teaser....

My respect for Will Wright just went up. Read this article from the 2005 GDC.

Screenshots here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Sin City

From what I can tell the best looking non-Star Wars movie that will be coming out soon is Sin City.

I love the look of the and white with touches of color. It is very film noir.

The IMDB entry is here and you can watch the trailer here.

It is coming out April 1st.

Monday, March 14, 2005

AH-64 Apache

Many people who know me well know I am obsessed with helicopters. Well it all started with the AH-64 Apache and a game for our Tandy 1000 called Gunship. I have gone so far as to write serious essays for English about them and go through the spec docs to learn about them more. Dont ask me to recite anything though as my memory sucks.

My obsession with helicopters was further cemented when I was nearly killed by one as a child. Now that I write that it seems like the opposite reaction you would expect.

Anyways, with the impending release of Battlefield 2 I have been browsing around for info about the Apache again. Along the way I came accross Boeing's site for the Apache (new version is the AH-64D Apache Longbow) and it has some small but cool videos of them flying:

Link here.

If anyone has any cool sites or info or prefereably videos of the Apache or other cool helicopters I am interested.

Trivial Persuit 90s Night

I think we've roped Ang&Bryce into this, and Robyn wants in on it too. Who else wants to come?

Sunday, March 13, 2005

More Halo Movies

Good stuff Panda.

You can also find a funny Halo series here . I haven't watched it since episode 30 or so (its at 53 now) but I'm going to start again. :-)


Saturday, March 12, 2005

Check out this link you Halo geeks....

If you like Halo you may find this amusing... or not... check it out..
A guy falls asleep while playing Halo and his team mates screw with him online.

OH..... P.S. The 'parrot keeps guy away' superbowl commercial to the right, is hilarious!!! check it out.

New colors & Links....

I changed the colors, thought these were a little more funky and fun, rather than just all bright green...what do you think? I also added some links down the right hand side of the page... watch you don't get addicted to the game though... :) I know I did, because some parts can get sooo frustrating.

do any of you have any cool links I can add to the list?

Commenting on posts...

Hey yall,

I have had a complaint- not to mention any names-(DAVE) that it is hard to keep track of new comments for posts... So I thought we could do what they are doing on Matt and Keira's Blog. When you want to comment on something that is already on the blog, just do it in a new post and mention what you are reffering to (instead of going to the comments section after each post and commenting there). Then I would assume that it works more like a forum and all the new topics, replies ect are always at the top when the page loads and you won't have to scroll down to each comments section to see if anyone has added anything new.

oh ya and.... "Battlefield, Schmattlefield!!!" :) that's what I have to say.

Battlefield Fans Tune In (BF2)

Recently some videos for Battlefield 2 from BFCON have been released. They are AWESOME!!!

A new high res trailer is available here (and elsewhere)

And a long but cool (and partly in German) demonstration is available here

I am pointing out the filerush mirror simply because they use bittorrent and I got great speeds.

The long demo video is really cool...they go into some of the new features of BF2 like squads and such during the live demo part.

They mention near the end that a BF2 demo IS coming...although they dont say when. They also mention some quite high minimum requirements (1.8Ghz proc and so on).

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Check this Hilarious crap out!!!

Homosexuality, fornication cause of tsunami?
Saudi professor says sinful acts at Christmastime caused disaster

Posted: January 5, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2005

A Muslim Saudi professor says the earthquake and tsunami in south Asia were punishment from Allah for homosexuality and fornication committed by residents and visitors of affected countries at Christmastime.

A television interview of Sheik Fawzan Al-Fawzan, a professor at the Al-Imam University, was translated and posted on the Internet by the Middle East Media Research Institute TV Monitor Project, or MEMRI TV. The interview can be viewed on MEMRI's website.

"These great tragedies and collective punishments that are wiping out villages, towns, cities and even entire countries, are Allah's punishments of the people of these countries, even if they are Muslims," stated Al-Fawzan. "Some of our forefathers said that if there is usury and fornication in a certain village, Allah permits its destruction."

The professor singled out beach resorts as places of sexual sin.

"We know that at these resorts, which unfortunately exist in Islamic and other countries in south Asia, and especially at Christmas, fornication and sexual perversion of all kinds are rampant," he said. "The fact that it happened at this particular time is a sign from Allah. It happened at Christmas, when fornicators and corrupt people from all over the world come to commit fornication and sexual perversion. That's when this tragedy took place, striking them all and destroyed everything. It turned the land into wasteland, where only the cries of the ravens are heard. I say this is a great sign and punishment on which Muslims should reflect."

Al-Fawzan urged Muslims to atone for their sin.

"All that's left for us to do is to ask for forgiveness We must atone for our sins and for the acts of the stupid people among us and improve our condition. We must fight fornication, homosexuality, usury, fight the corruption on the face of the earth, and the disregard of the lives of protected people."

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


For those of you who havn't been introduced:

Midgethand is Bryces younger brother Kyle, Stoker is well.... Stoker.., and rackslice is Andrew...

still looking for Shawn, Cam, Isaac, Lyndse, Sammy and the other inviteds to join the blog... where are you guy's???

Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Advantures of Stoker

Ahoy there!!

Is this thing on? Can you read this? Test test test 1, 2, 3...ummm...9? Anywho...HEY! How goes it one and all, this is your neighborhood friendly Stoker saying hello n' stuff.

I also wanted to let everyone know that on Apil 22nd. Stoker will be going over seas to "help" out border patrol, looking for drug dealers and Aliens. (Not the ones from the movies Joel.) I should be back sometime in August. Not to worry, if I had a hart, all of you would be in it. Partying or something. Lots of "stuff" to drink. Thinking of you guys always.



OH! Almost forgot. March 7th has been declaired "Talk like a Pirate" day! Just FYI.

Take care.

-Still Stoker.

Who the hell is AMBER-JANE, Joel????

K first of all, nice blogspot you got there.... but can I ask why you keep posting things to nobody and having conversations with your self??? :) There are some great therapists in town here you know...:) Oh by the way.... who is your newest fan? Amber-Jane????? Anyways if you look under crazyehco323 in which you commented to yourself with, you will come to your bluemooneclipse blog and she commented under the 'kid stuff ' post... Appairently she wants to 'be a balloon, rubbed against your hair, charged with static electricity & stuck to the wall in her condo's pastel foyer.'

I wonder what Lindsay would say??? :) :)
I think i'll stick to my own blog !!! yours is full of weird shit!!! :)

Here's 2 more......GEEK OF THE WEEK

(Should’ve used the howitzer...)

A Pennsylvania man missed a mouse he was trying to shoot and wounded his girlfriend instead. Police say Donald Rugg was trying to kill the rodent with a .22-calibre handgun when his girlfriend got into the line of fire and was hit in the arm. Cathy Harris is in stable condition in hospital. Police say they won’t charge Rugg, but advises against people shooting firearms indoors.

(Gas flusher.)

It’s the flush that ended in a flash and a bang. Officials in Salt Lake City, Utah report an apartment tenant wanted to get rid of some gasoline that had been leaking from his car. So, he caught the gas in a container and brought it inside and dumped it in the toilet. Big mistake. Authorities theorize the gasoline fumes were ignited by the pilot light of a hot water tank. The resulting blast destroyed the toilet and sparked a fire causing 75-thousand dollars U.S. in damages. All four people inside the building at the time managed to escape without injury.


Check this out guy's, It was on the 104.7 FM geek of the week segment... like how dumb can you be???

(Young designated driver)January 14, 2005

The way not to avoid a drunk driving charge is to stick your kid behind the wheel. Police say that’s what happened on a freeway in Wisconsin. Another motorist called the police after spotting a six-year-old boy steering a car that was barreling down the freeway doing more that 110-kilometers an hour. The 37 year old suspect is not only charged with a second drunk driving offence, he picked up another violation for allegedly driving impaired with a juvenile in the car.

Slam Poet

Is anyone interested in seeing Shane Koyczsan with us at the south campus for $5 on Tuesday night?

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Lets see some pictures of the Mascot!!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Hi from Team Sugar

Hi folks,
we're glad for this chance to keep in touch and possibly make some plans; we're usually such hermits.
Now I'm going to make a desparate plea: our wedding ceremony location cancelled today due to constuction. That leaves me to find a location for 2 months from now. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Anyone up for some paintball this spring??? If you have never been, it is a blast! Bryce and I tried it for the first time last summer and really want to get a bunch of people together as soon as it starts to get a bit warmer. We went to Safari Ridge in Westbank last time, but there is also one or two in Vernon and one in Salmon arm.

So dig out those sunglasses and your old clothes and lets find out who's interested!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Hey everyone,

Thanks for checking out our new Friends Blog. I have put this space together so that we can all stay up to date on upcoming events, get togethers, birthdays, Lan Parties (computer gaming) and more. It is also a really great place to just stay in touch and communicate with everyone seeing our lives can get quite busy at times and we may not be able to get together. For those of you have spent any length of time at grand central station ( Bryce, Ang and Daves house) you probably know who Rat Cat is. For those who don't, he is our highly talked about, commonly played with and even sometimes feared (by Lyndse) toy rat. He was purchased for halloween a couple of years ago and has just kinda stayed with us. He is made out of some kind of odd feeling rubber and was knick named the "Rat Cat" due to resembling the size of the average house cat. Anyways, he has been elected to be our blogs mascot and I thought I might as well introduce him to you all.

So feel free to have some fun and be sure to mention any upcoming events that you may be planning or ideas you may wish to share with everyone.

Catch you all soon and remember, keep in touch!!