Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I'm back...

Hope you all had a great weekend!!! The BC Ferries were nuts as usual... and believe it or not I had my 'FIRST' Hangover on sunday morning....(Great Wedding!!!) Free BOOZE!!!! My kinda party.

Sammi...glad you are planning to go paintballing with us hopefully! No one else has mentioned when they are able to go(except stoker), so I guess it is going to stay the 16th of April.. good times!! I am excited about games night too.!

Stoker... Awesome.. you will have to email me and fill me in...I am excited to hear how it went. Are you planning on going to Scandia soon with her.... "oooh a thought just came to mind.." what is everyone doing this saturday afternoon, or Sunday/ sunday night?? I want to go to scandia... anyone interested? you could bring her to meet us stokie...

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