Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Advantures of Stoker

Ahoy there!!

Is this thing on? Can you read this? Test test test 1, 2, 3...ummm...9? Anywho...HEY! How goes it one and all, this is your neighborhood friendly Stoker saying hello n' stuff.

I also wanted to let everyone know that on Apil 22nd. Stoker will be going over seas to "help" out border patrol, looking for drug dealers and Aliens. (Not the ones from the movies Joel.) I should be back sometime in August. Not to worry, if I had a hart, all of you would be in it. Partying or something. Lots of "stuff" to drink. Thinking of you guys always.



OH! Almost forgot. March 7th has been declaired "Talk like a Pirate" day! Just FYI.

Take care.

-Still Stoker.

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