Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Hey everyone,

Thanks for checking out our new Friends Blog. I have put this space together so that we can all stay up to date on upcoming events, get togethers, birthdays, Lan Parties (computer gaming) and more. It is also a really great place to just stay in touch and communicate with everyone seeing our lives can get quite busy at times and we may not be able to get together. For those of you have spent any length of time at grand central station ( Bryce, Ang and Daves house) you probably know who Rat Cat is. For those who don't, he is our highly talked about, commonly played with and even sometimes feared (by Lyndse) toy rat. He was purchased for halloween a couple of years ago and has just kinda stayed with us. He is made out of some kind of odd feeling rubber and was knick named the "Rat Cat" due to resembling the size of the average house cat. Anyways, he has been elected to be our blogs mascot and I thought I might as well introduce him to you all.

So feel free to have some fun and be sure to mention any upcoming events that you may be planning or ideas you may wish to share with everyone.

Catch you all soon and remember, keep in touch!!

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